Within the frame work of MIPROMALO’s Enterprise Development Plan for the 2017 financial year, the Director of the Local Materials Promotion Authority (MIPROMALO) launches an Open National invitation to tender for the supply of CEB laboratory equipment in 04 localities of MIPROMALO
Supply of compressed earth blocks/burnt bricks laboratory equipment in 04 localities of MIPROMALO (MAROUA, NGAOUNDERE, DSCHANG and BAMENDA);
The estimated cost of the operation stand at: Fifty one million (51 000 000) francs;
Participation in this tender is open to the following prequalified Cameroonian enterprises with technical and financial capabilities to carry out the service on this tender:
Work included in this tender shall be financed by MIPROMALO’s 2017 Enterprise Development Plan.
The file may be consulted during working hours at MIPROMALO, Contracts Office. PO Box 2396 Yaounde, Tel. :(237) 222 22 94 45; Fax. (237) 222 22 37 20; upon publication of the present notice.
Tender documents can be obtained from MIPROMALO, Contracts Office, PO Box 2396 Yaoundé, Tel.: (237) 222 22 94 45; Fax.: (237) 222 22 37 20; upon publication of the present notice and payment of a non-refundable amount of fifty thousand (50 000) francs, payable to the special account CAS-ARMP N° 335 988 opened at various BICEC branches.
Presentation of bids
Tenders shall be divided into three volumes and submitted in a simple envelope as follows:
Volume 1: Administrative documents;
Volume 2: Technical proposal;
Volume 3: Financial offer.
All the constituent documents (volumes1, 2 and 3) shall be enclosed in a large and sealed outer envelope bearing only the subject of the tender concerned.
The different documents of each tender shall be numbered in keeping with the order indicated in the tender file and separated by colour dividers.
Each bid with a total of seven (7) copies drafted in French or English, one (01) original and six (06) copies, including an electronic version on CD or USB flash of the financial offer as well as other typed elements of the technical offer, marked as such should be received at the Local Materials Promotion Authority by latest 17th April 2017 at 12.00noon and should carry the inscription:
N°002/ONIT/MIPRO/CIPM/SM/2017of 21 March 2017 for the supply of CEB laboratoryin 04 localities of MIPROMALO.
«To be opened only during the bid opening session»
Bid received after the date and time of the deposit limit will not be accepted
The maximum period provided by MIPROMALO for the delivery of supplies subject to this tender is four (04) months. Place of delivery is the MIPROMALO head office in Yaounde.
Each bidder must attach in his administrative documents, a provisional bid bond issued by a first rate bank approved by the Ministry of Finance an amount of one million (1 000 000) CFA francs. Provisional deposit will be automatically liberated at most thirty (30) days after the expiry date of the validity of bids for bidders who have not been retained. In case the bidder has been attributed the contract, the provisional deposit will be liberated after the constitution of the final deposit. Provisional deposit is valid for thirty (30) days after the validity period of the offers. Certified bank cheques are not accepted in place of a bid bond.
The opening of all bids (administrative documents and the technical and financial offers) in a single phase on 17 April 2017 at 1.00PM at the Conference Hall of MIPROMALO.
Only bidders may attend or they can be duly represented by a person of their choice.
14.1 Eliminatory criteria
14.2 Essential criteria
Evaluation of technical file shall be carried out according to the binary system (yes/no) on the basis of the following criteria:
- Access to credit or financial resources 1C;
- Supplier’s references of similar contract 2C;
- After sales service 3C;
- Presentation of tender 2C;
- Delivery dateline 1C;
- Availability of spare parts 1C .
The non respect of at least 80% of criteria shall cause the elimination of the offer.
The lowest bid and the best technically structured bid that meets the criteria will be retained.
Bidders will remain committed to their offers for ninety (90) days from the deadline set for the submission of tenders.
Complementary information may be obtained during working hours from MIPROMALO, Contracts Office Nkolbikok – Yaoundé. PO Box: 2396 Yaounde, Phone: (237) 222-22-94-45 Fax : (237) 222-22-37-20.email : contact @mipromalo.cm.
NB: For any attempts of corruption or issues of malpractices, please kindly call or send SMS to the following MINMAP numbers: