Within the framework of 2023 state Budget, the state represented by the Mayor of Jakiri Council, CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, hereby launches an Open National Invitation to tender for the above works.
The invitation to tender concerns the supply of solar security streets light in Jakiri town, Bui Division, North-West Region.
The road section to be furnished is the "Health Centre Entrance (N11) - Sabongari Mosque road"; LENGHT= 280m;
Works under this tender invitation are constituted of the supply of solar security streets light.
These works shall involve the following tasks:
The allocated budget amount is of: (10000000), TEN MILLION FCFA
Participation in this invitation to tender shall be open to all Cameroon-based public works companies.
Works under this tender shall be financed by the PIB budget; 2023 FISCAL YEAR.
The tender invitation documents may be consulted at the Service for the award of contracts, Jakiri council.
The tender documents may be purchase at the Services of Contracts award at the Jakiri council, upon presentation of a receipt of payment into the Jakiri municipal treasury of a non-refundable fee o fifty thousand (50 000) francs CFA.
The said receipt must identify the payer as representing a consulting firm willing to participate in the tender.
Drafted in English or French and in SEVEN (7) including one (1) original and SIX (6) copies, labelled as such, bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and against a receipt at the Contract’s Service of the Jakiri council, no later than the 23/06/./2023 at 10 a.m. They shall bear the following:
The maximum deadline provided for by the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY shall be ninety (90) working days from the date of the notification of the service order for works to start.
Under penalty of rejection, the required administrative documents must be produced in originals or certified copies confirmed by the issuing or competent services, as the case may be, in accordance with the indications of the SRIT (RPAO). They must be dated not more than three (03) months from the opening of the envelopes, or, established after the date of publication of the tender notice.
The administrative documents, the technical and financial proposals shall be opened on the 23/06./2023 at 11 am prompt, local time, by the Jakiri Council Internal Tender’s Board in the presence of bidders or their representatives.
All Bidders may attend the opening session or each has to make himself represented by one person of his choice (even in the event of a joint-venture) with sound knowledge of his file.
Incomplete administrative documents due to the absence of one of the required documents.
Incomplete technical file due to the absence of one of the following documents:
b1) an attestation of site visit signed in truth by the bidder;
b2) a methodological note indicating the organization, planning and understanding of the project;
b3) proof of availability of an electrical engineer with at least three (03) years of experience in similar works proposed as main staff;
v False declaration or forged document;
v Failure to justify ownership, rent or leasing of the following equipment’s;
v Absence of bid bond
v Absence of quantified unit price
v Noncompliance with the model bid bond
v Omission of a quantified unit price in the financial offer (the lot concerned will be eliminated)
v Not satisfying at least 19 elements of essential criteria
A – References 03 elements
B - Managerial staff 09 elements
C - Equipment 06 elements
D- Financing 03 elements
Details of these main qualification criteria are specified in the assessment grid contained in the Special Tender Regulations
The contract shall be awarded to the lowest bidder, complying with the technical and administrative requirements as specified in article 33 of the public contracts code.
The tenders shall be valid for 90 (ninety) days with effect from the submission deadline
Additional technical information may be obtained at the Contract’s Service of Jakiri Council.
19-ADDENDUM: The CONTRACTING AUTHORITY reserves the right to carry out any necessary modifications to this invitation to tender