A Request for Quotation including bidding conditions, scope of the works and contract conditions is made available by the Contracting Authority to any qualified contracting company interested in executing such works. The Request for Quotation documents may be withdrawn with the receipt of payment at the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts MANYU, starting from 23/10/2017. During working hours, between 7:30 AM and 03:30 PM. Tei: 2 33 34 13 40.
Participation in this bidding process is open to duly legalized Cameroonian enterprises that fulftll the requirements cf request for quotation.
The cost of the project stands at 8 000 000 (eight million) Francs. Ail taxes inclusive.
Deadline for submission 13/11/2017 at 9:00 am
date of opening of bids 13/11/2017 at 10:00 am