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Publié le 15-03-2024 à 16:46
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OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER EMERGENCY PROCEDURE N°001/ONIT/CIGSMP/C/MBA/CIPM/2024 OF 13/03/2024 RELATIVE TO THE Rehabilitation of earth roads in the Mbanga Council (4000 ml): section 1: Old Mbanga Balong chiefdom crossroads - behind the bilingual high school; section 2: Bilingual High School — entrance under mango free; section 3: red devil crossroads — Moussa crossroads; section 4: Dubai crossroads — Dikouma orange crossroads; section 5: mobile pharmacy — last post district 7A; section 6: quarter ten bridge — CEBEC crossroads 'IN THE MBANGA COUNCIL, MUNGO DIVISION, LITTORAL REGION. FINANCING: PIB MINADER 2024 FISCAL YEAR
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

Within the framework of the 2021 Public Investment Budget, the Mayor of MBANGA Council, Contracting Authority, hereby launches on behalf of MBANGA Council, in emergency procedure, an open national invitation to tender for the Rehabilitation of earth roads in the Mbanga Council (4000 mi):
- section 1: Old Mbanga Balong chiefdom crossroads — behind the bilingual high school; section 2: Bilingual High School — entrance. under mango free;
- section 3: red devifcrossroads — Moussa crossroads; section 4: Dubai crossroads — Dikouma orange crossroads;
- section 5: mobile pharmacy — last post district 7A; section 6: quarter ten bridge — CEBEC crossroads IN THE MBANGA COUNCIL, MUNGO DIVISION, LITTORAL REGION.

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The services to be performed include:

3.Participation et origine New(Additif)

Participation in this invitation to tender is opened to Cameroonian Law Firms that fulfill the requirement of this Tender with justification of Technical and Financial means to execute the work.

4.Financement New(Additif)

These works are financed by the Public Investment Budget of MINHDU, part of the fiscal year 2024, for an estimated amount of:

Nature of works

Estimated amount ATI

 Budget Head


Rehabilitation of earth roads in the Mbanga Council (4000 ml):
section 1: Old Mbanga Balong chiefdom crossroads - behind the bilingual high school;
section 2: Bilingual High School — entrance under mango free;
section 3: red devil crossroads — Moussa crossroads;
section 4: Dubai crossroads — Dikouma orange crossroads;
section 5: mobile pharmacy — last post district 7A;

50 000 000
(fifty million) F.CFA

58 43 140 01 64142626 464211 731

5.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

The file may be consulted during working hours at the Mbanga Council, Internai Unit of Public Contract Management (IUPCM) situated in the Technical Service, PO box 49 Mbanga, as soon as this notice is published

6.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The tender file can be obtained as from the publication of the present invitation to tender at the Mbanga Council, Internai Unit of Public Contract Management (IUPCM) situated in the Technical Service, PO box 49 Mbanga, upon presentation of Mbanga Municipal receipt attesting the payment of a non-refundable sum of 80 000 FCFA, at the Mbanga Municipal Treasury; representing the cost of purchasing the tender documents.
Under penalty of rejection, the receipt must clearly state the number of the Invitation to Tender and must not contain any erasures or other elements that might call its authenticity into question.
When.collecting the tender document, bidders must register by leaving their full address: P.0. Box, Telephone, Fax, E-mail, on a photocopy of the receipt.

7.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Each offer drafted in English or French in seven (07) copies including one 1) original and six (06) copies, marked as such should reach to the Mbanga Council, PO box 49 Mbanga, not later than 08/04/2024  at 11 O'CLOCK local time and should carry the inscription:


N°001/ONIT/CIGSMP/C/MBA/CIPM/2024 OF 13/03/2024 RELATIVE TO THE Rehabilitation of earth roads in the Mbanga Council (4000 ml):
section 1: Old Mbanga Balong chiefdom crossroads - behind the bilingual high school;
section 2: Bilingual High School — entrance under mango free;
section 3: red devil crossroads — Moussa crossroads;
section 4: Dubai crossroads — Dikouma orange crossroads;
section 5: mobile pharmacy — last post district 7A;
section 6: quarter ten bridge — CEBEC crossroads 'IN THE MBANGA COUNCIL, MUNGO DIVISION, LITTORAL REGION.


