1 | Cautionnement Provisoire |
Au lieu de ... Avery bid must have a provisory caution which has one hundred and twenty (120) days of validity and cost 1% of the amount of eut ire market. This caution should be return to the bidder alter thirty days atter expiration of the validity of the beds who didn't win the auction. |
Lire plutot Avery bid must have a provisory caution which has one hundred and twenty (120) days of validity and cost 2% of the amount of entire market_ This caution should be return to the bidder alter thirty days alter expiration of the validity of the beds who didn't win the auction. |
2 | Critères d'évaluation |
Au lieu de ... A. Elimina tory criteria: Adnanistrative offer
Lire plutot A. Eliminatory critcria: b. Adorinistrative offer