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Publié le 12-06-2024 à 14:30
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URGENT RESTRICTED NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°. 001/RNIT/TB/UB/24 of 29/05/2024 1.12 rchilectural and Engineering Studies and Design of a Comprehensive Nursery, Primary and Secondary School for the Faculty of Education at the University of Buea
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea hereby launches Restricted National Invitation to Tender N°. 001/RNIT/TB/UB/24 of 29/05/2024 for Architectural and Engineering Studies and Design of a

Comprehensive Nursery, Primary and Secondary School for the Faculty of Education at the University of Buea . "This invitation to tender is as a result of a Call for Manifestation of Interest No.001/UB/DPPI/24 of 22/03/2024.

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The consultant shall be expecteto design a modem educational complex comprising of a nursery, Primary and secondary school

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

The estimated cost alter preliminary studies is 50, 000, 000(fifty million) CFA francs including taxes

4.Participation et origine New(Additif)

This restricted cal/ for tenders is open to the following pre-selected candidates, on the basis of a cal/ for Manifestation of Interest No.001/UB/DPPI/24 of 22/03/2024 and the pre-selection report of 26/04/2024.


Name of Pre-qualified Company




P.O. BOX 1372, LIMBE







5.Financement New(Additif)

Services which form the subject of this invitation to tender shall be financed by the 2024 Public Investment Budget of the University of Buea. Programme 117 Article 117001 Paragraph 772281

6.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

the tender file can be consulted during working hours at the Development Office, Room 211, of the --lentral Administration Building at the University of Buea as soon as this notice is published

7.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

Tender documents can be obtained during working hours at the Secretariat of the Development Office. Room 211, Central Administration Building, upon presentation of a receipt of a non-refundable fee of 40,000 (forty thousand)francs CFA to the special ARMP account No. 97568660001-28 at BICEC.

8.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Each bid drafted in English or French in seven (7) copies including the original and six (6) copies marked as such, should reach the Development Office, Room 211, of the Central Administration Building, University of Buea, at 12:00 a.m. prompt on 21/06/2024. The bids should be addrcssed to The Vice-Chancellor, University of Buea, P.O. Box 63, Buea. The khaki envelope containing the bids should be marked on the top right hand corner:

"URGENT RESTRICTED NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 001/RNIT/TB/UB/24 of 29/05/2024 for Architectural and Engineering Studies and Design of a Comprchensive Nursery, Primary and Secondary School for the Faculty of Education at the University of 'Inca"

"To be opened only during the bid-opening session

9.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The maximum deàdline provided by the Project Owner or Delegated Contracting Authority for the exccution of the services forming the subject of this invitation to tender is 04 (four) months.

10.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)


(Rach bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond of 1,000,000 (one million) CFA francs, issued by a first-rate banking establishment approved by the Ministry of finance (see document Vo. 11 of the Tender File). The bid bond is valid for thirty (30) days beyond the date of validity of bids.


11.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)


Each bid drafted in English or French in seven (7) copies including the original and six (6) copies marked as such, should reach the Development Office, Room 211, of the Central Administration Building, University of Buea, at 12:00 a.m. prompt on 21/06/2024. The bids should be addrcssed to The Vice-Chancellor, University of Buea, P.O. Box 63, Buea. The khaki envelope containing the bids should be marked on the top right hand corner:

"URGENT RESTRICTED NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 001/RNIT/TB/UB/24 of 29/05/2024 for Architectural and Engineering Studies and Design of a Comprchensive Nursery, Primary and Secondary School for the Faculty of Education at the University of 'Inca"

"To be opened only during the bid-opening session"

12.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

The bids shah be opened in two phases. The opening of the administrative file and the technical bid shah! first take place followed by the opening of the financial bids of bidders who obtained the required minimum technical score.

The opening of administrative files and the technical bids on 21/06/2024 at 1:00 p.m local time by the University of Buea Tenders Board at the Conference Room of the Central Administration of the University of Buea. Only bidders may attend or be represented by a duly mandated person.

The opening of the financial bids shah take place at the end of the technical analysis and shall only concern bidders who obtained the minimum required score of 70%.

13.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)
  1. 10.        criteria 14.1Eliminatory criteria

1       Absence of bid bond

2       False statements or falsified documents

3       Technical score of less than 70%

4       Absence of a registered Architect and a Civil Engineer on staff

14.2Essential criteria

The evaluation of technical bids shah be carried out as follows:

A - Presentation of tender:                                                        (Maximum 3 points)

B — Coherent and pertinent technical note on comprehension of mission (Maximum 10 points)

C — Organization and Methodology (Maximum 12 points)



»       the Fnterprisc iur similar missions (Maximum 10 points)

  • ()mil i fient  or I xperts lIIII (heir expericnce in their domain of expertise (Maximum  GO points)

le                 I .:Litkipment lo bc made available for the mission (Maximum 05 points)

TOTAL (100 points)

of       Only Nids      °Nain a technical score of 70% shall be subn-ritted for financial analysis.

14.Attribution New(Additif)

the contract shall be awarded on the basis of best using the combination of technico financial criteria

15.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Bidders will remain committed to their offers for 90 days from the deadline set for tf submission of bids.

16.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Complementary information may be obtained during working hours from th Development Office, Room 211, Central Administration Building of the University ( Buea, P.O. Box 63, Buea

BUEA Le 29-05-2024