Wilhin the framework of the albremcntioncd vvorks, tbc Mayor of the Commune of Bangangté, Contracting Authority, is launching on behalf ofthe Commune ofBangangté, a National Open Call for Tendcrs under an emergency procédure for the Construction of a Multifunctional Youth Promotion Centre (CMP) in the Commune of Bangangté.
Thc Works inciude in particular
• Preliminary work
• Foundalion work
• Raised concrète work
• Masonry wcnT
• Plastering work
• False ceilings
• Scaling work
• Carpenlry and rooiîng works
• Carpentrv and roollng work
• Joinery - wood
• Aluminium joinery and glazing v\x>rk
• Metal joinery work
• Painting work
• Watcrprooflng work
• Eleclrical work
• Plumbing and drainage work
The estimated cosi ol'lhe works is FCFA 60,000.000 (sixty million).
Participation in this invitation to tender is open to Cameroonian public works companies.
TheWorks, which are ihe subjecl ofthis invitation to tenJer. will be Unanced bythe Public Investment Budget of MIN.IEC, Financial Year 2024.
The tender dossier may bc consulled during working hoiirs al the Bangangté Commune (Service des Marchés, Téléphoné 675 16 93 99; 695 98 .36 46). as soon as this notice is published.
The tender dossier can be obtained from the Bangangté Commune (Service des Marchés), on présentation ofa reccipl for paymciil ol'a non-refundable sum of 100,000 (one luindred thousand) FCF.A payable to the Bangangté municipal revenue ofilee.
Each tender, drawn up in French or English and in seven (07) copies, onc (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, must be reccived in a sealed envelope by the Procurement Department of the Bangangté Town Council no later than 8 a.m. on 19 April. Il must be marked:
N° 07 /AON()/CiPM-BGTE/C-BGTE/2024 du 28 Mars 2024 en pour la Conslruciion d'un Centre Multifonctionnel de Promotion de Jeunes (CMP) dans la Commune de Bangangté.
The maximum period stipulated by the project owner for carrying out the work covered by this invitation (o tendcr is four (04) months.
Each lenderer miist attacb to his atlministralive documents a provisional bond issued by a first class banking esiablishnicnt or insuranee company approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance, the amount olAvhich is llxed at 1,200.000 (onc million ivvo hundred thousand) i-'CFA and valid lor 120 (one hundred and Iwenly) days from the dcadline for siibmission of tenders. Under penalty of rejection, the provisional bond must be produced in original and no more than three (03) months old.
The provisional bond will be rcleascd no later than thirty (30) days aller the deadline for Ihe validity oflenders for tenderers who have nol been selected. For the successful tendcrer, the provisional bond will be released once the Final bond has been lodged.
On pain ofrejection, the administrative documents required must be produced in originals or in copies cerlilled as true by the issuing deparlments, as the case may be, in accordance with the RPAO. They must be dated within three (03) months of the opening of the bids or drawn up after the date of publication ofthe tender notice.
The diily stampedand signed tender, in accordance with the model contained in the tender documents, must show the costs in CFA francs excluding taxes and incliiding ail taxes.
The hids will be opened in a single session on 19 Aprll al 9 a.m. by ihe Bangangté Communc's Internai Conlract Award Commitlee.
Only lenderers or their duly aulliorised représentatives wiih full knowledge of the fiîe may attend tins opening session.
Tenders will be evaluaied on the basis of the follovving criteria:
1 Eliminatory criteria
a) Absence of the bid bond al the tender opening:
b) Failure lo régularise a non-eompliant administrative document afier 48 hours;
e) Falsilled document or previously eertified document and/or false déclaration;
d) Failure lo présent a photocopy ofthe DAO purchase receipt when submitting bids to the project owncr's conlracting department:
e) Incomplète technical offcr due lo the absence of the site visit report signed on honour by the
f) Omission from the llnancial olTerofa unit price quanlitled in the BPU and DQE;
g) Failure to salisfy at least 70% ofthe essential criteria evaluaied according to the scoring grid;
h) Absence ofa déclaration of non-abandonmcnl of work over tiie lasl three (03) years and not appearing on the list
ofcompanies suspended by the Public Procurement Authority.
2. Essential criteria
The tcchnical offer will be evaluaied according lo the Ibllcwing scoring grid:
I Présentation (01 critcrion)
II Référencés (05 criteria)
III Management staff (06 criteria)
IV Equipment (05 criteria)
V Meihodology (05 criteria)
VI Financial offer (02 criteria)
The détails ofihese essential criteria are set ont in the Spécial Rules for Invitations lo Tender (RPAO) and included in the évaluation grid. In the event ofa connici beiween the tender notice, the évaluation grid and the RPAO, only the latter shall be taken into considération.
The Employer will award the Conlract to the Biddcr whosc bid bas becn delermined lo be in compliance vvith the Bidding Documents and who has the tcchnical and linancial capability to perform the Conlract saiisfactorily and whose bid has been delermined to be the lowest evaluaied bid, including, where applicable, any proposed discounts.
The maximum period for completion of the work is four (04) months.
Additioiia! information can be oblained during workîng iiov-'S bvim thc Banganglé Coinmuae (Service des Marchés) Tel: 675 16 03 99; 695 98 36 46.