For the improvement of its regulatory performance, ARSEL is embarked in a vast digitization project of its regulatory processes.
This will contribute to:
- Improve the quality of regulatory decisions;
- Strength the equity in the public service;
- Improve quality of service to electricity consumers;
- enhance the satisfaction of stakeholders (consumers, operators, investors, government);
- enhance the transparency in the electricity sector through the production and diffusion of quality information;
- Etc.
To this end, it is more than necessary to have an integrated, stable, efficient and secure information system, addressing in a federated way all the regulatory functions (technical, economic and consumer). This system will have to be carried out in two phases, spread over the years 2017 and 2018.
The first phase (subject of this tender) will be carried out in 2017, concerns the analysis and the global conception of the SIRSEL.
Participation in this call for tender is open to Information System and Software Engineering Companies located in the Republic of Cameroon.
The services shall be financed from the budget of ARSEL within the 2017 fiscal year.
The complete bid for tenders can be consulted and obtained on publication of this tender at the Headquarters ARSEL, Secretariat of the Commission for the award of contracts, Tel. 222 10.21.16. upon presentation of a receipt of payment of non-refundable sum of twenty thousand (20 000) francs CFA in one of the following accounts opened in the name of the ARMP at BICEC under number 33598860001/44 in Yaounde and 33598860001/39 in Douala - Bonanjo.
The complete bid for tenders can be consulted and obtained on publication of this tender at the Headquarters ARSEL, Secretariat of the Commission for the award of contracts, Tel. 222 10.21.16. upon presentation of a receipt of payment of non-refundable sum of twenty thousand (20 000) francs CFA in one of the following accounts opened in the name of the ARMP at BICEC under number 33598860001/44 in Yaounde and 33598860001/39 in Douala - Bonanjo.
Complete bids shall be submitted no later than 10 MAI 2017, 2017 at 13:00 noon at the Secretariat of the commission for the award of public contracts in ARSEL Headquarters located at Bastos in Yaounde, and shall bear the following:
No. 001/ARSEL/DG/DAAFRH/CID/CIPM/17 of 10/04/2017
"To be opened only during the evaluation session"
NOTE: (Transmission by any other means is prohibited)
The maximum delivery dateline shall be six (06) months.
Bids must be accompanied by a bid bond for a value of FCFA 200 000
The bid opening will be conducted in the conference room of ARSEL on 10 of MAI 2017 from 14 noon local time, by the Commission for the award of public contracts of ARSEL in the presence of bidders or their representatives duly mandated.
Main qualifying criteria:
- Incomplete; Administrative, technical and financial records,
- False declaration or forged documents;
- Non-compliance of the guarantee;
-Technical mark less than 70/100 marks .
Major qualification criteria:
The rating system will be done by marks (100) and will address the following criteria detailed in the RPAO:
Bidders are bound by their tenders for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of submission of the latter.
Further information on the Consultation can be obtained from the Secretariat of the Commission for the award of public contracts of ARSEL.