Within the framework of the 2024 Public Investment Budget, the Mayor of the MBANGA Council, Contracting Authority, hereby launches an open National invitation to tender in emergency procedure, for construction works of a fish sales hall at Mbanga Market A, MOUNGO Division, Littoral Region.
The works subject of this tender includes:
Participation in this Invitation to tender is open to Cameroonians Enterprises who are not excluded from public contracts,
These works are financed by the Public Investment Budget of MINEPIA, part of the fiscal year 2024, for an estimated amount of:
N° |
Nature of works |
Enveloppe TTC |
Budget Head |
1 |
Construction of a block of two classrooms in the GBNS-QTIER 15 |
15,000,000 (Fifteen Million)CFA |
58 31 53 06 641426 464211 951 |
The file may be consulted during working hours at the MBANGA Council services: PO BOX 49 MBANGA, as soon as this notice is published.
The file may be obtained at thé MBANGA Council sèrvices: PO BOX 49 as Soon as this notice is published against payment of a non-refundable sum of thirty thousand (30 000) CFA Francs at MBANGA Municipal Treasury Office, representing the cost of purchasing the tender documents
Under penalty of rejection, the receipt must clearly state the number of the Invitation to Tender and must not contain any erasures or other elements that might call into question its authenticity.
When collecting the Tender Documents, bidders must register by leaving their full address: P.O. Box, Telephone, Fax, E-mail, on a photocopy of the receipt.
Each offer drafted in English or French in seven (07) copies including one 1) original and six (06) copies, marked as such should reach to the Mbanga Council, PO box 49 Mbanga, not later than 08/04/2024 at 11 O'CLOCK local time and should carry the inscription:
N°003/ONIT/CIGSMP/C/MBA/CIPM/2024 OF 13/03/2024
The maximum execution deadline provided by the Project Owner for the execution of the works subject of this tender shall be execute during Ninety (90) calendar days.
Each bidder must attach to its administrative documents a Bid Bond issued by a first-class bank or by an insurance company approved by the Ministry of Finance and listed in Exhibit 12 of the DAO, in the amount of 300,000 (Three Hundred Thousand) CFA francs.
In the absence of this bid bond, and in accordance with Order N°093/CAB/PM of November 05, 2002 fixing the amounts of the bid bond and the costs of the tender dossier, SMEs with national capital and management may pnroduce a legal mortgage.
Other required administrative documents must be submitted in originals or in copies certified as true by the issuing department in accordance with the stipulations of the Special Rules for Invitations to Tender, failing which they will be rejected.
They must have been drawn up after the date on which the invitation to tender was issued.
The opening administrative documents, the technical and financial offers shall take place on 08/04/2024 at 12 PM o'clock in the single phase by the Tenders Board attached to the MBANGA Council in its Cohference hall. Only bidders may attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice.
Evaluation criteria :
The evaluation will follow the binary mode (yes/no) with a threshold for the set of essential criteria taken into account.
Eliminatory criteria : .
a) File (Administrative, Technical or Financial) incomplete or missing when bids are opened;
b) Falsified, scanned or non-compliant documents (subject to the provisions of point 1.1 of Circular No. 002/CAB/PM of January 31, 2011 on improving the performance of the public procurement system).
c) Misrepresentation in the Bidder's Offer, regardless of the File! To this end, the Contracting Authority and the CIPM reserve the right to proceed with the authentication of any document presenting a doubtful character;
d) Non-acceptance of contract clauses (CCAP and CCTP not initialled, not signed and not dated at the end); •
e) Failure to submit, in the Bidder's Technical Offer, a Declaration of Honor by which the Bidder certifies that not only has it not, as a Company or as a Member of a Group of Companies, abandoned any contract over the past three (03) years, but also that it is not on the list of defaulting companies drawn up annually by the Ministry of Public Procurement;
f) Modification of a quantity in the quotation;
g) Total absence of a quantified price in the "financial offer (Quantitative 'and Estimative Detail, Schedule of Unit Prices, Sub¬Detail of Unit Prices);
h) Absence of the Digital World File of the technical and financial offers (USB key of at least 16 GB brand SanDisk/
. •
ImatIon/Kingston/Fastmann (digital backup copy in World File for the technical offers, Excel for the financial offers and PDF
or JPC of all the documents of the Administrative Offer).
i) Failure to obtain at least 23 Yes /28 or at least 80% of the essential criteria.
Essential criteria
1. Company references ;
2. Availability of essential materials and equipment;
3. Experience of management personnel;
4. Execution methodology and schedule;
To be declared technically compliant, each bid must have satisfied all the eliminatory criteria and obtained at least 23 Yes /28, i.e. at least 80% of the essential criteria listed above, evaluated in accordance with the Technical Bid Scoring Grid.
The Contracting Authority shall award the contract to the bidder owner whose Offers are administratively conformed, technically eligible, and financially evaluated as the lowest.
Bidders will remain committed to their offers for ninety (90) days from the deadline set for the submission of tenders.
Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours at the MBANGA Council at the Project owner as soon as this notice is published.
Toll-free numbers :
As part of improving governance in the Public Procurement System in Cameroon, toll-free numbers (free calls & SMS) can be used for any purpose.
For all attempt of corruption or any malpractices, do kindly call or send an SMS message to MINMAP through the following telephone numbers: 673 20 57 25 or 699 37 07 48.