The Divisional Delegate of Public Contract for the Lékié, Contracting Authority, hereby launches an open national invitation to tender for EP NKOLASSA - Rehabilitation of classrooms EVODOULA COUNCIL.
The services to be provided include the rehabilitation of classrooms, in PS NKOLASSA, EVODOULA Council, and shall be made up of lighted concrete building works and secondary works (concreting-plastering-other, wood and metal works, electricity, and painting).
The involvement in this invitation to tender is open to equal conditions to Cameroon-Law related firms and companies experienced in Building and Civil engineering
These works are financed by the Public Investment Budget of MINEDUB, part of the fiscal year 2017, for an estimated amount of :
N° Lot |
Nature de la prestation |
Council |
AT Amount |
/ |
PS NKOLASSA - Rehabilitation of classrooms. |
11 000 000 |
5-Tender file consultation
After the publication of this notice, the tender file may be consulted during the working hours at Contracts Award Service of Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts for the Lékié, located behind the Divisional Finance Control Services Monatélé:
After the publication of this notice, the tender file may be consulted during the working hours at Contracts Award Service of Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts for the Lékié, located behind the Divisional Finance Control Services Monatélé:
The tender file can be delivered from the contracts awards Service of Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts for the Lékié, located behind the Divisional Finance Control Services Monatélé: immediately after publication of this notice against payment (delivery of the original receipt payment) a non-refundable fee at the Evodoula Municipal treasury of the sum of 20 000 (Twenty thousand) CFA Francs.
Each bid drafted in French or English in seven (07) copies including one (01) original and six (06) copies labeled as such must reach
The Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts, Lékié, located behind the Divisional Finance Control Services Monatélé, not later than 2016 April 19th at 12 O’clock prompt, local time, submitted against a receipt and labeled:
NB: Beyond the submission’s deadline, any tenders will no longer be received.
The execution deadline sets by the Project Owner is Seventy five (75) days. This period includes the supply of Scholl-benches, Rainy seasons, weather and some other factors with effect from the day of works’ notification; signing’s date of contract.
Each bidder must include in his/her administrative documents a bid bond (true to joined sample in annex 8.1) issue by a first rate-bank recognized and approved by Ministry of Finances, featuring on the list in document 12 of the tender file (TF) and payment of the sum of Two hundred thousand (200 000) francs CFA and validity date of the offers.
Under pain of bid rejection, the other required administrative (in the course of validity) must imperatively be produced in originals and certified by the issuing service or an administrative authority in accordance with the special conditions of the invitation to tender.
They must obligatorily be updated and must not be older than three (03) months preceding the bids deposit date or not be established after the signing of the tender file.
Any offer not in conformity with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible. Especially the absence of the bid bond issue by the first rate bank, approved and recognized by Ministry of finance or the non-respect of the models of the tender file documents shall lead to the rejection of the offer.
The bids shall be opened once the opening of administrative documents, technical and financial offers shall be done on the 2016 April 19th at 13 O’clock by the Divisional Tenders Board (DTB) Lékié, located in the building of the Divisional Delegation of Housing and urban Development for the Lékié in Monatélé,
Each bidder may attend the opening session or may be represented by a person of his choice, heaving an expert and excellent knowledge of the offers.
Tender evaluation will be done in three (3) stages:
The tenders’ evaluation criteria are the followings:
12.1 Eliminatory criteria
a) Incomplete or non-compliant (administrative, technical or financial) files ;
b) Absence of the bid bond and receipt as describe upper;
c) False declaration or forged document;
d) Absence in the technical proposal of a column indicating the technical proposition and planning execution;
e) Failure to score at least 80 % essential criteria.
12.2 Essential criteria
Assessment of the technical proposal will be carried out on the basis of main criteria shared as follows:
a) The company’s references ;
b) The availability of the required equipment;
c) Experience of the main personnel ;
d) Work planning delay ;
The Lékié Divisional Delegate for the Public Contracts, Contracting Authority grants the contract to the applicant whose file, technically skilled, assessed appealing with the lowest bid deemed to be and substantially in accordance with the tender file.
Applicants will be bound by their tenders for a period of ninety (90) days with effect from the tender-submission deadline.
Some technical information may be obtained during working hours either at OKOLA’s Council or at last, in Contracts Award Service in Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts for the LEKIE, located behind the Divisional Finance Control Services of Monatélé.