Within the framework of the 2017 Public Investment Budget, the Mayor Bangem Council Contracting Authority hereby launches an OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 002/ONIT/BANGEM COUNCIL/ TB/2017 OF 03 / 03/ 2017 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BAR / RESTAURANT AT MUANENGUBA — BANGEM
The works comprise notably the preliminary studies carried out and the detailed information provided in the technical studies
The estimated cost after preliminary studies is 150,000,000FCFA
The works are in a single lot being the CONSTRUCTION OF A BAR/ RESTAURANT
Participation in this invitation to tender is opened to duly legalised Cameroonian enterprises that fulfill the requirements of this tender
The works which form the subject of this invitation to tender shall be financed by the Public Investment Budget of the 2017 financial year, budget head No 51 23317 01 641908 2811 981
The file may be consulted during working hours at the General Secretariat of Bangem Council as soon as this notice is published Tel 672 029 753
The file may be obtained from the General Secretariat Of Bangem Council as soon as this notice is published against payment of a non refundable sum of 80,000FCFA payable at Bangem Council Treasury.
Each bid drafted in English or French in seven (7) copies including the original and six (6) copies marked as such, should reach the General Secretariat of the Bangem Council not later than 21/ 03/2017 at 10 am local time and should carry the inscription:
The maximum deadline provided by the Project Owner or Delegated Contracting Authority for the execution of the works forming the subject of this invitation to tender is 08 months.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first-rate banking establishment approved by the Ministry in charge of finance and whose list is found in document No. 11 of the Tender File, of an amount of 3,000,000FCFA and valid for ninety (90) days beyond the date of validity of bids
Under penalty of being rejected, only originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or administrative authorities must imperatively be produced in accordance with the Special Regulations of the invitation to tender.
They must obligatorily be not older than three (3) months preceding the date of
submission of bids or may be established after the signature of the tender notice
Any bid not in compliance with the prescriptions of the Tender File shall be declared inadmissible. This refers especially to the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Minister in charge of Finance or non- compliance with the model documents of the tender file shall lead to outright rejection of the bid without any possibility of appeal
The bids shah be opened in a single phase on the 21/03/2017 at 11am local time by the Tender Board of the Contracting Authority in the Conference Hall of the Bangem Council, in the presence of the bidders or duly authorised representatives having full knowledge of the file.
Eliminatory criteria
Bids shah be rejected when:
Essential criteria
lndicatively. the criteria related to the qualification of candidates will be on.
The contract shah be awarded to the qualified bidder with the lowest financial offer but the lowest bid may not necessarily be selected as the board may select two best bidders, forward to the contracting Authority for final selection.
Bidders will remain committed to their bids for 90 days from the deadline set for the submission of bids.
Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours from the General Secretariat of the Bangem Council Tel: 672 029 753