Within the framework of the 2024 Budget of the Plinistry of Public Works, Road Fund Line 2024 - 2025, the Mayor of Kombo Abedimo Council; Delegated Project Owner and Contracting Authorityereby launches an Open National Invitation ta Tender for the FOR THE
The works shah! involve the following tasks inter alia:
- Site Installation
- Geotechnical
- Excavation and foundation trenches,
- Etackftlling of foundation
Learn concrete dosed at 200kg/m3
Retnforced concrete for footing dosed at 400Kg/m3 Reinforced concrete for foundation dosed at 400Kg/m3 Reinforced concrete for watts dosed at 400Kg/m3 Reinforced concrete for stairs dosed al 400Kg/m3
The estimated cost alter preliminary studies is One hundred and seventy Million (145,000,000) FCFA distnbuted as follows
- Phase 1(2024). 75,000,000 (Seventy five Million) CFA Francs inclusive of tax.
- Phase 2 {2025): 70,000,000 (Seventy Million) CFA Francs inclusive of tax
Participation (o tilts invitation Io tender is open to Cameroonian enterprises that are in compliance with the fiscal laws.
Works which form the subject of this invitation to tender is financed by the Budget of the Ministry of Public Works - Road Fund Line 2024 - 2025
The file may be consulted during working hours al the Secretariat of the Mayor of Kombo Abedimo Council. Telephone N° (237) 672872759., as soon as Ulis tender notice is published
The file may be obtained from the Mayor's Secretariat, Kombo Abedimo Council Telephone (237)672872759. as soon as this tender notice is published against payrnent of a non refundable sum of 116, 000 CFA (One hundrc-d and sixteen thousand) francs, payable at Public Treasury. representing the cost of purchasing the tender file
Each offer drafted in English or French in 07 (seven) copies including 01 (one) original and 06 (six) copies shoutd reach the Kombo Abedimo Council Chambers not taler (han 19/04/2024 at 10 AM local Lime in three (03) distinct envelops which shah be labelled as follows; - Envelop A: Administrative documents;
- Envelop B: Technical offer;
Envelop C: Financial offer.
These three (03) envelops v.fill be put in a fourth one which shah be labelled imperatively as follows:
The maximum duration provided by the Contracting Authority for the execution of the
works forming the subject of this invitation to tender is ten (10) months.
- Five (05) months for works of phase 1 (2024)
- Five (05) months for works of phase 2 (2025) ki
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issueci by a first-rate banking establishment or insurance cornpany approved by the Ministry in charge of finance and v..hose list is Pound in document No. 12 of the Tender File, of an arnount of 2,900,000 CFA (Two million nine hundred thousand Francs CFA), valid for thirly (30) days beyond the date of vatidity of bids.
Each offer drafted in English or French in 07 (seven) copies including 01 (one) original and 06 (six) copies shoutd reach the Kombo Abedimo Council Chambers not taler (han 19/04/2024 at 10 AM local Lime in three (03) distinct envelops which shah be labelled as follows; - Envelop A: Administrative documents;
- Envelop B: Technical offer;
Envelop C: Financial offer.
These three (03) envelops v.fill be put in a fourth one which shah be labelled imperatively as follows:
Tite bids shall be opened in a single phase Tite opening of the administrative documents, the Technical and Financial offers will take place on the 19/04/2024 at 11 AM local lime, at the Conference Hall of office desionated by the Contracting Authority (Kombo Abedimo Council Chambers). by the Kombo Abedimo Council Internai Tenders Board Only bidders or duly authorized representatives having full knowledge of the file (power of attorney) shall attend.
1. Absence of the bld bond
Duting the opening session of the big s If a document of the administrative bid l absent or
"rwchnPliant. the bidder be given forty-eight (48) hours to produce or replace said
document else will be etiminated during the evaluation of the t'Iris No a uch document will be accepted alter this deadfine
B. Essential critoria
1 General presentation of the tender files.
2 Fmanctal capacity,
3 Reteren ces of the company tn sinter achievements.
4 Quality cf the personnel,
5 Teclinic_a! organizatton of the works, ti Satety measures on the site, Logistrcs.
8 Attestation and report of site visa,
9 .Specat Tectubcal Clauses initialed in ait the pages,
10 Special Adrnrnstrative Clauses completed and initialed in ail the pages
Tnese essentiel critena are subject to tower tir nits. the details of which are spelled out in the
Specrai Fleguleons of the invitation ta tender
This evaluation viril be done in a purely binery rnethod with a positive (yes) or negatwe (no) with an acceptable minimum of•70% of the essentiel critena taken Info account
Bidders %vili remain committed to their offers for sixty (60) days from the deadline set for the subrnission of tenders
Complementary technical information may be obtamed dunng working hours at the Kombo Abedimo Council Telephone N°(237) 672872759