The Mayor of Makary Council, Contracting Authority, herbylaunches a national invitation to
tenderin eraergency proceedings for the construction of an on-call house forTcachers, Makary
Subdivision, Logone and Chari Division,FARNORTH REGION.
The Works which shall be tendeed for the construction of a fence, consists of :
-Excavation of the plot ;
- Fondation ;
- Bricklaying ;
- Framework and roofîng ;
-yVood and Métal ;
-Electricity installation ;
-Painting ;
- Utilities and various networks.
_Budgeted amount = 20 000 000 (Twenty millions) CFA fiches ;
Participation in this invitation to tender is open to companics specialised in public works located in Cameroon.
Public Investment Budget, 2024 financial year charge :
The file may be consulted from the mayor council located at Makary, as soon as this notice is published.
The file may be obtained from the mayor council located at Makary, as soon as this
notice is published, against the payment ofa non-refundable sun of 30 000(Thirty thousand)CFA
francs at the public municipal receipL.
Each Offer drafted in English or French in 7 copies including one (1) original and six (6) copies
marked as such, should rcach the Logoneand Chari divisional mayor council (Secrétariat) located
at Makary, not later than the 25/03/2024 at 10 am/pm local time and should carry the
The provisîonal delivery deatline provided for by the contracting Authority shall be three (03)
montlis, tricluding the possible constraints related to the site sitation such as accessibility and
climate conditions/rom the date of notification of service order to start works. It is due to the
bidder to propose in his Offer a carrying eut calendar that goes in the deadline indicated above.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a fîret
rate-bank approved by the ministry in charge of finance of an amount ofFifty hundred
thousand and four hundred thousand (400 000) CFA francs, valtd for sixty (60) days from the
date of bid-opening.
Under pain of being rejected, only originals or true copies certifîed by the issuing service.
Or administrative authorities (senior Divisional officers, Divisional officers...) of the
administrative documents requred, including the bid bond, must imperatively be
produced inaccordance with the .Spécial Conditions of theinvtation to tender. They must
obligatory not be older than ihreo months or must not be produced afterthe signing of
the tender file.
Any offer not in conformity with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file shall be
approved bythc mitilstry Iri charge of finance or the non-respect of the modeils of the
tender file documents shali lead to a pure and simple rejection of the offer without any
appeal bieng entertained.
The bids shall be opened in one (01) phase.
The opening of administrative documents, the technical and financial offers shall take
plece on the 25/03/2024 At 11 am/pm local time by MAKARY coucil. Only bidders may attend or be duly
represented by a person of their choice.
A-Main eliminatory criteria
l-Administrative Offer
1) Absence of an administrative document ;
2) Contrefit document ;
3) Non conformity ofa document after the 48 hours reguiar extention
2) Technical Offer
1) False déclaration or coimterfeit document :
2) Having abandoned a contract during the past three (03) years :
3°Having not gathered at least 75% of « yes » in qualification
3) Financial Offer
1) Non conformity ofthe submississlon :
2) Absence in the unit price mémo, of the price of the quantified task.
NB The certifîed copie of the prevlously legalized documents will be
systematicaîy rejected
B Main qualification criteria
The crteria relation to the qualification of candidate are indicated as folllowed :
1) Access to a crédit or other financial resources Yes/No ;
2) Supplier référencés Yes/No;
3) Expérience of supervisory staff Yes/No;
4) Availability of material and essential equipment Yes/No ;
5) Technical proposal( Including raethodoiogy and expanditure
schedulc] Yes/No
Only bidders that tochnical Offers bave received at least 75% of Yes will have their Financial
Offers analyzed.
The contract will be allribuled to the bidder whose ;
1) AdniinislraUve Offer will be declared conform ;
2) Tcchnical Offerwill bc declared and have gathered at last 75% of Yes in qualification criteria ;
3) Financial Offer,after ail corrections in conformity with the Particular Régulation of the
invitation tu tender, will be declared conform in relation to the Technical Clauses of the
invitation le tender and classified the fewer proposition.
Bidders wiil remain committed to Oieir Offers for sixty (60) DAYS from die date set for the
delivery of Offers.
Complementary Technical information may be obtained during working hours from the Makary