In order to improve the working conditions of its personnel, particularly in the central and external services in Yaounde, the DIrector General of the National Social Insurance Fund hereby launches a National Open Invitation to Tender for the supply, installation and putting into service of thirty-four airconditioners with variable horse powers, in the emergency procedure.
The works, under this invitation to tender shall comprise:
1) Supply, installation and putting into service of thirty-four (34) airconditioners of variable horse powers, notably :
Number of phases : 1ph-230 V (50Hz)
c. THREE (3) airconditioners of 2.25kW (3,25 cv) absorbed horsepower
2) Putting at the disposal of the Project Manager: technical sheets and equipment tests reports, maintenance and follow-up worksheets, as well as installation plans in duplicate papers and on CD-ROM in digital format JPG (JPEG) and USB key;
3) As the above list is not exhaustive, the successful bidder must all the necessary accesories in it to carry out the installations as described in this document.
The estimated cost of the works after preliminary studies shall be FCFA 29 000 000 (twenty-nine million), excluding taxes (HT).
The works shall be combined in only (1) lot.
Participation in this tender shall be open to companies operating under Cameroonian law and justifying proven experience in this type of works..
The works of this tender shall be funded by the budget of the National Social Insurance Fund, 2017 Financial year, budgetary head No. 7-2D2229 according to programme 112.
The file shall be consulted during working hours at the Contracts’ Service Service at the 9th floor, room 903 of the CNPS Head Office Buildingde situated at the Independence Square, upon publication of this notice to tender in the Contracts Magazine.
The file shall be obtained at the place indicated above, upon publication of this notice, against payment of a non refundable sum of 50 000 (fifty thousand) francs CFA in the Special Account CAS-ARMP No. 335988 opened in BICEC branches.
During withdrawal of the file, bidders shall get themselves registered and leave their full address (P.O Box number and telephone contacts.
Each offer drafted in English or French in seven (7) copies of which one (1) original and six (6) copies labelled as such, shall reach the Contracts Service not later than 27 of April 2017 at 11 a.m., local time and shall bear the mention:
No.05 /17/AONO/DG/CIPM/CNPS OF 04 April 2017
To be opened only during the bid opening session »
The deadline scheduled by the Project Manager for the works of this tender shall be three (3) months
Each bidder shall attach to his administrative documents, a bid bond 500 000 (five hundred thousand ) Francs CFA, established by a first class bank and approuved by the Ministry of Finance.
The guarantee shall be valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original date of validity of bids.
Under pain of being rejected, the required administrative documents must be subsmitted in original copies and copies certified as true by the issuing services or competent administrative authorities, in accordance with the stipulations of the Specifications of this Tender.
They must be dated less than three (3) months prior to the original date of submission of bids or have been established after the date of signture of the Tender Notice.
Incomplete offrers, in accordance with the requirements of the bidding documents will be declared inadmissible, including the absence of the bid bond issued by a first class bank approuved by the Ministry of Finance, or the non respect of the models of documents of the Tender document will lead to outright rejection of the offer without any rescourse.
The opening of bids shall be done in one (1) phase..
The opening of the administrative documents, technical and financial offers shall be done on_27 of April 2017_at 12 noon, local time, by the Internal Commission of the Tenders Board of the National Social Insurance Fund, in the meeting room of the Commission at the 4th floor, room 416 of the CNPS Building situated at Avenue Kennedy.
Only bidders will be allowed to atend the opening session or be represented by a duly mandated person of their choice.
They shall be as follows :
No. |
NO |
1 |
General presentation of offer
2 |
Funding capacity
3 |
Similar references
Conformity with horse powers and characateristics of equipement provided in the CCTP
5 |
Qualification and experience of key personnel
- Engineer (Bac +3) in electrical engineering or industrial maintenance; - Expérience: au moins trois (03) années.
- Holder of Bac in cold and airconditioning, electrical engineering or industrial maintenance; - Professional experience : at least 3 years minimum. |
6 |
Knowledge of work sites, CCTP and CCAP
7 |
Conformity with HQSEnorms
8 |
Planning and Deadline
9 |
Methodology and organisation
10 |
Production of equipment sheets highlighting their conformity with the technical specifications techniques described in the CCTP |
The contract shall be awarded to the candidate having :
• presented the administrative offer in conformity ;
• validated at least 70 per cent of the sub criteria of evaluation (i.e. at least 7 « yes ») ;
• presented the lowest financial bid.
The bidders shall remain committed to their offers within a period of ninety (90) days from the date fixed for the submission of their offers.
Visit of sites
A guided tour of the sites shall be scheduled by the Project Manager after publication of this Notice to Tender.
Further information may be obtained during working hours at the Contracts’ Service, situated at the CNPS Head Office Building, Indepndence Square at the 9th floor, room 903, tel : 696 54 31 32, 675 13 21 06. /-
« For any act of corruption, please call or send an SMS to MINMAP to the following numbers : 673 20 57 25 / 699 37 07 48 ».