Within tlie iramework of ihe Public Inveslment froni chaptcr 27 of MINDDEVEL for the year 2023, the Logone Bimi
coiincil. Contracting Aullioriiy, hereby laiinchcs, at llie accounl of liie Mayûr ol LogOllC Bimi, anational invilation
to tender for the constniction of the fence of the town hall and the civtl status office of Logone Bimi council, in the
township of Logone Birni.
The Works, which shall be lendcred for tlie consimclion of buildings to accommodate classrooms in primary schools,
consisis of:
- Preparaiory vvorks :
- Danking ;
• Foundations
- Masonry - Elévations ;
- Framework - Cover ;
- Wooden and metàllic carpenlry :
- Eiectriciiy ;
- Depictiou
- Ways and différent networks.
Participation in this invitation to tender is open to companics specialised in public works locaied in Cameroon.
Works, which form the subject of this invitation to tender, shal! be financed by chapter 27 of MINDDEVEL for the
year 2023
The file may be consulted and cblained lïom the Logone Bimi council as soon as this notice is published, against the
payment at 'the Logone Birai Municipal Receipl. of a non-refundablc sum of seventy fîve ihousand (75 000) CFA
The file may be retired and cblained lïom the Logone Bimi council as soon as this notice is published, against the
payment at 'the Logone Birai Municipal Receipl. of a non-refundablc sum of seventy fîve ihousand (75 000) CFA
Each offe drafted in English or French in 7copies including Ihe origined 6 copies marked as such, sh
the Général Secrétariat Office net later ihan the 28/10/2023 at 13 pm and should
should rcach carrv the inscription:
The provisional delivery deadlinc per loi providcd for by Ihc Cootraciing Authority shall be three (03) nionths,
Including the possible constraints related to the site situation such as accessibilily and climate conditions, from the
date of notification ofservice order to start works.
It is due to the bidder to propose in his offer a carrying oui calendar lhat goes in the deadline indicated above.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bld bond issued by a first rate-bank approved by the
Ministry in charge offinance ofan amount ofthrec militons anil seven hundrcd (housand (3 700 000) CFA francs,
valid tbr sixty (60) days fi'om iheday of opening of bids.
Lfnder pain of being rejected, only originals or truc copies certified by the issuing service or administrative auUiorilies
(senior Divisional Officers. Dtvisional orficers...) ofthe administrative documents required, including ihe bid bond,
must imperalivelv be produced in accordance wilh the Spécial Conditions of the invitation to lender. They must
obligalory nol bc older than ihree monlhs ormust noi be produced aftcr ihe signing ofthe tender Jlle.
Any offer nol in conforinily wiUi the prescriptions of this notice and tender liie shall be declared inadmissible.
Especially. the absence ofabid bond issued by afirst-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance or ihe
non-respect of the models of the tender file documents shali lead lea pure and simple rejectîon of the offer without
any appeal beingenlertained.
The bids shall be opened in one (01) phase.
The openine of ihe administrative documents, the technical and financiai oflers shall take place on the 28/10/2023 at 14.00 pm local time by the LOGONE BIRNÏ Internai Tenders Board located at the LOGONE BIRNI council.
Only bidders may attend orbe duly represented by aperson ofiheir choice.
A- Main ellmînator)' criteria
1- Administrative of/er
I) Absence of an administrative document;
2) Counterfeit document;
3) Non conformily ofa document after ihe 48houré regular extension.
2- Technical offer
1) False déclaration or counterfeitdocument;
2) Having nol executed the required number of projccls:
3) Having not gather al leasl 80% of"Yes'' in qualification criteria.
i- Financiai Order
1) Non conformityofthe submission
2} Absence, in the unit prlce mémo, ofthe price ofa quantified task,
S.B. The cenifîed copies ofthe previously legalized documents will be systematically rejected.
B- Main qualification criteria
The criteria relations lo ihequalification ol"candidate are Indicated as followed:
1) Access loa crédit or olher financiai resources Yes/No;
2) Supplier's references Yes/No;
3) Expérience ofsupervisory staff Yes/No;
4) Availabilily of material and essential equipment Yes/No;
5) Technical proposai (including methodology and expendilure schedule) Yes/No.
Only bidders thaï technical offers have rcceivcd at least 80% of"Yes" will have their financiai offers analyzcd.
The conlraci will be altribuled to the bidder whose:
1- Administrative otTer will be declarcd conforin;
2- Techulcal offer will be declared conform and havc gathered al least 80% of "Yes" in qualification criteria;
3- Financiat offer, after ail corrections in conformity wilh the Particular Régulation of the invitation to
tender, will be declarcd conform in relation to the Technical clauses of the invitation to tender, and classified the fewer proposition.
Bidders will remain committed to their offers for sixiy (60) days from the date set for the delivery of offers.
Complemenlaiy technical information may be obtaincd during working hours from the Mayor ofLOGONE BIRNl