Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 30-05-2024 à 11:27
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REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST No 001/REI/BCCITB/2024 of 29/05/2024 for the recruitment of a consultant to carry out studies for the reconstruction of the Bamenda Main Market.
Source de financement
1.Contexte New(Additif)

The 22nd February 2024 remains a very dark day in the history of the Bamenda City Council following the fire incident at the Bamenda Main Market that ravaged and raised to dust about four hundred (400) shops. The incident has left so many traders stranded and untold hardship to several families. A solution to this very sad situation will obviously start with studies as the first document for the reconstruction of the market. It is for this reason that the City Mayor has launch this Request for Expression of Interest.

Presentation of the city and its environment



Bamenda is the capital of the North West Region of the Republic of Cameroon. It is located to the Southeast of the Region and is linked to all the divisions of the Region by roads. Bamenda is also connected to the national administrative and commercial capitals of Yaoundé and Douala respectively by road through Bafoussam, the regional capital of the West Region. It is further connected to Nigeria by road through Mamfe in Manyu Division of the South West Region and the porous boundaries of Menchum and Donga -Mantung Divisions.


Bamenda is the economic centre of the Region and it distributes goods and services from Yaoundé, Douala, Bafoussam and Nigeria to the Region. It is the main outlet of produce, goods and services from the Region. Bamenda is the melting pot of the rich traditional cultures of the North West Region and provides an environment for the continuous integration of national cultures. It receives an influx of population from the hinterlands of the Region, the West Region and Nigeria etc. Bamenda is the birth place of historical national political initiatives which have enabled it to play an active role in national politics.


Existing state of the Bamenda Main Market


The Bamenda Main Market was constructed in 1966 making it fifty-eight (58) old. It is the largest market in the North West Region. As a result of the fire incident part of the market is exposed with a high level of insecurity.


2.Objet New(Additif)

The City Mayor of the Bamenda City Council, hereby requests the expression of interest from Cameroon-based small and medium seize enterprises willing to participate in the pre-selection for the recruitment of a consultant to carry out studies for the reconstruction of the Bamenda Main Market.

3.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The services to be carried out shall be done in two (02) Phases:

  • Fixed phase covering the final program and technical studies and comprising:
    • The development of a detailed program for market infrastructure site: based on the conclusions of the feasibility study, the production of a programme integrating functional, managerial, architectural and technical requirements and expectations.
    • The technical, summary and detailed studies of the projects relating to the implementation of the market infrastructures described and validated in the above-mentioned programme. These studies will have to cover all the developments provided for by the programme: the development of the sites, the construction of the buildings (market stores, toilets, security posts, etc.). The design studies of the market shall also take into consideration provisions for access for fire-fighting equipment and accessories, boreholes for portable water supply with overhead tanks powered by solar energy and ramps for alternative access to the upper floors. 
    • The environmental and social impact assessments of said project, including the corresponding management documents and socio-economic studies. The ESIs will also include an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP). This will be done in accordance with the National Environmental and Social Assessment Framework.
    • The survey and geotechnical studies of the entire project site.
    • The structural analyses and details for the buildings.
    • Studies for a borehole for the market.
    • The preparation of tender documents for the works contracts to enable the works to be carried out, and the assistance to the contracting authority in the selection and contracting process of the company, in particular by analysing the bids, supporting requests for clarification, etc.


  • Conditional phase relating to the control and supervision of the said works and comprising:Visa and validation of studies and technical provisions (VISA).
  • The Supervision and control of the execution of the works, including the scheduling, management and coordination of the sites.
  • Monitoring the implementation of the ESMP-Works by the Companies.
  • Assistance with Acceptance Operations (AAO) and monitoring of the works during the guarantee period for perfect completion of the work.

The Consultants' attention is drawn to the fact that the Conditional phase is subject to the successful completion of the fixed phase.

4.Période d'éxecution New(Additif)

The maximum deadline set by the Contracting Authority for the execution of the services is two (02) calendar months.

5.Participation et origine New(Additif)

The selected consultant will be expected to carry out detailed studies including the tender document for the reconstruction of the Bamenda Main Market.

The services shall include amongst others the following:

  • Architectural studies (the production of the architectural plans for market stores, toilet etc, the technical specifications and the estimates);
  • Engineering studies (The structural analyses and details of the building and any other structures);
  • The geotechnical studies;
  • The survey plans;
  • Environmental impact assessment;
  • Tender document.
6.Financement New(Additif)

The services shall be financed by the Bamenda City Council Budget for 2024 financial year.

