The General Manager of SODECAO hereby launches an Open National Invitation to Tender for the supply, by emergency procedure, one hundred and seventy-three thousand, two hundred (173,200) liters of bulk petroleum products to SODECAO.
Details are contained in the technical description of the supply.
The services of this contract include the supply of bulk petroleum products, transportation, handling and reception. Bulk petroleum products refer to: gasoline, super, kerosene, the various oils (40, 90, waste oil, brake fluid).
The estimated cost stands at Ninety-nine million, Eight Hundred Thousand (99,800,000) CFAF ATI.
Single lot
Participation in this invitation tender is open to enterprises specialized in the supply of bulk petroleum products based in Cameroon.
Funding of this invitation to tender shall be provided by the 2017 SODECAO Budget line RECC: 22757.
The Tender File may be consulted and the obtained at the publication of this Invitation to Tender from the SODECAO Head Office (Building SDAA, Door No.17) upon presentation of proof of payment of a non-refundable sum of ninety-five thousand (95.000) CFAF.
The Fees for purchasing the tender file shall be paid into the CAS-ARMP special account No. 335988 open in all Banque Internationale du Cameroun pour l’Epargne et le Crédit (BICEC) agencies.
Bidders shall register and indicate their full addresses at the time of acquiring the tender file (P.O. Box, Tel, Fax, email).
Each offer written in English or French in (six) 06 copies including the original and five (5) copies marked as such, should reach or be deposited at SODECAO not later than 07th April 2017 at 1 pm local time and should be labeled:
The maximum delivery deadline shall be ten (10) days.
To avoid possible rejection each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first rate-bank approved by the Ministry of Finance and featuring on the list in document 12 of the Tender File. The amount of the bid bond stands at One Million, Two Hundred Thousand (1,200,000) CFAF and valid for thirty (30) days after the original date of validity of the offers.
The other required administrative documents should be originals or certified true copies by the issuing service or an administrative authority in compliance with the Special Regulations of the invitation to tender.
Any offer not compliant with the provisions of this invitation to Tender shall be declared inadmissible. Namely, the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance or the non respect of model documents of the Tender File.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond of One Million Two Hundred Thousand (1,200,000) CFAF issued by a first rate-bank or Financial Institution approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance.
Any bid not produced in six (6) copies and not compliant with the Invitation to Tender prescriptions shall be declared inadmissible.
The required administrative documents should be originals or certified true copies less than three months old to avoid possible rejection.
The opening of the envelopes containing the administrative, financial and technical documents shall be on the 7th April 2017 at 2pm by the Internal Tenders Board of SODECAO in the presence of each bidder who so desires or his duly mandated representative.
1.1. Eliminatory criteria
- incomplete or falsified administrative documents,
- incomplete technical or financial documents,
- absence of bid bond,
- lack of marketing skills,
- non respect of prescribed model documents.
1.2. Main criteria
- Turnover ≥ 1,000, 000,000 CFAF |
Yes/No |
- access to credit or attestation of financial standing |
Yes/No |
- delivery deadline less than or equal to 2 days |
Yes/No |
- availability of petroleum products |
Yes/No |
- professional experience of managerial staff (CV; Diplomas) |
Yes/No |
- references of similar contracts ( at least five supplies and attach reception report) |
Yes/No |
- validity of voucher ≥ eighteen months |
Yes/No |
- existence of the consumption cards |
Yes/No |
- implantation in SODECAO zone (Centre; South, East and Littoral Regions) |
Yes/No |
The non respect of more than two (2) criteria shall lead to the elimination of the bid.
The Board shall propose to the contracting authority that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder with the required technical capacities.
Bidders shall be bound by theirs offers for ninety days (90 days) as from the deadline set for the the submission of bids.
Additional information may be obtained from SODECAO (SDAA building, door No. 17, Tel: 677 17 57 31/222-30-45-44).