Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 03-03-2024 à 14:34
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OPENED NATIONAL INVITATION 10 TENDER IN EMERGENCE PROCEDURE N° 02/AONO/RO/PCR/CIPM.BEC/2024 OF 2 6 FB 2024 , FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS IN SOME EREAS OF THE WEST REGION IN FOUR -(04) BATCHES:Building of two classrooms in the Government High School of Bahouan, in Haut-Plateaux Division (batchi): building of an administrative block in the Government Technical High School of Djeugheu in Baham, in the Haut-Plateaux Division (batch2), building of a carpentry shop in the Government Technical High School of Bahouan (batchS) Building ofan accommodation provided for the principal ofGovernment High School of Bapa. in the Haut-Plateaux Division (Batch4) and the building of and administrative block in the CETIG of Banwa in the Haut- Nkam division (batchS).Financing: PIB 2024
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

Within the framework ofthe implementation of its development policy and the improvement of investment créditsconsumption, the Président Of The Régional Council hereby launches an Open National invitation to tenderfor the building ofhwo classrooms in the Government High School of Bahouan, in Haut-Plateaux Division (batchi); building of an administrative block in the Government Technical High School of Djeugheu in Baham, in the Haut-Plateaux Division (batch2), building of a carpentry shop in the Government Technical High School of Bahouan (batchS) Building ofan accommodation provided for the principal ofGovernment High School of Bapa, in the Haut-Plateaux Division (Batch4) and the building of and administrative block in the GETIC of Bama in the Haut- Nkam division (batchS).

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

Within the framework ofthe implementation of its development policy and the improvement of investment créditsconsumption, the Président Of The Régional Council hereby launches an Open National invitation to tenderfor the building ofhwo classrooms in the Government High School of Bahouan, in Haut-Plateaux Division (batchi); building of an administrative block in the Government Technical High School of
Djeugheu in Baham, in the Haut-Plateaux Division (batch2), building of a carpentry shop in the Government Technical High School of Bahouan (batchS) Building ofan accommodation provided for the principal ofGovernment High School of Bapa, in the Haut-Plateaux Division (Batch4) and the building of and administrative block in the GETIC of Bama in the Haut- Nkam division (batchS).

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

The estimated cost of the opération following prior studies stands is
Batch 1 : twenty two million (22 000 000) CFA Francs .
Batch 2: thirty million (30 000 000) CFA Francs.
Batch 3: twenty-eight million (28 000 000) CFA Francs
Batch 4: thirty-five million (35 000 000) CFA Francs
Batch 5 : thirty million (30 000 000) CFA Francs .

4.Allotissement New(Additif)

The Works shall be divided into 5 (five) Batches defined as follows:

5.Participation et origine New(Additif)

Participation in this invitation to tender is opened to on equal terms to Cameroonian companies with proven experience in thefield: Buildings and Utilities

6.Financement New(Additif)

Works which form the subject ofthis invitation to tender shall be financed by the Public Investment Fund of the 2024financial year; Budget Head No.
Batch 1 :58 25 105 01 771701 464210 813 - IZ02044
Batch 2 : 58 27 100 02 771701 464210 813 - IZ03897
Batch 3 : 58 25105 01 771701 464210 813 - IZ02041
Batch 4: 58 27 100 02 771701 464210 813 - IZ03899
Batch 5 : 58 27 100 02 771701 464210 813 - IZ03898

7.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

The file may be consulted during working hours atthe Interna! Structure for Administrative Management ofPublic Contracts (SIGAMP) ofthe West Régional Council as soon as this notice is published.

8.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The file may be obtained from West Régional Council as soon as this notice is published upon payment ofa non-refundable sum of53000 (fifty-three thousand) CFA francs payable at régional treasury.

