Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 02-06-2023 à 16:23
Support : Plateforme :
for THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DIAMARE DIVISIONALDELEGATION OF WATER RESOURCES AND ENERGY, DIAMARE DIVISION FAR-NORTH REGION, înemergency procédureFundiug: Public Invesfmeut Budget oflïie tlie Ministry ofWater Resources andenergy, year 2023
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

As part of the exécution of the Public Investment Budget of the Repubiic of Cameroon Fiscal Year
2023, the Senor Divisional Officer of Diamaré, Contracting Authority (ACj. launches on behalf of tlie Sub
divisionai Délégation ofWatcr Resources and Energy of Diamaré, a Notice of Open National invitation
to Tender, in emergency procédure, for the exécution of the construction works of the Sub divisional
Délégation ofWater and Energy, Diamai'é Division, Far North Région.

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The services of this contract include:
> PreUminary work;
> Embankment works;
> Masonry work and concrète;
> Roof and ceiling works;
> Wood and metalic Works ;
> Plumbing and sanitary Appliance ;
> Coating ;
> Painting and varnishing ;
> ElectricalWorks;
> Roads and utilities.

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

sixty-five million (65 000 000) CFA

4.Allotissement New(Additif)


5.Participation et origine New(Additif)

Theapplication to this invitation to tender is opened with equal conditions to Cameroon-
Law reîated fîims and companies experienced in simiiar works and located in Cameroon.

6.Financement New(Additif)

The Works, subject ofthis Call forTenders. are financed by the Public Investment Budget for Water
Rsources and Energy (MINEE), Fiscal Year 2023. Budget aliocation: 53 31 407 01 641313 2220 B21.
Expendilure authorization; N"'1Y04951. for an estimated cost of sixty-five million (65 000 000) CFA

7.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

As soon as this notice is published, the tender file can be consulted on working days and hours atthe
Diamaré Divisional Office.

8.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The tender 51e can beobtained inthe services ofthe Préfecture ofDiamaré. as soon as thisnotice is
published, on présentation of areceipt for payment to the public treasury ofanon-refundable sum of
seventy five thousand (75,000) CFA francs for the purchase costs ofthe file.

9.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Seven copies of eacli tender application written either in English or in French; one [Olj original
doaiment and six (06) copies labelled as such, in accordance with the invitation to tender should be
submitted in a sealed envelope against a receipt at the Diamaré Divisional Office, Far North Région in
Maroua, by | j pm(local time).
They should bear the following:
N° ^ /ONIT/FNR/K22/DTB/D1A/2023
emergency procédure
Funding; Public Investment Budget of the the MInisliv of Water Resources and energy, year 2023
Budget allocation: 53 31 407 01 641313 2220 821
Expendîture aiilhori/ation: N''1Y04951
Disclose only during the évaluation session oftender applications"
NB; Beyond the submission's deadline any tender will no longer be received.

10.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The exécution deadline sets by the Project Owner for the supply is ninety (90) days. This period
includes the Raiiiy seasons, weatlier and some other factors with effect from the day of worlcs'
notification sigrdng's date of contraa.

11.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Applicants will include for a provisional guarantee (bid bond) in keeping witlî the tender file model,
issued by a first- class banking institution approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance .The amount In
CFA F of the above-mentioned bid is indicated in the chart below and equal to not more than of the
provisional cost al! taxes include; that Is to say an amount of the amount of 1,300,000 [one million three
hundred thousand) FCFA.
Aprovisional guarantee is automatically to be released not more than thlrty (30) days after the
tender-validity expiry for the rejected applicants and after the establishment of the final one for the
awarded ones.
Lest they be rejected, should compulsoiy be submitted only the originals and copies of the other
required administrative documents (vaiid) certified by either the issuing service or an administrative
authority in keeping with the requirements of the spécial tender régulation. They must date less than
three (3) months and valid on the day ofthe tenders disclosure. These others required documents must
compulsory be inprocess ofvalidity in compliance with the prescribed régulation.

12.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

Applicants will include for a provisional guarantee (bid bond) in keeping witlî the tender file model,
issued by a first- class banking institution approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance .The amount In
CFA F of the above-mentioned bid is indicated in the chart below and equal to not more than of the
provisional cost al! taxes include; that Is to say an amount of the amount of 1,300,000 [one million three
hundred thousand) FCFA.
Aprovisional guarantee is automatically to be released not more than thlrty (30) days after the
tender-validity expiry for the rejected applicants and after the establishment of the final one for the
awarded ones.
Lest they be rejected, should compulsoiy be submitted only the originals and copies of the other
required administrative documents (vaiid) certified by either the issuing service or an administrative
authority in keeping with the requirements of the spécial tender régulation. They must date less than
three (3) months and valid on the day ofthe tenders disclosure. These others required documents must
compulsory be inprocess ofvalidity in compliance with the prescribed régulation.

13.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

Tenders disclosure wil! be done in one stage on at 15 JUIN 2023 at 15 00 pm prompt atthe meeting Hall ofthe
Diamaré Divisional Office at Maroua, in the presence ofthe tender applicants. Only them may attend this
opening session or have themselves represented by a duly person of their choice (even in case of joint
venture) having a sound knowledge of thelr file.

14.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

Applicants will include for a provisional guarantee (bid bond) in keeping witlî the tender file model,
issued by a first- class banking institution approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance .The amount In
CFA F of the above-mentioned bid is indicated in the chart below and equal to not more than of the
provisional cost al! taxes include; that Is to say an amount of the amount of 1,300,000 [one million three
hundred thousand) FCFA.
Aprovisional guarantee is automatically to be released not more than thlrty (30) days after the
tender-validity expiry for the rejected applicants and after the establishment of the final one for the
awarded ones.
Lest they be rejected, should compulsoiy be submitted only the originals and copies of the other
required administrative documents (vaiid) certified by either the issuing service or an administrative
authority in keeping with the requirements of the spécial tender régulation. They must date less than
three (3) months and valid on the day ofthe tenders disclosure. These others required documents must
compulsory be inprocess ofvalidity in compliance with the prescribed régulation.

15.Attribution New(Additif)

The Senior Divisional Officer, Contracting Authority grants the contract to the applicants
whose file, technically skilled, assessed appealing with the lowest bid deemed to be and substantiallyin
accordance with the tender file.

16.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Applicants will be bound by their tenders for ninety (90) days with effect from the tender-submissioji

17.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Some technical information could be obtained during workinghours atthe Diamaré DivisionalOffice
and at the Diamaré Sub Divisional Délégation of Water Resources and Energy.

MAROUA Le 25-05-2023