The Administrative Director of CDENO, Contracting Authority hereby launches a RESTRICTED NATIONAL INVITATION to tender for the acquisition of equipment and inputs for PRODUCERS OF SMALL RUMINANTS BY EMERGENCY PROCEDURE.
The services of this contract comprise notably the acquisition of equipment and inputs for PRODUCERS OF SMALL RUMINANTS BY EMERGENCY PROCEDURE.
The provisional amounts after studies is as follows:
Amount for Phase 1 (2024) |
Amount for Phase 2 (2025) |
Total amount |
100,824,735 |
73,011,015 |
173,835,750 |
One hundred and seventy three million eight hundred and thirty five thousand seven hundred and fifty francs (173,835,750 frs) CFA
The supply shall be in one lot delivered in two phases: with Phase 1 in 2024 while Phase 2 in 2025 as per the bill of quantities in this tender file.
Participation is open to the three enterprises shortlisted following the call for manifestation of interest No. CDENO/AD/SIGAMP/2024 of 26/01/2024.
This project shall be financed by PULCCA budget for 2024 and 2025, Head S.A
The tender documents are available for consultation at CDENO, SIGAMP UNIT. Tel: 233361710 /677451721
The tender can be obtained upon presentation of a receipt showing payment of a non-refundable sum of one hundred and thirty thousand (130,000) FCFA payable into ARMP account no. 100010686097568660001-28 of BICEC Bank. The original copy of this receipt shall be included in the bidder’s documents.
Bids in French or English shall be submitted in Seven (7) bound copies i.e. one (1) stamped original and Six (6) copies and should reach CDENO, SIGAMP UNIT, on or before the 26/04/2024 at 11.00 A.M in a single envelope comprising the administrative, technical and financial Documents upon the issue of an acknowledgement receipt. The Envelop shall be addressed as follows:
The external envelope should not carry any mark that can lead to the identification of the bidder.
The maximum deadline for the job forming the subject of this invitation to tender shall be three (03) months from the date of notification of each service order for supply and the delivery schedules shall be done by the contracting authority.
Each bidder must attach to his/her administrative documents a bid bond issued by a bank approved by the ministry of the Financeamounting to Three million four hundred and seventy six thousand seven hundred and fifteen francs (3,476,715 frs.)
This attestation, which must be original, should be valid for thirty (30) days beyond the date of validity of bids
Subject to being rejected, documents in the administrative file must include only originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or competent administrative authorities in accordance with the Special Regulations of the invitation to tender. These documents must be less than three (3) months old from the date of opening of bid except for CNPS clearance certificate whose validity is (1) month.
The Bids shall be opened in a single phase in the conference hall of CDENO on the 26/04/2024 at 12:00 prompt. Only bidders may attend or be represented by a duly mandated person.
Essential criteria:
The technical documents shall be evaluated following the binary method:
The contracting authority shall award the contract to the bidder whose bid is judged to conform to the essentials of the tender specification, and who has submitted the most coherent bid and the lowest bid. But inconsistent and unrealistic offers will not be accepted
The bidders shall remain committed to their bid for 90 days from the deadline set for the submission of bids.
Further information can be obtained from the CDENO office, or the Contracting Authority. Tel: 233361710 /677451721