Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 27-03-2017 à 16:02
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National open invitation to tender notice in urgent procedure No. 016/AONO/MINEPAT/SG/PNDP/CSPM/2017  of  27 March 2017 relating to the selection of a non-governmental organization (NGO) in charge of guiding young people towards the training and employment-generating economic sub-sectors in the far-north region  in support of the second labor-intensive project (HIMO II) UNDER PNDP’S SPONSORSHIP
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

The Government of the Republic of Cameroon, hereby represented by the Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development intends, within the framework of the National Community-driven Development Program, to entrust a Non-governmental Organization or association with the guidance of young people towards the training and employment-generating economic sub-sectors in the Far-North region, in support of the second Labor-intensive Project (HIMO II) under PNDP’s sponsorship.  

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

Works to be performed under this contract mainly deal with the guidance of young people towards the training and employment-generating economic sub-sectors in the Far-North region, in support of the second Labor-intensive Project (HIMO II) under PNDP’s sponsorship.

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

The estimated cost at the end of the prior studies stand at: Yet to be Applied

4.Participation et origine New(Additif)

All NGOs, national and international Associations, as well as all consortia/groupings specialized in the provision of similar intellectual services shall enjoy equal conditions/opportunities as far as participation in this invitation to tender is concerned.

5.Financement New(Additif)

Works to be performed under this Invitation to Tender shall be financed by the European Union’s Emergency Trust Funds (FFU) put at the disposal ofthe National Community-driven Development Program (PNDP) for the 2017 fiscal year. 

6.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

The Tender File may be consulted, during working hours, at the National Coordination Unit of PNDP, located in Yaounde, Nouvelle Route Bastos, opposite PNUD, at a distance of 100 meters from the main entrance, P.O Box 660 Yaounde, Phone N0. : 222 21 36 64, Fax: 222 21 36 63, E-mail:, as from the publication of this notice.

7.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The file may be obtained, during working hours, from the National Coordination Unit of PNDP, located at Yaounde, Nouvelle Route Bastos, opposite UNDP, at a distance of 100 meters from the main entrance, P.O Box 660 Yaounde, Phone N0s: 222 21 36 64, fax: 222 21 36 63, E-mail: upon publication of this notice, as against payment of a non-refundable amount of FCFA 50,000 (fifty thousand) accounting for the file acquisition fees to be transferred into the account N0.  335 988 opened in the 12 following BICEC branches under the name "Compte Spécial CAS ARMP" (ARMP’s Special Account).  These are: Yaounde, Douala Bonanjo, Buea, Ebolowa, Dschang, Ngaoundere, Maroua, Limbe, Bafoussam, Bamenda, Garoua and Bertoua Central Branches.

8.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Each bid, drafted in English and French in seven (7) counterparts, one of which being the original and six (06) copies marked as such, shall be deposited at the National Coordination Unit of PNDP, door N0. R08, located at Yaounde, Nouvelle Route Bastos, opposite UNDP, at a distance of 100 meters from the main entrance; P.O Box 660 Yaounde; Phone N0. : 222 21 36 64, Fax: 222 21 36 63, E-mail: latest on April 18, 2017 at 12:00 noon, local timeand must bear the following mention:

 « National Open Invitation to Tender Notice in urgency procedure N0. 016/AONO/MINEPAT/SG/PNDP/CSPM/2017 of 27 March 2017 relating to the selection of a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in charge of guiding young people towards the training and employment – generating economic sub-sectors in the Far-North, in support of the Second Labor-intensive Project (HIMO II) under PNDP’s sponsorship»

9.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The maximum deadline provided for by the Project Owner to perform works shall not exceed eighteen (18) months, namely a maximum period of twelve (12) months and a conditional period of six (06) months as from the date of notification of the instructions to commence the said works.

10.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Under pains of being rejected, each bidder shall be called upon to attach to his/her administrative documents, a bid bon duly issued by a first-ranked bank authorized by the Ministry in charge of finance, the list of which shall feature in document N0. 12 of the Tender File. Its amount shall stand at FCFA One million two hundred (1,200,000) and shall be valid for a period of thirty(30) days beyond the validity deadline as per bidders that have not been retained. In the event a bidder has been awarded a contract, the provisional guarantee shall be released after the deposit of the final guarantee.

11.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

Offers deposited after the official date and hour duly indicated in the tender file shall be declared irreceivable at the opening session.
The documents in the administrative file must be submitted in originals or in certified true copies by the issuing service or the competent administrative authority in compliance with the Specifications of the Special Conditions governing the Invitation to Tender.
Such documents must be dated less than three (03) months old or must have been established after the date of signature of the invitation to tender notice.
Any offer deemed non-compliant with the prescriptions of this notice and those of the Tender File shall not be declared receivable. More specifically, the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-ranked Bank duly authorized by the Ministry in charge of Finances shall result in an outright rejection of the offer.

