This Invitation to tender has as an aim the completion of the work of construction of the center of health integrated of AKAK:¶
The consistency of work includes/understands :¶work preliminary-earthwork, foundations, reinforced concrete ;¶masonry ;¶coating, cover and various;¶ ceilings sealed coating;¶frame-cover;¶joinery-wood;¶joinery-metal;¶painting-glaziery;¶electricity;¶box and table ;¶distribution-food ;lighting ;catch ;equipment ;¶chandelier factory ;¶fluid ; cleansing.
The participation in the present invitation to tender is opened in all the companies of public works of right Cameroonians having a good experiment in the realization of work of civil engineering and justifying technical capabilities and financial for the good realization of work which constitutes the object of it.¶
Work object of this invitation to tender is financed by the IBP (budget of public investment) of the Ministry for the Public health.¶
The file can be consulted at the business hours with the Secretariat-general of the commune of Nanga-Eboko located to the town hall of the aforementioned city as of publication of this opinion.¶
The Tender documents can be obtained with the Town hall of Nanga-Eboko as of publication of this opinion, against payment of a nonrefundable sum of one hundred thousand (100 000) FCFA, payable with the municipal receipt of the commune of Nanga-Eboko, representing the expenses of acquisition of the File. The receipt will have to specify the number of the Invitation to tender. During the withdrawal of the file, the tenderers will have to be made record by leaving their complete address: Limp Postal, Telephone, Fax, E-mail.¶
Les offres rédigées en français ou en anglais en sept (07) exemplaires dont l'original et (06) copies marqués comme telles, devront être déposées à l’Hôtel de ville de Nanga-Eboko (Secrétariat général) contre récépissé, au plus tard le 04 Avril 2017 à 11 heures précises, heure locale et devront porter la mention.
« A n'ouvrir qu'en séance de dépouillement ».
The maximum duration of completion of the work is Three (03) months, as from the date of notification about service to begin work.¶
Administration in the name of which the market will be concluded ¶
With the exit of the examination of the offers of the tenderers and choice of the assignee by the contracting authority, the market will be concluded between this last and the contracting authority which is the Mayor of the commune of Nanga-Eboko.
Each tenderer will have to join to his administrative parts, a bid bond established by a bank of first order approved by the Ministry in charge of finances and whose list appears in part 12 of the CAD, of an amount of a million (1 000 000) FCFA.¶
Under penalty of rejection, the other necessary administrative parts will have to be imperatively produced in originals or copies certified by the originating department in accordance with the stipulations of the Particular Payment of the Invitation to tender.¶
¶They will have obligatorily to go back to less than three (03) months preceding the date of filing by the offers.¶
Any offer noni conformity with the regulations of this opinion and the Tender Documents will be declared inadmissible.¶ In particular the absence of the bid bond delivered by a bank of first order approved by the Ministry in charge of Finances and valid during thirty (30) days beyond the original date of validity of the offers, or the non-observance of the models of the parts of the Tender Documents, will involve the rejection of the offer.¶
L’ouverture des plis se fera en un temps.
L'ouverture des offres aura lieu le 04 Avril 2017 à 12 heures par la Commission Interne de Passation des Marchés (CCIPM) dans la salle des Actes de l’Hôtel de Ville de Nanga-Eboko.
Le reste sans changement
The eliminatory criteria are:¶
i) incomplete administrative file or not in conformity, subject to the provisions of the I.1 point of Circular N002/CAB/PM of January 31, 2011 relating to the improvement of the performance of the system of the public markets;¶
ii) falsified misrepresentations or parts (the building CIPM and owner reserve the right to proceed to the authentication of any document presenting a doubtful character);¶
¶iii) absence in the technical offer of a heading "methodology of execution, organization and planning of the services".¶
iv) not satisfaction of at least 70 % of the essential criteria.¶
¶v) omission of a price quantified in the financial offer;¶
¶vi) offers financial incomplete;¶
13.¶ Principal criteria of qualification (essential criteria):¶
The essential criteria will be evaluated in a binary way (satisfaction or not);¶thus, several under criteria drawn from the headings below of the file of tender will be retained for the evaluation of the technical offer:¶
i) the experiment of the supervisory staff;¶
¶ii) references of the company;¶
¶iii) the availability of the material and the essential equipment;¶
¶iv) the completion period;¶
v) the access to a credit limit or other resources financial;¶
The non-observance of 70% of the criteria above will involve the elimination of the offer.¶
The contracting authority will award the contract to the tenderer presenting the evaluated offer with the lowest offer and filling the capacities financial, technical and administrative necessary resulting from the criteria known as essential or those eliminatory.¶
The tenderers remain committed by their offer during ninety (90) days starting from the limiting date fixed for the handing-over of the offers.
The further information can be obtained at the business hours from the secretariat-general of the Commune of Nanga-Eboko or near the Secretary of the Commission.¶