In order to improve the working conditions of her staff, the Minister Delegate at the Presidency of the Republic in charge of the Supreme State Audit Office launches an urgent Open National Invitation to Tender for the supply of 2 pickup vehicles to the Supreme State Audit Office (CONSUPE).
This invitation to tender concerns the supply of two (02) vehicles 4x4 STATION WAGON 9 HP OFF-ROAD VEHICLES;
The estimated cost of the operation after prior analysis is CFA F fifty million (50,000,000).
La fourniture du présent Appel d’Offres n’est pas allotie
This Invitation to Tender is open to all duly authorized Cameroonian-based enterprises.
The items concerned by this urgent Open National Invitation to Tender shall be funded by the 2017 Public Investment Budget of the Supreme State Audit Office, under Heading n° 51 11- 33 00 03- 2280
The Tender File can be consulted at the Supreme State Audit Office; Department of General Affairs; Sub-Department of Budget, Equipment and Maintenance; Procurement Service; Tenders’ Bureau, Room 110, Bloc “C”, Telephone: 222 22 02 48 or 222 23 52 92, Fax: 222 23 44 03 upon Publication of this notice.
The Tender File can be obtained at the Supreme State Audit Office; Department of General Affairs; Sub-Department of Budget, Equipment and Maintenance; Procurement Service; Tenders’ Bureau, Room 110 Bloc “C”, Telephone: 22 22 02 48 or 22 23 52 92, Fax: 22 23 44 03 after Publication of this notice, against the payment into the State Treasury of a non-refundable sum of CFA F Seventy five Thousand (75,000).
Each bid written in English 0r French in seven (7) copies including the original and six (6) copies labelled as such, must reach the Supreme State Audit Office/Department of General Affairs/Sub-Department of Budget, Equipment and Maintenance/Procurement Service/ Tenders Bureau, Room 110 Bloc “C” by 10th April 2017 at 01:00 p.m., local time, and shall be deposited against receipt,. It should bear the following inscription:
The delivery deadline set by the Project Owner is thirty (30) days from the date of notification of services commencement order. The vehicule shall be delivered at the Central Administrative Garage.
Each tender must include in their administrative documents a provisional guarantee worth one million (1 000,000) CFA francs issued by a first category bank recognized by the Ministry of Finance, the list of which is available in document 11 of the Tender’s File.
Under pain of rejection, all requisite administrative documents must be submitted imperatively as originals or certified true copies signed by the issuing or competent authority in accordance with the specifications of the Invitation to Tender. They must not be older than three (3) months or must not have been established before the date of issue of this Invitation to Tender.
Any bid considered incomplete in accordance with the prescriptions of the Tender File shall be declared unacceptable. In particular, the absence of the bid bond issued by a first category bank recognized by the Ministry of Finance or failure to meet the requirements of the tender documents, shall lead to the outright and irrevocable rejection of the bid.
Bids shall be opened on 10th April 2017 in Office A44 Block “B” at the Supreme State Audit Office at 02:00 p.m., local time. The opening shall be done by the Ministerial Tender Board in the presence of bidders or their duly mandated representatives, if so desired. The latter should have a sound knowledge of the bid. The opening of bids shall be done in a single (01) phase.
These criteria shall be applied to identify and reject incomplete offers or those that do not comply with the requirements stated in the Tender File concerning the admissibility of administrative documents, the conformity of the technical offer to the specifications of the Tender File as well as the eligibility of bidders:
*. Elimination Criteria
• absence or non-conformity of one of the administrative documents
• forged document or false declaration ;
• absence of the manufacturer’s authorization ;
• absence of declaration on honor whereby the applicants attests that they have not abandoned any contract during the past three (03) years, and also that they do not appear on the list of defaulting companies issued every year by the Ministry of the Public Contracts;
• more than 1/7 of qualification criteria not met ;
• absence of a bill of quantities ;
• non respect of the main technical characteristics ;
Main technical characteristics
• Engine type : atmospheric
• Administrative Horse power : 9 hp
• Piston displacement ≥ 2986 cc ;
• Engine : Diesel Engine
• Seating capacity : ≥ 6
• Fuel tank capacity (L): ≥ 80
• Wheel base : ≥ 3085
*. Essential Criteria
The technical bid shall be assessed by a binary system (Yes / No) and shall concern the following eligibility criteria:
• General presentation of the bid (presence of colour inserts, respect of Tender File order) ;
• The cumulative turnover for the past three years at least equivalent to 40 million ;
• Access to credit facility or availability of other financial resources ;
• Past references in similar services, with supporting documents ;
• Technical offers (delivery deadline, after-sales service, complete technical description of offers, guarantee and technical assistance during the guarantee period) ;
Only those technical bids of the bidders who score a pass in the eliminatory criteria and fulfil at least 6/7 of the eligibility criteria shall be considered technically “eligible” for financial analysis.
The contract shall be awarded to the lowest bidder who shows proof of the required technical and financial capacities.
Bidders shall remain bound by their offers for a period of ninety (90) days from the deadline set for the submission of offers.
Additional information can be obtained during working hours at the Supreme State Audit Office; Department of General Affairs; Sub-Department of Budget, Equipment and Maintenance; Procurement Service; Tenders’ Bureau, Room 110, Bloc “C” or 1/34, Bloc “B”, Telephone: 222 22 02 48 or 222 23 52 92, Fax: 222 23 44 03.