1 | Remises des offres |
Au lieu de ... Each quotation written in English or French and in seven (07) sets, comprising one (01)original and six(06) copies labelled as such, should reach the Secrétariat of the Project Coordinator (Reception), LIFIDEP Building Ayaba street, PO Box 142, Mankon Bamenda., e-mail: lifidepnwr@gmall.com on or before the 16/5/2017 at 10: 00 am local time (GMT+1). It should be «CONSULTATION N° 22/RFQ/ LIFIDEP/STB/2017 OF 17/4/2017 FOR THE SUPPLY OF BROOD STOCK FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON. TO BE OPENED ONLY DURING THE TENDERS' BOARD BID-OPENING SESSION |
Lire plutot The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP) informs all bidders of the above mentioned consultation that the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for the 16th of May 2017 has been carried forward to Wednesday the 31st of May 2017 |