Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 19-10-2017 à 10:56
Support : Plateforme :
ADDENDUM N° 00003/MINT/SG/DAG/SDBMM/SMAR/2017 The Minister of Transport (the contracting authority) informs enterprises interested in request for quotation N°0012/DC/MINT/CMPM/2017 for the acquisition of fifty thousand (50 000) chemical breathalyzers at the Ministry of Transport , that the following amendments have been made to article 2:
Source de financement


Article 2 : Nature of services
The services under this request for quotation include :
- Acquisition of fifty thousand (50 000) chemical breathalyzers at the Ministry of Transport ;
- Training of staff of the Ministry of Transport in charge of road safety activities on the use of these breathalyzers.
The proposed breathalyzer shall:
1. Allow the reading of drivers blood alcohol ;
2. Indicate blood alcohol concentration over 0.8 g/l in compliance with the CEMAC Community Highway Code;
3. Present a certificate of approval of proposed equipment in their bid issued by the administration in charge of health in Cameroon;
 4. Present a similar order or contract by a Cameroonian administration or body
5. Be for single and individual use;
6. Present a clear separation between the part containing the reagent and the one used for sampling on the driver tested;
7. be fast and simple to use;
8. Be easy and fast to interpret for the controller ;
9.Have an ancillary device to collect test results and information.
-                Place of control ;
-                Identity of controler ;
-                Identity of the driver in breach of the law (names, driver’s licence No.) ;
-                Identification of vehicle (Brand, registration number).
10. Be suited for tropical climate ;
11. Present an expiration date of at least 24 (twenty four) months as from the date of delivery.
NB: Under pain of outright rejection, bidders shall enclose the following in their bids :
A leaflet and sample of breathalyzer at 0.8g/l blood alcohol level 
A compliance certificate issued by medical laboratories or internationally renown certification organizations. 
The leaflet and sample shall allow perfect identification of the product (country of origin, serial number and warranty).


Article 2 : Nature of services
The services under this request for quotation include :
-       Acquisition of fifty thousand (50 000) chemical breathalyzers at the Ministry of Transport ;
-       Training of staff of the Ministry of Transport in charge of road safety activities on the use of these breathalyzers.
The proposed breathalyzer shall:
1. Allow the reading of drivers blood alcohol ;
2. Indicate blood alcohol concentration over 0.8 g/l in compliance with the CEMAC Community Highway Code;
3. Be for single and individual use;
4. Present a clear separation between the part containing the reagent and the one used for sampling on the driver tested;
5. be fast and simple to use;
6. Be easy and fast to interpret for the controller ;
7.Have an ancillary device to collect test results and information.
-                Place of control ;
-                Identity of controler ;
-                Identity of the driver in breach of the law (names, driver’s licence No.) ;
-                Identification of vehicle (Brand, registration number).
8. Be suited for tropical climate ;
9. Present an expiration date of at least 24 (twenty four) months as from the date of delivery.
The rest shall remain unchanged.

YAOUNDE Le 18-10-2017
MEBE NGO'O Edgar Alain