Within the frame work of the execution of public investment projects for the 2017 financial year,
the Divisional Delegate of Publics contracts for the Nyong and Mfoumou Division, Contracting Authority hereby launches an Open National Invitation to Tender in one (01) lot for the construction of a Lodging House in as seen below:
1 |
construction of A LODGING HOUSE at the NNEMEYONG primary school |
The works involve the following tasks inter alia:
The tender consist of one (01) lot only.
The involvement in this invitation to tender is open with equal conditions to Cameroon-Law related firms and companies experienced in Building and Civil Engineering.
By this invitation to tender, interested companies are called upon to provide authentic information which will be useful for the choice of those that can meet the needs of the required service after an in-depth and objective appraisal of their application files.
Works which form the subject of this invitation to tender is financed by the Public Investment Budget of the Ministry of Basic Education (MINBASE), 2017 financial year under budgetary lines as below:
1 |
construction of A LODGING HOUSE at the NNEMEYONG primary school |
14 500 000 |
51 15 198 19 641 108 2811 426 |
The tender file may be consulted upon publication of this notification, during working hours, at the Nyong and Mfoumou Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts, Contracts Service located at the Ekam quarter, behind Gendarmerie, tel : 222 320 512 / 222 320 511, BP : 87 AKGA.
The tender file may be acquired at the Nyong and Mfoumou Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts, Contracts Service located at the Ekam quarter, behind Gendarmerie upon publication of this invitation to tender and presentation of a receipt attesting to the payment of a non-refundable sum of thirty thousand (30 000) F CFA into the municipal treasury of Ayos.
7-Tenders presentation
The documents include in the tender application must be classified in three different envelopes which must be sealed later. The following framework must be taken into consideration:
The above-mentioned tenders presented as such will be inserted in a simple envelope bearing only the main tender references. This one must also be closed and sealed for confidentiality. The different documents of each tender should be numbered in accordance with the tender file order and separated by some interpolated sheets of the same colour.
Each tender drafted in English or French in seven (7) copies, one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, sealed against a receipt must reach the Nyong and Mfoumou Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts, Contracts Service, no later than 04 May 2O17 at 11 0’clock local time and shall be labeled as :
The execution deadline sets by the Project Owner is four (04) calendar months.
Each applicant will include in his administrative file a deposit (in compliance with the model attached) issued by a first- class banking institution approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance and whose list features in Document 12 of the tender file, and valid for thirty (30) days with effect from the tender- validity deadline. The deposit’s amount stands at two hundred and ninety thousand (290.000)Francs CFA.
They must dated less than three (03) months and valid on the day of the tender disclosure
Lest they be rejected, should compulsory be submitted only the originals and copies of the other required administrative documents (valid) certified by either the issuing service or an administrative authority (Senior Divisional Officer/ Divisional Officer) in keeping with the requirements of the special tender regulation.
All tenders not in conformity with the Tender File shall be declared irreceiveable notably the absence of the caution delivered by a bank of the first order confirmed by the Minister of Finance or the non respect of the models as prescribed in the tender file shall amount to rejection of the tender.
Tenders disclosure will be done in one stage on than 04 May 2O17 at 12.00 pm prompt by the Divisional Tenders Board of the Nyong and Mfoumou Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts situated at the Ekam quarter.
Only tenderers may attend the opening session or have themselves represented by a person of their choice (even in case of joint venture) having a sound knowledge of their file.
The execution deadline sets by the Project Owner is four (04) calendar months.
13-Tender evaluation criteria
Tender evaluation will be done in three (03) stages:
The tenders’ evaluation criteria are the following:
13.1 Eliminatory criteria
13.1.1 Administrative documents
a) Incomplete or non-compliant administrative file; (subject to the dispositions of point 1.1 of Circular no002/CAB/PM of 31st January 2011 relating to the amelioration of the Public Contracts System)
b) False declaration or forged document, (the Tender Board or Contracting Authority reserves the right to verify the authenticity of any documents in doubts).
13.1.2- Technical file
a) Companies that have abandoned or executed their contracts after the date line one or more contracts in the last three (03) years or their names figured on the list of companies at fault published by the Minister of Public Contracts (cf. LC 004 du 25/01/17 du MINMAP) ;
b) False declaration or forged or scanned document;
c) Absence in the technical proposal of a column indicating the organization, planning and understanding of the project;
d) Failure to score at least 70% of the total essential criteria.
13.1.3- Financial offer
a) Incomplete financial tender;
b) Omission of a quantified unit price from the price schedule;
c) Absence of a sub-detailed price.
13.2 essential criteria
Assessment of the technical proposal will be carried out on the basis of the 11 main criteria shared as follows:
a) Qualification and experience of personnel in the project on 06 points;
b) Availability of materials and the essential ones on 03 points;
c) Methodology of execution-execution date line on 01 points;
d) The company’s references on 01 points.
The Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts for Nyong and Mfoumou, Contracting Authority awards the contract to the applicant whose file, technically skilled, assessed and appealing with the lowest bid deemed to be and substantially in accordance with the tender file.
Applicants will be bound by their tenders for a period of ninety (90) days with effect from the tender-submission deadline.