8.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The Maximum execution deadline provided for by the Project Owner for the execution of the works of this tender shall be one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days, as from the date of notification of the service order to start the works

9.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first rate-bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance featuring on the list in document 12 of the tender file of an amount of one million (1,000,000) Francs CFA valid for ninety (90) days beyond.
In the absence of a bid bond, and in accordance with Order No. 093/CAB/PM of November 05, 2002 setting the amounts of the bid bond and the costs of the tender documents, SMEs with national capital and management may produce a legal mortgage.
Under threat of rejection, the administrative documents required, must be produced in originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or an administrative authority (Senior Divisional Officer, Divisional Officer...) in accordarice with the Special Conditions of the invitation to tender.
Under penalty of rejection or disregard, any document signed before the date of publication of this Notice will not be taken into account. The bidder will then have 48 hours to regularize his document only for the administrative documents.
All tender documents must be dated after the date of launch of the Invitation to Tender.
Any bid that does not comply with the requirements of this Notice and the Tender Documents will be declared inadmissible.

10.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

The bids shall opened at once. Both administrative documents, technical and financial offers shall be opened on the 08/04/2024 at 12 AM by the Tenders Board attached to the MBANGA Council in the Conference hall.
.Each bidder may attend the opening session or may be represented by a person of his choice, having an expert and excellent knowledge of the offers.

11.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

Tender evaluation criteria
Evaluation by the Tender Analysis Sub-Committee will take place in four (04) stages:
- Stage 1: Verification of the conformity of each bidder's administrative file.
- Stage 2: Verification of the technical files of bidders whose administrative bids are deemed compliant.
- Stage 3: Verification of the financial bids of companies whose bids have been deemed technically qualified and
administratively compliant.
- Step 4: Verification of the digital files of companies whose bids have been deemed technically qualified and
administratively compliant.

Elimination criteria
a)    Absence of the bid bond
b)    Absence or non-conformity after 48 hours from the opening of bids of any part of the administrative file, with the exception of the bid bond.
c)    Misrepresentation, falsified documents, scanned in the Bidder's Offer, whatever the File. To this end, the Contracting Authority and the CIPM reserve the right to proceed with the authentication of any document presenting a doubtful character;
d)    Failure to accept the clauses of the contract (CCAP and CCTP not initialled on each page, not signed, not dated at the end and without the words read and approved);
-e) Failure to include in the Tenderer's Technical Offer a Declaration of Honor by which the Tenderer certifies that not only has it not, as a Company or as. a Member of a Group of Companies, abandoned any contract over the past three (03) years, but also that it is not on the list of defaulting companies drawn up annually by the Ministry of Public Procurement;
f)    Modification of a quantity or unit in the Quotation or BPU;
g)    Total absence of a quantified price in the financial offer;
h)    Technical offer incomplete due to the absence of the following documents:
Site visit report with photos of the site.
Works supervisor.does not have the qualification required in. the DAO;
Insufficient financial capacity.
i) Incomplete financial bid due to absence of:
Stamped bid
Unit price schedule; Quantities and estimates;
Sub-details of unit prices.
j)    Absence or insufficiency of one of the four bid volumes;
k)    Appears on the list of companies annually excluded from public procurement; I) Failure to obtain at least 23 Yes /28 i.e. at least 80% of the essentiel criteria.

Essential Criterias :
I.    General company references;
Company logistics;
III.    Staff;
IV.    Technical iDroposal and planning;
V.    Financial Clauses;
VI.    Presentation;
VII    Absence of a minimum 16 GB SanDisk/ lmation/KingstonlFastmann USB key (digital backup copy in World File for
technical offers, Excel for financial offers and PDF or JPC of all Administrative Offer documents).
N.B.: Each file declared technically conform most satisfy all eliminatory criteria's and have at least 23 yes/28 there for 80% of the Essential Criteria's mention above. Evaluated in conformity with the table of Evaluation the Technical file.

12.Attribution New(Additif)

The Mayor of Mbanga Council, Contracting Authority, will award the Contract to the Bidder technically qualified and evaluated lowest Bidder (not anomaly low) alter verification and correction of the prices unity and judge substantially in conform to the Tender File Documents.

13.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Bidders will remain committed to the offers during ninety (90) days, from the deadline set for the submission of tenders.

14.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Complementary and technical information may be obtained at Mbanga Council, Project owner during working hours at Contracting Authority services.
Toll-free numbers
Numéros verts :
Dans le cadre de l'amélioration de la gouvernance dans le Système des Marchés Publics au Cameroun, des numéfos verts (Appels & SMS gratuits) peuvent être utilisés à toutes fins utiles.
Il s'agit en effet de dénoncer tout acte de corruption en appelant ou en envoyant gratuitement un SMS à l'un des numéros ci-après : 673 205 725 & 699 370 748.

MBANGA Le 13-03-2024