The Hilton Yaoundé General Manager hereby launches an invitation to tender for store cold room replacement – phase 2 at Hilton Yaoundé.
The services to be provided by this contract include:
- Equipment supply: Complete cold rooms, including cooling units, accessories and materials;
- Mounting and connection;
The participation to the present invitation to tender is open to Cameroon companies specialized in refrigeration and adjacent fields.
Investment budget CHC/Hilton 2017, reference P2016/01.
Provisional budget: Two hundred and sixty-eight million three hundred and twelve thousand five hundred (268 312 500) CFAF.
The Tender file may be consulted during working hours at secretary of the Yaounde Hilton General Manager (PO Box 11852, Tel. 237 222 23 36 46, Fax: 237 222 22 32 10, email:
The Tender file can be obtained from the secretary of the Yaounde Hilton General Manager (PO Box 11852, Tel. 237 222 23 36 46, Fax: 237 222 22 32 10, email:, as from the publication of this notice, upon presentation of the receipt of payment into the public treasury a non-refundable fee of CFAF 100 000.
Each offer drafted in English or French in six (6) copies including the original and five (5) copies marked as such, should reach the secretary of the Yaounde Hilton General Manager (PO Box 11852, Tel. 237 222 23 36 46, Fax: 237 222 22 32 10, email: not later than 25 APRIL 2017 at 15H00 and should carry the inscription:
N° 004/AONO/CHC/HILTON /2017 OF 21 APRIL 2017
To be opened only during the bid-opening session
The maximum delivery deadline provided for the Project Owner or Delegated Project Owner for delivery of the supplies forming the subject of this tender shall be nine (09) months.
Each bidder shall include in his administrative documents a bid bond of a refundable amount of five million five hundred thousand (6,000,000) CFA francs issued by the Treasury, representing the acquisition fees of the file, issued by any first-class bank approved by the Ministry of Finance (MINFI), and valid for 30 days after the validity of the offers
Under risk being rejected, the other administrative documents required must be produced in originals or true certified copies by the issuing service or an administrative authority in accordance with the Special Conditions of the invitation to tender.
They must not be older than three (3) months preceding the original date of submission of bids or must not have been established after the signing of the tender notice.
Any incomplete offer in accordance with the prescriptions of this notice and Tender File shall be declared inadmissible. This applies especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance.
The bids shall be opened at the secretary of the Yaounde Hilton General Manager (PO Box 11852, Tel. 237 222 23 36 46, Fax: 237 222 22 32 10, email: on 25 APRIL 2017 at 16H00. Only bidders can attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice.
They include especially:
a) Incomplete administrative offer;
b) Incomplete technical offer for absence of methodology (organization, planning and understanding of the subject);
c) False declaration or forged document;
d) Incomplete financial offer;
e) Non-respect of twelve essential criteria;
The essential criteria relating to the qualification of candidates could indicatively be on the following:
a) PRESENTATION BID : 2 criteria;
b) SUPPLIER’S REFERENCES : 2 criteria;
c) STAFF: 6 criteria;
d) LOGISTICS: 2 criteria;
f) ON-SITE VISIT: 2 criteria.
The Contract will be awarded to technically qualified bidder with the lowest prices.
The CA may reject abnormally low tenders, provided that the candidate has been invited to submit explanations in writing that they are not acceptable.
Bidders will remain committed to their offers for 90 days from the deadline set for the submission of tenders.
Complementary information may be obtained during working hours from the secretary of the Yaounde Hilton Technical Direction (PO Box 11852, Tel. 237 222 23 36 46, Fax: 237 222 22 32 10, email: An on-site visit is scheduled Tuesday 28 MARCH 2017 at 2pm at the Technical Department of Hilton Yaoundé.