The execution of the present tender file consists of the following tasks;
Participation in this invitation to tender is open to any building firm settled in Republic of Cameroon and justifying technical and financial capacities for the realization of the works, object of the present call for tenders.
Works under this tender shall be financed by the budget of the MINEDUB, PIB 2017.
The file can be consulted and obtained during working hours at the secretariat of the technical Service, planning and urban development (STADU) at Yaoundé III district council, Telephone: (237) (22 31 00 44) / (237) 696 75 42 26, the publication of the present tender, upon presentation of a receipt proving the payment of a non-refundable fee of 50000(Fifty thousand) CFA Franc, to be paid to the municipal tax office of the Yaoundé III district council.
Drafted in English or French seven (07) copies including one (01) original and six (06) copies initialed as such, will have to be submitted enclosed to the technical Service, Planning and Urban Development (STADU) at Yaoundé III district council, latest on the 02 MAY 2017 at precisely 10 o’ clock and should bear the following :
N°001/AONO/CAY3 /CIPM/STADU/04-2017 Related to the erection of a fence at the Gendarmerie Mobile nursery school in the Yaoundé III District Council
«To be opened only at the tender evaluation session»
The deadline prescribed by the project owner is of two (02) Months.
Each tenderer will have to bring along the administrative file required, a provisional guarantee, delivered by a first class banking institution or insurance company authorized by the Ministry in charge of finance, Two hundred and forty thousand (240 000) CFA Franc Each provisional guarantee shall be valid for ninety (90) days with effect from the tender-submission deadline.
. The administrative documents required along side with the provisional guarantee, shall obligatory be presented in original or certified true copies stamped at the rate in force by the competent authorities. They should be dated less than three (03) months.
The tenders submitted after the dead line will not be accepted.
Any tender not in conformity with the prescriptions of the present notice and the invitation to tender will be rejected.
The evaluation of the tenders will take place in the « salle des actes » of the Yaoundé III district council on the 02 MAY 2017 precisely at 11 o’clock by the Tender Board of the Yaoundé III district council, in presence of the tenderer or their representatives mandated with sound knowledge of his file
10.1 – Eliminatory Criteria |
The absence of one document in the administrative file– Presence of a falsified or scanned document in the tender file (The contractor and CIPM reserves the right to proceed to the authentication of any doubtable document) –incomplete Technical or Financial proposal – Omission of a quantified unit price in the financial offer – Any omission of the price sub-detail schedule list of the different operations to be carried out during the execution of the whole project – Firm submitting a head foreman not corresponding to the stated profile (Civil engineer+ Attestation of registration with NOCE) –Evaluation mark of less than 80% of YES – Offer perceived to be abnormally low i.e. a proposed cost less than 90% of the budgeted cost – The enterprise references in the construction of new buildings during the last three (3) years valued less than Thirty million (30 000 000) F.CFA-A firm haven conducted a project whose reception was made with a delay by more than 150% from the stated deadline- A firm who has never conducted till termination in the construction of new buildings valued at least Eleven millions (11 000 000) F.CFA.
10.2 – Essential Criteria |
Technical evaluation done on (49) YES comprising of : |
Personnel (21 YES) – Equipments to be mobilized (04YES) – References of the tenderers on similar works (06 YES) – Organization, Methodology and Planning of the work to be done (08 YES) – Financial capacity (03 YES) – Other documents and presentation of the tender (07 YES). |
The project will be awarded to the tenderer, presenting the relevant financial and technical capacity to successfully execute the work and the least financial offer.
Tenderer shall be bound by their tenders for a period of [b]ninety (90) days with effect from the tender- Submission deadline
N.B: The certified copies of documents earlier legalized shall be systematically rejected.
In this case, the tender is in a unique batch.
Further information of a technical nature can be obtained at working hours at the Technical Service, Planning and Urban development (STADU) at Yaoundé III district council, door R11, Telephone: 696 75 42 26, E-mail :