The General Manager of the Autonomous Sinking Fund (CAA) launches on behalf of his organisation an open national emergency invitation to tender for the supply in three independent lots of vehicles to the Autonomous Sinking Fund.
The services to be provided by this contract include
The technical specifications of these services are detailed in N° 5 of the present tender documents.
The estimated cost of the supply is:
Lot 1 : 110 000 000 CFA Francs (one hundred and ten million)
Lot 2 : 25 000 000 CFA Francs (twenty five million)
Lot 3 : 15 000 000 CFA Francs (fifteen million)
The supplies shall be divided in two (02) lots defined as follows:
Lot 1 : two (02) all-terrain vehicules 4X4 STATION WAGON;
Lot 2 : one(01) all-terrain vehicules 4X4 SUV;
Lot 3 : one(01) 4X2 vehicule with seven seats.
Participation in this invitation to tender is open to all approved enterprises based in Cameroon and possessing a valid licence for sale vehicules.
The Services of this invitation to tender shall be financed by the operating budget of CAA for the financial year 2017 on the budgetary allocation line 245100 « Materiel Roulant » .
The tender File can be consulted during working hours at the Administrative Affairs and Budgetary Services (SAB) of CAA, situated on the 15th floor of the SNI building in Yaounde, phone number, as soon as this notice is published
The tender file can be obtained from the Administrative Affairs and Budgetary Service (SAB) of CAA, situated on the 15th floor of the SNI building, phone number, after presenting a cash payment receipt of a non refundable amount of 112 500 (one hundred and twelve thousand five hundred francs) CFA Francs in the account n° 335 988 registered under the name of ARMP in the books of different BICEC branches.
Each offer drafted in French or English in seven (07) copies including the original and six copies should reach the Autonomous Sinking Fund located on the 15th floor of the SNI building in Yaounde no later than the 10th may 2017 at 2pm, local time, in a closed envelope and should carry the inscription:
N° 05543/AONO/PU/CAA/CIPM/2017 OF THE 12th APRIL 2017
The deadline provided by the Project Owner for the delivery of the subject to this tender shall be 45 days.
Each tenderer should include in the administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first class bank approved by the Ministry of Finance and whose name is listed in page 12 of the tender file. The bid bond shall amount to:
Lot 1 : 2 200 000 CFA Francs (two million, two hundred thousand)
Lot 2 : 500 000 CFA Francs (five hundred thouand)
Lot 3 : 300 000 CFA Francs (three hundred thouand)
Valid for thirty (30) days as from the deadline of the tenders’ validity.
Under risk of being rejected, the other administrative documents required in the tender file must be produced in original versions or true certified copies by the issuing service or an administrative authority in accordance with the provisions of the specific rules of the invitation tender.
They must not be older than three (03) months preceding the original date of submission of bids or must not have been established after the signing of the tender notice.
Any incomplet offer in accordance with the prescriptions of this notice and Tender File shall be declared inadmissible. This applies especially to the absence of a bid bond issued by a first class bank approved by the Minister in charge of Finance or the non respect of the templates specified in the tender documents will result in the rejection of the tender.
The bids shall be opened in a single phase by the Internal Tender Procurement Commission of CAA in the conference room on the 15th floor of the SNI building, on the 10th may 2017 at 3pm, local time. Only bidders can attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice.
Eliminatory Criteria
ü Absence of an administrative document ;
ü Absence of the bid bond
ü False declaration or irregular document ;
ü Non obtention of at least eighty per cent (80%) ‘’YES’’ of the essential criteria;
ü Non-conformity with the technical specifications of the supply ( administrative power, power source, gear box and air conditioning )
ü Absence of the prospectus with technical facts of the product
ü Absence of homologation certificate delivered by the ministry of transport
Essential Criteria
The evaluation of technical offers will be done following a grade system in accordance to the following essential qualification criteria:
Only bidders who have obtained at least 80% ‘’YES’’ on essential criteria will be technically qualified and admitted for financial analysis.
The contract will be assigned to the tenderer filling the required technical and financial capacities and presenting the least offer.
Bidders remain contractually obligated by their offers for ninety (90) days starting from the deadline for the submission of tenders.
Complementary information may be obtained during working hours at the Administrative and Budgetary Service (SAB) of CAA. BP. : 7167 Yaoundé.
Tél. 00237 222 22 22 26 / 00237 222 22 01 87.
E-mail : with copies to