The Dschang Council has been granted a financial assistance from MINEPAT. With the sald financial assistance, the Senior Divisional Officer, Contracting Authority. hereby launches a national invitation to tender for the CONSTRUCTION WORKS OF DRILLING EQUIPPED WHITH ELECTRIC PUMPAND TANK ATTHE DD. MINEPAT/NOUN, WESTREGION.
The Works subject of this invitation totender, in compiiance with theessential technical spécifications included in theTender Spécifie Technical Clauses, Isspecified through the following items:
I Staff installation
II Borehole construction
III Dewatering-equipement
IV Superstructure-pump
V Training section
total sum of eighteen million (18 000 000) FCFA, ail taxes included.
Participation to this invitation to tender shall be opened on equal condilions, to companies or consortiums located in Cameroon, specialised andexperienced in the field of hydraulics, airalengineering and/or civil engineering works.
The works under this invitation to tender, shall be financed by the MINEPAT under the fiscal budget year 2024,
Tender documents may be consulted, during working hours, at the Secrétariat ofthe Divisional Tender Board oftheNoun Division.
Tender documents may beoblained, during working hours, at the above mentioned addresses upon présentation of the original receipt of payment to the Senior Divisional Officer services, of non-refundable sumof thirty-six thousand (36 000) FCFASuch receipt must idenlify Aie payer as representing Ihe bidder willing lo participate in the tender. Upon acquisition of Aie tender documents, the représentative of the bidder shall be registered by the above menlloned service after he must have given ail indications to enable a rapld contactwilh the bidder (full address, téléphoné number, mail address, etc.),
Each offer drafted in English or French in 7 copies including the original,and 6 copies marked as such, shall reach the services of the Senior Divisional Officer, the conlracting authority, not later than the 17/03/2024 at 10 a.m, local time and should carry the following inscription ;
Open National Invitation to Tender
'To be opened only during the bld-opening session"
The maximum provisional delivery deadiine. provided for by the Contracting Authority shall be two (02) months. including the possible constraints reiated to the sites particularities and situations such as accessibility and climate conditions, from the dateofnotification of service order to start work.
It isdue to the bidder to propose in his offer a carrying out calendar that goes along with the deadiine indicaled above.
Each biddershall atlach to his administrative documents a provisional guarantee or bid bond. Issued. in keeping with the tender mode!, by a first class banking institution approved by the minister in charge of finance as indicated in the list of banks attached to these tender documents It shall stand at three hundred sixty thousands (360 000) FCFA.
Theprovisional guarantee of unsuccessfui tenders shall be released automatically at most thirty (30) daysafter the publication of the resultsof the invitation to tender. Thatof the successfui tenderers shall be released as soon as the définitive guarantee shall be constituted.
Tenders submitted or received in the Senior Divisional Officer of Noun Division after the submission deadiine (date and time of submission indicated above) as well as Ihose not respecting the présentation and séparation mode of offers shall simply tje rejected during the opening session.
On pain of being rejected, only originals or Irue copies certified by the issuing service or administrative aulhorities, of the administrative documents required, must imperatively be produced in keeping with the Spécial Tender Régulations. They must obligatory not be olderthan three months as regard to the submission deadiine or mustnotbe produced after the signing of the tenderfile.
Any offer not inconformity with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible. Especially, the absence of a bid bond Issued by a first-ciass bank approved by the ministry in charge of finance or the non-respect of the models of the tender file documents, shall lead to a pure and simplerejecAon of the offer without any appeal being entertained.
NB. The Contracting Authority or the Tender Board has the righls to request at any moment of the tender procédure, from the bidders, the présentation of original documents they have produced in their offer. The non-presentation of the documents requested may lead to disqualification.
Before eliminating a candidate who presented administrative documents not in conformity with the tender prescriptions, he should be
given a minimum of 48 heurs extra time, either to produce complementary information or to carry eut supplementary vérification on the
valldity of the documents received.
The opening of the bids shall be made at once, by the Divisional Tender Board (DTB) of the Noun Division, on the 2024 at 11 a.m, In the presence of the bidders or with only one représentative each, of theirchoice, dulyassigned for and that have perfect knowledge of their offer. The bidders' représentatives who shall participate to the opening session will sign a register or presence paper sheet testifying their presence.
The opening of the bids will be done at once but inthree phases as follows:
• 1" phase: opening ofthe envelope A containing the administrative documents(volume 1)
• 2"''phase: opening of(heenvelope Bcontaining the technical offer (volume 2);
- 3"" phase: opening ofthe envelope Ccontaining the financial offer (volume 3)
A- Main eliminatory criterla
1. Administrative offer
- Absence of the bid bond or bank guarantee;
- Falsified document;
- Noncompliance orabsence of a document after the 48 hours regular extended time, except thebid bond that should not be given extension Ame.14.2. Technical offer
- False déclaration;
- Less than eighty par cent (80%) of the qualification criteria obtained at the évaluation of the technical offer;
2Financial offer
- Omission of the unit price of a quantify task in the unitprice mémo or quantifled in the estimate;
-Absence or noncompliance to the tender mode!, of one of the components of the financial offer:
- Absence of more than 20 % of prices sub-details ;
- Production of the bid at Insuffisant number (less than 07 copies),
NB: The certified copies of the previousiy legalized documentswill be systematically rejected
Thecontract corresponding shall be awarded to the tender presenting the following characteristics:
a) Administrative offer is declared conform;
b) Technical offer isdeclared conform and have gathered at least eighty percent(80%) of"Yes" in qualification criteria;
Financial offer that, after ail corrections in conformity with the Particular Régulation ofthe Invitation toTender (sub-detail prices. unit prices and estimate), will be declared conform in relation to the Technical clauses of the Invitation to Tender (TCIT), and classified as the lower bid,
The additional information relating to the contract award procédure maybe obtained, during working hours, in the Secrétariat of the DTB ofNoun Division.