Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 05-04-2017 à 16:11
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CALL OF EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST N 001/ASMI/C-SOA 2017 of the 22 march relating to the project management for the construction of the town hall of the municipality of Soa. Financement FEICOM/SOA council (2017 exercise) The mayor of the municipality of Soa launches on behalf of his municipality, a notice of solicitation for expressions of interest for the study offices or grouping of BET, who whish to take part in the prequalification for the project management of the construction of the city hall of the municipality of Soa financed by an agreement feicom/Soa council(2016 exercise) The services concern the control of the construction works of the town hall of the Soa council.
Source de financement
1.Contexte New(Additif)


2.Objet New(Additif)

The present solicitation is for the prequalification of the design offices, to participate, the restricted national invitation to tender for the project management of the construction of the town hall of the soa council.

3.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The service concerns the control of the construction work of the town hall of the soa council.

The contractor must:

  • Monitor and control the works:

-      Exploit the graphic documents (execution plans) with a view to subsequent evaluation works.

-      Follow the installation of the site in accordance with the plan proposed by the contractor.  

-      Check the technical parts, in particular the construction site logs and the minutes of the site meetings.

-      Check the conformity of the execution of the works in accordance with the contractual technical prescriptions.

-      Produce monthly reports showing the quantitative and qualitative execution of the work.

-      Produce a final report showing the quantitative and qualit ative execution of the work.

-      Propose the signature of the head of the department of the market orders of services, necessary for the good implementation of the work.

-      Ensure quality assurance and enforcement of environmental protection measures.

-      Ensure the establishment of recollection plans.

4.Participation et origine New(Additif)


5.Financement New(Additif)


6.Remises des offres New(Additif)

I-                  FILLING FILES

The application in four (04) copies, one (01) original an three (03) copies of which must be delivered under seal and sealed to the procurement department of the Soa council no later than 12:00 a.m. local time, with the mention:

“CALL OF EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST N° 001/ASMI/C-SOA 2017 of the 22 march relating to the project management for the construction of the town hall of the municipality of Soa.”

7.Composition du dossier New(Additif)

Candidates must provide the following documents in one volume:

1-     Administrative documents

-      A motivation letter duly signed by the candidate,

-      A copy of the trade register of  the BET or grouping of BET.

-      A valid certificate of non-royalty

-       Certified copy of tax payer Card

-      A certificate of non-exclusion from the public procurement issued by the ARMP.

2-     Technical file

The application must include:

a-     The list defining the staff of the mission accompanied by the curriculum vitae of each staff member and a definition of the proposed assignments.

All curriculum vitae must be signed and accompanied by copies of the diplomas.

-      For the head of mission, a civil engineer at least (bac + 3), having at list 5 years of experience in the control of building work and registered at the national order of civil engineers (ONIGC)

-      One or two technicians of follow-up with at least (bac + 2), having at list 3 years of experience in the field on control domain.

Key personal required for that service


key personnel required


-      One (1) head of mission, a civil engineer of engineering at least (bac+3) having at least 5 years of experience in the control of building work and registered at the national order of civil engineers (ONIGC).

-      One or two technicians (civil engineering) of follow up with at least (bac+2), having at least 3 years of experience in the field on control domain.


b-     References of the company for similar services

-      The list of fields of his specialization and his experience for the studies or control of the works of buildings.

-      Experience in the technical control of building work for the last three years: the candidate must prove that at least two (02) building control projects have been carried out, attach a copy of the contract and that of the certificate of good end.

c-     Technical and material resources

The company will list the technical and material means to be put in place, in particular:

-      The list of the computer equipment (computer, printer, plotter, photocopiers...) present at headquarters with indication of age (to provide the invoices of suppliers).

-      The list of logistical resources, including at least one (01) pick-up 4 x 4 ‘supplying supplier invoices and gray cards...) present at the headquarters of the BET and making available to the personnel.

-      The list of communications tools (fixed telephone, mobile phones, fax ...)

-      The list of the geotechnical materials, specific to the candidate or for hire (densitometer, care of abrams), to supply the invoices suppliers.

-      The list of the topographic material (teodolite, level etc...).


The technical file will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

Essential criteria


BCT experience


Work plan and methodology proposed in relation to the TDR


Qualification of experts


Material resources


Financial capacity


Only the candidate who have at the end of the evaluation, totalised a technical score at least equal to seventy-five (75) points out of a hundred (100) will be retained.


The restricted national invitation to tender issued following this notice of solicitation of interest to the municipality of Soa, will be the result of the prequalification.


All written communication for this prequalification must be in English or French.

8.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

The present call for expressions of interest is addressed to the national research offices in the studies and the control of the construction projects of buildings and public works and fulfilling the following condition:

-      BE a BET or a grouping of BET exercising in the activities of civil engineering.

-      To justify the technical capacities required, in particular:

ª To have an experience in the control of the work of buildings.

ª To present a qualified personnel for the realization of the services.

ª To put up material and logistical resources compatible with the services to realize.

9.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

For further information please contact the Soa council, BP 25 Soa; Tél: 222 19 30 47 / 222 32 20 54; Email:

NB: Any file containing a false declaration will be simply rejected.

10.Evaluation et publication des resultats New(Additif)


YAOUNDE Le 22-03-2017