9.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Each offer drafted in English orFrench in seven (7) copies Including the original and six (6) copies marked as such, should be submitted at the West Régional Council not later than 26/03/2023 at 10 AM and should carry the following inscription:


Building of two classrooms in the Government High Schoot of Bahouan, in Haut-Plateaux Division (batchi): building of an administrative block in the Government Technical High School of Djeugheu in Baham, in the Haut-Plateaux Division (batch2), building of a carpentry shop in the Government Technical High School ofBahouan (batchS) Building ofan accommodation provided for the principal ofGovernment High School ofBapa, in the Haut-Plateaux Division (Batch4) and the building ofand administrative block In the CETIC of Banwa in the Haut- Nkam division (batchS).
Flnancing: PIB 2024
"To be opened only during the bid-opening session"

10.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The maximum deadiine provided for by the Project Owner orDelegated Project Owner for Ihe exécution of the Works subject of this tender shall be:
Batch 1 : four (4) Months
Batch 2 : four (4) Months
Batch 3 : four (4) Months
Batch 4 : four (4) Months
Batch 5 : four (4) Months

11.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first rate-bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance featuring on the list in document 11 of the tender file of an amount of:
Batch 1 : four hundred forty four thousand (440 000) CFA Francs ;
Batch 2 : six hundred thousand (600 000) CFA Francs
Batch 3: five hundred sixty thousand (560 000) CFA Francs:
Batch 4 : seven hundred thousand (700 000) CFA Francs ;
Batch 5 : six hundred thousand(600 000) CFA Francs ;
It shall equally be valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original date of the validity of the offers.

12.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

Under pain ofrejection, the administrative documents required, must be produced in originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or an administrative authority (Senior Divisional Officer, Divisional Officer...) In accordance with the Spécial Conditions of the invitation to tender.
They must not be older than three preceding the original date of submission of bids (3) months or must not have been established after the signing ofthe tender notice.
Any incomplète offer in accordance with the prescriptions ofthis notice and tenderfile shall be declared inadmissible. Especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance.
MB. Under penalty of rejection by the services of the Contracting Authority (SIGAMP) at the time of submission, any candidate must présent a copy of the receipt for the purchase of the tender file, the original of which is included in the offer.

13.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

The opening of the administrative documents, the technical and financial offers shall take place on 26/03/2024 AT 11 AM to the West Régional Council in the meeting hall.
Only bidders may attend or be duly represented by a person oftheir choice.
The opening of the bid-opening session must be done not later than one hour after the time-limit for the submission of bids as specified in the tender file.
Bidders'discounts formulation (ail DAO and DC) -
- Discounts shall be mentioned in numbers and ietters as of the opening of bids. to be admitted.
- Handwritten discounts (orpresented with a typing shit différent from the rest ofthe bidders offers) shall be rejected.
- And a proof of discount approved by the bidder shall be attached to the bid opening minute and to the analysis Subcommittee report.

14.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

Eliminatory criteria
The eliminatory criteria set the minimum conditions to be fulfilied in order to execute works subject of the tender. They should not be marked. They shouid be determined depending on the nature and the content of works to be executed. These are:
fi)Missing or non-compliant administrative documents, not regularized within 48 hours;
ii)Misrepresentation, falsified or non-authentic document ;
iii)Non conformity with the submission model;
iv)Omission ofa quantifîed unit price in thefinancial offer;
v)Technica! score less than 70 points out of 100;
vi)Absence of bid bond;
vii)No commitment on the honor ofnever having abandoned market in the lastthree years;
viii)Financial capacity less than or equal toone third oftheestimated costofthe project;
ix)insufficientnumber documents.
Essential criteria
The criteria reiating to the qualification ofcandidates could indicatively be on the following:

  • Presentation {02criterea)
  • References ; (05 criterea)
  • Personnel:(12criterea)
  • Equipment:(06 criterea)
  • Methodology : (05 criterea
  • Financial offer : (02 criterea)

A bidder shall meet at least 23 yes/32 to be qualified.

15.Attribution New(Additif)

The contracting authority will award the contract to the bidder whose administrative offer is deemed compilant, meeting the required technical and financial capacities resulting from the essential criteria of the Tender Document, and which will be the lowest bidder atthe évaluation of the financial offer.

16.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Bidders will remain committed to their offers for 90 days for NIT and 120 days for HT from the deadiine set for the submission of tenders.

17.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours from West Régional Council at Internai Structure for Administrative Management of Public Contracts (SIGAMP) on the following numbers: 628434358.

BAFOUSSAM Le 26-02-2024
FOCKA FOCKA Jules Hilaire