As part of the exécution of the Public Investment Budget, the Mayor of the Municipality of Tonga, Project Owner, on behalf of the BIP, launches a National Open Tender Notice for the Works of: the maintenance works of the roads Tonga-Koptoh - Bitchoua Nord
TheWorks, which are the subject ofthis Call forTenders are structured as a batch as follows:
The estimated cost including tax of the opération following the preliminary studies is: 23 000 000
Participation In this Call for Tenders is open to companies governed by Cameroonian !awwith expertise in the field.
The participation ofcompanies in the form of a consortium is permitted provided that the Lead Partner is appointed and that the spécifie responsibilities of each member of the consortium are clearly évident in the consortium agreement
The 2022 Public investment Budget Hnanccs the works covered by this Cal! forTenders.
Upon publication of this notice, the Bidding Documents can be viewed during working hours at the Municipality of Tonga (procurement department).
The Bidding Documents can be obtained and consulted in the municipality of Tonga (procurement department). upon publication of this notice, against présentation ofa receipt for payment of the non-refundable sum of 25 000(twenty-rive thousand) Francs FCFA, representing the costs of purchasing the file, payable to the municipal revenue of Tonga.
Each offer vvritten in French or English, in Seven (07) copies including one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, must reach the municipality of Tonga against receipt, no later than 17 MAI 2024 at 10 a.m. local time and must bear the following mention:
The maximum period provided bythe Client for carrying out the work covered bythis Call for Tenders is Three (03) months. This period runs from the date of notification of the Service Order to start work.
Each tenderer must attach to his administrative documents, a bid bond established according to the mode! indicated in the Invitation to Tender File and the amount of which is; 460,000 CFA francs
Issued by a financial institution approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance, listed in Exhibit 13 of this DAO, and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original date ofvalidity ofthe offers.
Under penalty of rejection of the offer, the other required administrative documents (currently valid) must be produced in originals or in certified true copies by the issuing department or the compétent authority, in accordance with the stipulations of the Supplementary Régulations of the Cali fortenders.
They must be dated less than three months prior to the original date of submission of tenders or have been established after the date ofsignature ofthe Invitation to Tender.
Any offer that does not comply with the requirements of this notice and the Invitation to Tender Document will be declared inadmissible. In particular, the absence of the bid bond issued by a financial institution approved by the Minister in charge of Finance or the noncompliance with the models of the documents in the tender dossier, will resuit in the rejection of the offer.
he opening of the folds will be done in one step. The opening of administrative documents, technical and financial offers will take place on 17 MAY 2024 at 11 am by the Tonga Interna! Procurement Commission sitting in the proceedings room of the said commune.
- Lack ofbid bond;
- Be on the list of companies suspended by the public proturement authority;
- Not having satisfied at least 70% ofthe criteria for theanalysis oftheTechnical Offers; '
- Omission in the Financial Offer of a quantified unit price;
- Lack or non-compliance ofan administrative documentât the end ofthe count and not regularized within forty (48) hours;
- False déclaration, falsified document or scanned document;
- Not having completed the services of the BIP exercise of previous years;
- Production of copies of the Offers in insufficient number (less than seven);
- Certification of previously certified documents;
a) Financial situation (2 criteria)
b) Expérience (3 criteria)
c) Personal (7 criteria)
d) Materials (6 criteria)
e) Methodology (5 criteria)
f) Présentation (2 criteria)
The détails of these essential criteria are specified in the évaluation grid appearing in the Spécial Régulations of the Call forTenders.
The Contracting Authority will award the Contract to the tenderer whose tender has been ï evaluated the lowest on the basis of the amount excluding VAT and deemed to comply with the Invitation to Tender Document.
Tenderers remain committed by their offer for a period of ninety (90) days from the date fixed for the submission of tenders.
Additional technical information can be obtained during working hours from the markets department of the town hall of TONGA,by Tel: 696 45 82 89/681 53 44 17