The General Manager of SNI hereby launches in urgent procedure, a Restricted National Invitation to tender in emergency procedure to underwrite insurance policies referenced above.
The services to be executed are distributed into TWO (02) lots as follows:
- Lot 1: Health, Assistance and Funeral
- Lot 2: Individual Accident
The estimated cost of the operation following prior studies is seventy (70 000 000) million CFA F all taxes included. Sixty (60) millions CFA F for lot 1 and ten (10 000 000) million CFA F for lot 2.
The services to be executed are distributed into TWO (02) lots as follows:
- Lot 1: Health, Assistance and Funeral
- Lot 2: Individual Accident
Participation in this invitation tender is restricted to the insurance companies retained following to the Request for expression on interest N°007/SNI/DG/AI/DAG/DAG.A/AGS/17 of January 19th 2017.
The retained insurance companies are:
N° |
01 |
02 |
03 |
N° |
01 |
02 |
The Management of the insurance policies relating to this invitation to tender shall be ensured by ASCOMA CAMEROUN
The broker shall be paid by the insurer, in accordance with the regulations in force in the insurance sector.
The services under this tender shall be financed the SNI budget of 2017 financial year, budget head 6452000000
The Tender File may be consulted during working hours at the General Affairs Division at the SNI Headquarters, Door N° 133, telephone 222 22 44 22 as soon as this notice is published.
The tender file may be obtained upon publication of this tender notice from the the General Affairs Division at the SNI Headquarters, Door N° 133. The file shall be obtained upon presentation of a receipt testifying the payment of a non-refundable sum of 100 000 (One Hundred Thousand) CFA Francs as tender file purchase fee payable to the “Compte d’Affectation Spécial CAS-ARMP)” at the following BICEC bank branches: Yaounde Central Branch, Limbe, Dschang, Garoua, Douala-Bonanjo, Ebolowa, Bamenda, Maroua, Buea, Bafoussam, Ngaoundere, Bertoua.
A copy of the receipt shall be submitted at the venue of withdrawal of the tender file.
Each bid drafted in English or French in seven (07) copies, that is, one (01) original and six (06) duplicates labeled as such, should be submitted in to the General Affairs Division at the SNI Headquarters, Door N° 133) not later than April 24th 2017 at 1pm local time, and shall be labeled as follows:
Notice of Restricted Consultation to
Tender in Emergency Procedure N° 019/AONR/SNI/CIPM/2017 of March 31st 2017
For the Supply of Health, Assistance, Funeral and Individual Accident of the SNI Personnel
2017-2018 financial years
“To be opened only during the bid opening session”
The coverage period is 12 months.
Under risk of rejection, each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first rate-bank approved by the Minister of Finances featuring on the list in document N° 11 of the tender file and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original date of the validity of the offer. The bond(s) shall be fixed as follows:
- Lot 1: 1 200 000 CFA F
- Lot 2: 500 000 CFA F
The other required administrative documents must be produced in originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or an administrative authority (Senior Divisional Officer, Divisional Officer…) in accordance with the Special Conditions of the invitation to tender. They must not be older than three (3) months preceding the original date of submission of bids or must not have been established after the signing of the tender notice.
Any offer in compliance with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible. Especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance or the non-respect of model documents of the tender file will lead to the rejection of the bid.
Bids will be opened in two phases.
The opening of administrative documents and technical bid shall take place on April 24th 2017 at 2 pm by the Tenders Board of SNI Headquarters in Yaoundé, MANY EWONDO Street, Room 721, 7th floor.
The opening of financial bids shall take place at a later date.
NB : Only bidders or one of their representatives duly authorized and with a sound knowledge of the file shall attend that opening session.
Eliminatory criteria
The eliminatory criteria of this tender are the following:
- False declarations, substituted or forged administrative documents;
- Absence or Incomplete administrative documents;
- Lack of an engagement letter testifying the support to the ASCOMA’s third-party payment system with biometric cards
- Lack of engagement letter from the bidder to work with ASCOMA CAMEROOUN ;
- Technical score less than 70 out of 100 points.
Essential criteria
The technical bids’ will be evaluated over one hundred (100) marks according to the following criteria:
Criterias |
Marking (points) |
1. General presentation of the bid |
3 |
2. Specific conditions |
10 |
3. Turnover of the 2014 and 2015 financial years |
10 |
4. Specific references of the bidder regarding similar risk management branches during the last three years (2013, 2014, 2015) |
22 |
5. Detailed description of the offered guarantees |
15 |
6. Bidding details of the guarantee |
21 |
7. Coverage of regulated commitments |
5 |
8. Coverage of the solvency margin |
5 |
9. Disaster payment pace during the last three years. (see C10.b, chart D) |
4 |
10. Reassurance treaties in the similar branch under validity |
5 |
100 |
Evaluation criteria and essential sub criteria, for each lot, are detailed in the Special Tender Regulations (RPAO). The technical weight should be 75% while the financial weight at 25%.
The financial marks (FM) will be calculated with the formula:
FN = (Mn x 100)/M
Where Mn is the amount of the complete, true and best bidder’s offer, and M the amount of the bidder’s offer.
Selection method of the insurer
The insurer shall be chosen following the best bidder’s method.
Maximum number of lots
A bidder can win both lots.
Bidders shall remain engaged by their bid or ninety (90) days with effect from their submission deadline.
may be obtained during working hours from the General Affairs Department at the SNI building, (door n° 133), telephone 222 22 44 22.