7.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Presented in triplicate (3) including one (1) original and two (2) copies,labelled as such,files shall be submitted in sealed envelopes at the Department of Technical Services of theBamenda City Council, not later than 19/06/2024. They shall bear the following: 


REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST No 001/REI/BCCITB/2024 of 29/05/2024 for the recruitment of a consultant to carry out studies for the reconstruction of the Bamenda Main Market”.

8.Composition du dossier New(Additif)

The service provider shall take cognition of all existing and available documentation related to Town planning in the city and other urban centers in the country (if necessary). In this perspective the following documents may be of relevance:

  • The Bamenda Master Plan ;
  • The Bamenda Land Use Plan;
  • The SMAUL ;
  • The Law on Town Planning in Cameroon.


The mission of the service provider centers around three main phases.

  • Phase 1: Prior to the commencement of his services, he will have taken care to complete his work plan, the methodology used and the calendar of his intervention. He will have obtained from the Contracting Authority all the documentation necessary for the accomplishment of his mission.
  • Phase 2: During the mission, the service provider shall work with persons designated by the Contracting Authority. He shall carry out enquiries from the various actors in view of getting their opinion on the efficiency of the envisaged measures.

Phase 3: At the end of his mission, the service provider shall submit his report within the set deadlines and in conformity with the provisions of the terms of reference

9.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

Selection criteria:

- Be a Cameroon-based small and medium seize enterprise;

- Show proof of required administrative, technical and financial capacities, especially:

- Submit an administrative file in keeping with the specifications of 9.2 hereunder;

- Be well experienced in the field of studies, supervision or building and public works;

- Dispose of or undertake to recruit relevant staff with respect to the services;

- Dispose of or undertake to hire required logistics;

- Present a financial standing commensurate with the services to be rendered.


-Application files

Application files shall comprise the following documents, in two volumes:

Volume 1 (Administrative documents)

“Volume 1” shall comprise the following administrative documents (only originals or certified true copies dated no more than three months old and valid for the current year shall be considered):

v A cover letter duly signed by the service provider;

v  A current taxpayer’s card, certified by the issuing service;

v      A current business licence, certified by the issuing authority;

v      The original of the attestation of non-bankruptcy, issued by the Court of First Instance as jurisdiction;

v      The original of the attestation of non-exclusion from public contracts, issued by the Public Contracts Regulatory Agency (ARMP);

v      The original of the attestation of small and medium seize enterprise’s bank account, issued by a bank approved by the Minister of the Economy and Finance,

v      An attestation of the bidder’s domiciliary bank issued by a bank approved by the Ministry in charge of finance of Cameroon, except otherwise provided by the provisions of a funding agreement;

v      An attestation not more than three months old signed by the Director of Taxes certifying that the bidder has effected all statutory declarations in issues of taxes for the current financial year.

Volume 2 (Technical documents)

 Supervisory staff

The following shall be the supervisory technical staff to be mobilised for the project:

  • Chief of Mission: Architect, holder of at least a bachelor degree in architecture,
  • Civil Engineer: holder of at least BSC in civil engineering,
  • Follow-up Technician: holder of at least HND in architecture,
  • Surveyor: holder of at least an Advance Level in the relevant field,
  • Geotechnician:  holder of at least HND or (BAC) in the relevant field,
  • Environmentalist: Holder of at least BSC in environmental engineering.

The enterprise shall provide the following documents of the supervisory personnel:

v CV dated and signed;

v Certified true copy of his/her certificate;

v A definition of his/her assignment.

Enterprise’s references

The enterprise shall submit her references clearly stating:

-      its experience in studies, supervision or works in building construction and public works;

-      Three service engagements of at least 20 million each;

-      its average annual turnover in the field of building construction and public works for the last three years of at least 50 million CFA F (attach minutes of proper completion of the projects). 

Technical resources and equipment

The service provider must show proof of ownership of logistics for the execution of the mission. He may hire a vehicle for the project, in which case, contrary to his own vehicle, a 25% discount shall be applied in the evaluation of his file.

a – Logistics

v A site vehicle.

v Another vehicle for key personnel.

b – Technical resources and equipment

v List and proof of ownership (certified true copies of receipts) of a computer and office equipment (computer, printer, photocopier, etc.);


10.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Interested Candidates can obtain additional information during working hours at the address mentioned below:

Bamenda City Council

Department of Technical Services

Telephone: +237 677144131 / 675102929

11.Evaluation et publication des resultats New(Additif)

Technical proposals shall be evaluated as per the following criteria:

v Staff………………………  50 points;

v References.………………   35 points;

v Equipment………………    15 points

Only the enterprises who score a technical mark of at least 70 out of 100 points shall be selected.

The limited invitation to tender to be launched at the end of this request for expression of interest shall take into consideration the results of this pre-qualification.

BAMENDA Le 29-05-2024