12.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

Bids shall be opened in two phases, namely starting with the administrative and technical offers, followed by the financial offer in the second phase.
The administrative documents and technical offers will be opened on 18 April 2017 at 01:00 p.m., local time, by the Special Tender’s Board of PNDPat the conference hall of PNDP’s National Coordination Unit
Only bidders may attend this bid-opening session or be represented by a duly mandated person of their own choosing. The said representative shall be expected to have a perfect mastery of procurement-related issues.
Financial offers shall be opened at the end of the technical examination and only bidders having scored the minimum note of 70/100 points will be concerned.

13.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

a. Evaluation
a.1. Technical evaluation 
The offers’ marking system shall be weighted.
At the end of the evaluation of technical files, a technical note (Tn) will be awarded to each bid. The sub-committee for bids evaluation shall be required to technically  declare irreceivable and disqualify bids whose technical files would have scored a technical note lower than seventy (70) points over one hundred (100).
By way of consequence, only bids whose technical notes are deemed equal or higher than seventy (70) points over one hundred (100) will be short-listed. Their financial offers will therefore be scrutinized by the Sub-committee in charge of bids evaluation.

a.2. Financial evaluation
Financial offers will be noted over one hundred (100) points and calculated based of the following formula: FN = 100 x Nmd/Ms, Where:

  • FN shall mean the Bidder’s Financial Note;
  • Nmd shall mean the lowest bidder’s evaluated amount, and; * Ms the Bidder’s evaluated amount.

Final score
The Final Score FS (over 100 points) will be calculated based on the weighted combination of the technical and financial notes following the formula : FS = 0.80 x Technical note + 0.20 x Financial note.
b. Evaluation criteria
Such criteria will deal with the elimination and technical evaluation of bidders.
b.1. Eliminatory criteria
Any non-compliance with the following tender requirements shall result in an outright rejection of the offer:

  • Experience in the performance of similar missions (economic development and employment mentoring) of the consultant less than five (5) years ;
  • Non- presentation of the CV of the skilled, experienced and in sufficient number of human resources ; it is worth noting that such workers must make a sworn statement that they will remain available throughout the Project’s execution period ;
  • Absence of the bid bond ; * False declarations or forged documents ;
  • Notation of the technical offer less than 70/100.

b.2. Technical evaluation criteria
(i)  Consultant’s experience deemed pertinent for the mission: [10 pts]
1- Experience on similar missions [05 pts]
2- Specific experience in terms of intervention in the Far-North insecurity-plagued zone [05 pts]
(ii) Compliance with the work plan and methodology proposed in the TORs [30 pts]
1- Technical approach and methodology: deemed pertinent compared to the main aspects in connection with young people-related training and socio-occupational integration (profiling, formulation of a professional project, vocational training, coaching …) [10 pts]
2- Pertinence of the work plan compared to the technical and methodological approaches [10 pts]
3- Respect for the work schedule: Conformity to and calendar matching with young people’s presence on the work sites and the kick-off of the mentoring process, of the project’s maturation and the effective kick-off of vocational trainings as such. [10 pts].
 (iii)  Qualifications and skills of the key staff for the said mission [50 pts]
a-Qualification and skills of the local development’s Coordinator/Coach [20 pts] ;
1- Overall qualification (05 pts);
2- Pertinence with the mission (10 pts);
3- Experience acquired from the European-funded projects (05 pts)
b- Employment area’s agents; [10 pts]
1- Overall qualification of the employment areas’ agents (02 pts);
2- Pertinence as per the mission (05 pts)
3- Experience acquired in the Far-North region (03 pts);
c- Qualifications and overall skills of Advisors; [15 pts]
1- Overall qualification of guidance counsellors; (03 pts)
2- Pertinence as per the mission (10 pts);
3- Perfect command of the local language by Counsellors (02 pts)
d- Qualification and skills of the Administrative and Financial Official and of the Administrative Accounting Official. [05 pts]
(vi) Availability of rolling stocks (4x4 vehicle)… [10 pts]
Total : [100 pts]

14.Attribution New(Additif)

The Project Owner will be required to award the contract to the bidder whose offer would have secured the best score. In the event of a perfect equality of points, the contract will be awarded to the bidder who has submitted the best technical offer.

15.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Bidders shall remain committed by offers for a time-period of ninety (90) days as of the deadline set for the submission of offers.

16.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Additional information may be obtained, during working hours, from the National Coordination Unit of PNDP, located at Yaounde, Nouvelle Route Bastos, opposite UNDP, at a distance of 100 meters from the main entrance; P.O Box 660 Yaounde; Phone No : 222 21 36 64; Fax : 222 21 36 63; E-mail :

YAOUNDE Le 27-03-2017