Within the framework of the financial year 2024, the Mayor of the municipality of Fongo-Tongo an Open National Invitation to tender, for the REHABILITATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE FALL MAMI WATA
The Works, which are the object of this open national invitation to tender, are divided in three lots as describe in the table below.
Le cout prévisionnel est de quinze millions
sans objet
Participation to this tender is open to Cameroonian enterprises having a good experience in the domain concerned. Preference will be given to bidders who reside within the vicinity of the project site or who have carried out work in the area concerned
Works which form the subject of this invitation to tender shall be financed by the Public Investment Budget of MINTO URL, 2024 financial year
The Tender file may be consulted during working hours in the FONGO-TONGO COUNCIL.
The Tender file may be obtained from FONGO-TONGO COUNCIL on presentation of a treasury receipt showing payment into to the municipal paymaster's office of the council of Fongo-Tongo of a non-refundable sum of: Twenty five thousand (25,000) CFA francs being the cost of purchasing the file.
Each bid written in English or French in Seven (07) copies, including one (0 I) original and six (06) photocopies labelled as such, should be submitted to the Support Unit of the Launch of Tenders of the Fongo-Tongo Council, upon publication of this invitation to tender not later than 21/2/2024 at 11 a.m. Local time. It should be labelled as follows:
The maximum duration for execution of the project is included in the table above and considered with effect from the date of notification of the contract.
Chaque soumissionnaire devra joindre a ses pieces administratives une caution de soumission d'un montant de: Trois cent mille (300.000) FCFA, valable pendant trente (30) jours au-dela de la date limite de validite des offres, etablie par une banque de premier ordre ou une compagnie d'assurance agreee par le Ministere des Finances et dont la liste figure dans le DAO
Chaque soumissionnaire devra joindre a ses pieces administratives, une caution de soumission etablie par une banque de premier ordre, agreee par le MINFI, sous peine de rejet, Jes autres pieces administratives requises devront etre imperativement produites en originaux ou en copies certifiees conformes par le service emetteur ou une autorite administrative (Pref et, Sous-pref et, ... ), conformement aux stipulations du Reglement Particulier de I' Appel d 'Offres.
Elles devront obligatoirement dater de moins de trois (03) mois precedant la date de depot des offres OU avoir ete etablies posterieurement a la date de signature de I' A vis d 'Appel d'Offres.
The bids shall be opened on the 21/02/2024 at 11 h 00 local time, by the Tenders Board ofFongo-Tongo council in the presence of the bidders or their mandated representatives having full knowledge of the file.
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voir la pièce jointe
voir la pièce jointe
voir la pièce jointe