Within the framework of the execution of the Public Investment Budget the Mayor of the DSCHANG Council, contracting authority launches on its own behalf, an Open National call for tenders for the work of the above-mentioned purpose.
The work includes the following operations, the list of which is not exhaustive:
• Facilities;
• Cleaning and Earthworks;
• Sanitation and drainage;
• Work of art;
• Signage and safety equipment.
The estimated cost of the operation at the end of the preliminary studies is seventy-five million (75,000,000) CFA Francs including all taxes.
All the work is divided into a single (01) lot.
Participation in this call for tenders is open on equal terms to all Cameroonian law with skills in the field of buildings and public works.
The Public Investment Budget (PIB) MINHDU 2024 will finance this project.
The Tender file can be consulted during working hours in the General Secretary Office of the Mayor of Dschang Council, Tel.: 674 97 87 61.
The Tender file can be obtained from the General Secretary Office of the Mayor of Dschang Council by presentation of a treasury receipt showing payment into the public treasury of a non- refundable sum of FCFA one thousand (100 000) as being the purchasing cost of the file.
Each offer written in English or French an in seven (07) copies whose one (01) original and six (06) copies marked like as, must be deposited to the Secretariat-general of the Dschang council, latest on January 29, 2024 at 10 a.m. standard time and have to be marked:
N°02/AONO/C.DS/SG/CIPM/2024 OF 02/01/2024
The maximum period specified by the Employer for the execution of the work referred to in this Request for Proposals is three (03) months from the date of notification of the service order to start the services.
Each tenderer must attach to its administrative documents a tender guarantee, valid for one hundred and twenty (120) days beyond the deadline for the acceptance of tenders, established by a first-class bank approved by the Ministry of Finance and listed in the appendix to this DAO. The amount of the bid bond is one million fifty hundred (1 500 000) FCFA.
The provisional bond will be automatically released no later than thirty (30) days after the publication of the results of the call for tenders for unsuccessful bidders. If the tenderer is successful, the provisional security will be released after the final security has been lodged.
Under penalty of rejection, the documents in the administrative file must be produced in originals or in copies certified true by the issuing department or an administrative authority (Governor, Prefect, Sub-Prefect, etc.), in accordance with the stipulations of the Special Rules of Appeal of Offers.
They must date from less than three (03) months preceding the original date of submission of tenders or have been dated after the date of signature of the Notice of Invitation to Tender.
Any incomplete bid in accordance with the requirements of the Call for Tenders Dossier will be declared inadmissible, in particular with regard to the absence of the bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance.
Bids shall be opened in one phase. The Council Tenders Board at the Dschang Council shall open the administrative, technical and financial bids on January 29, 2024, at 11 a.m. local time.
All tenderers may attend this opening session or be represented by a single person duly appointed (even in the case of a grouping) of their choice with full knowledge of the folder.
The evaluation criteria consist of two types: the eliminatory criteria and essential criteria.
1 Eliminatory criteria
a) Lack of financial capacity equal to at least one third of the bid amount;
b) Be subject to the cost of termination (Article 102 of the Public Procurement Code);
c) Have not satisfied at least 70% (19 "yes" out of 27) of the criteria for the analysis of the Technical Offer;
d) Omission of a quantified unit price in the financial offer;
e) Incomplete and unregularized administrative file after 48 hours;
f) False declaration or falsified document or scanned document not regularized after 48 hours.
2 Essential criteria
a) The essential criteria are :
b) References ;
c) Supervisors ;
d) Equipment to be mobilized ;
e) Quality of the methodological note.
The contracting authority shall award the contract to the lowest bidder in compliance with the tender file.
Bidders shall be bound by their bids for a period of one hundred and ninety (90) days with effect from the date of opening of bids.
Complementary information which could be technically necessary can be obtained from the General Secretary Office of the Mayor of Dschang, Tel.: 674 97 87 61.