The Mayor of the BANGANGTE council launches on behalf of his Council, a call of offers National open in emergency procedure for the completion of construction work on four building blocks (C, D, G AND K)
and construction of an access ramp for people with reduced mobility at the central market in BANGANGTE, initiated within the frernework.of PDFVM in the Commune of BANGANGTE, NOE DEPARTMENT, WESTERN REGION.
The Works to complete the constructio~nof 04 @ (C, l;ilG:.and K) and the construction of an
access ramp for people with reduced mobifltv (PR -:¥e inji,~~iqular:
);> For buildings C, D, G and K: ·· \~~ ~ .... /f'~/ ,-f,.
- Rendering on foundation walis~.v~TE • __ .··_";-).:
- Rendering work on masonry antJ:\Jnderfloor oil' the ground floor, as well as levelling and
connecting columns, beams and sla~"'
- Plastering of masonry on the upper floor, as well as levelling and connection of posts and
- Plywood false ceilings;
- Electrical work (earth work of the building, installing meters, cabling, wiring and installing
electrical appliances and accessories);
- Painting;
- Screed coating of surfaces.
~ For the PRM ramp:
- Footings for ramp;
- BA work for posts and ramp slab;
- Steel protection grids.
The cost for this provision is of 140,835,413 (One hundred and forty million eight hundred and thirty-five thousand four hundred and thirteen) CFA francs.
The works are divided into a single batch.
The participation is open on equal terms to all eligible businesses in Cameroonian law and meeting the conditions in the specific of tender (RPAO) regulations.
The work, the purpose of this Call tender is financed by the Budget of the fiscal FEICOM and BANGANGTE council 2024.
The record of tender can be accessed during wo~k~&r~nours~ !he technical service of municipality of BANGANGTE, upon publication of this notice.
The record of tender may be obtained during workin~,Jiours to '!cat.service of the municipality of BANGANGTE, upon publication of this notice, against p~· nt of a noq-refundable sum of 200 000 (two hundred thousand) francs CFA payable to the municip~·~ ~ ~e'ANGANGTE Council.
Offers written in trench or English in seven (07) copies, including one (01) original and six (06) marked as such, copies will be filed under cover closed against receipt at the town hall of BANGANGTE, with a representative of the owner duly mandated to receive such offers, by the 121h July 2024 at 1 :00 pm, local time
The maximum period provided by the employer for the purpose of this tender work, is four (04) months from the date of notification of the order of service to start the services.
Under penalty of dismissal, each bidder must join its administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a Bank of first order or an insurance approved by the Ministry of financewith the exception of ZENITHE INSURANCE S.A. (rejected for issuing bonds within the framework of projects financed by FEICOM, see list 15) and as listed in Exhibit 12 the DAO of an amount equal to 2,816,708 (two million eight hundred and sixteen thousand seven hundred and e.~~~t) CFA francs, valid for thirty (30) days, beyond the date limit of validity of offers.)
On pain of dismissal, the required administrative documents must be produced in original or certified copies by the originating service or a competent authority, according to the stipulations of the regulation particularly of the call tender.
They must obligatorily date of less than three (03) months prior to the original date of submission of tenders or have been established subsequent to the date of signature of the notice of the call for tender.
Any incomplete offer in accordance with the requirements in the case of tender will be declared inadmissible.
Including the absence of the bid bond issued by a first-class Bank or an insurance company approved by the
Ministry in charge of finance, with the exception of ZENITHE INSURANCE S.A. (disqualified from issuing bonds for projects financed by FEICOM, see list 15) and as listed in Exhibit 12 of the DAO.
The opening of the bids will be in time. The opening of administrative documents, the technical and financial offers will be on the 12th July 2024 at 2:00 pm local time by the internal procurement commission of the council BANGANGTE.
Only bidders can attend this opening meeting or be represented by a duly authorized person of their choice.
Eli minatory criteria ., _ _. i;- t».
Playoff criteria set out the minimum requirements to be admitt~d to1h~vali:Jation according to the
essential criteria. Failure to comply with these criteria resllJt~·fH~e rejection of the offer of the bidder.
This includes: ::.)/i'' .:J.? s-
• Absence or non-compliance of an admin~trative' ~~umeif~end oWcount and not
regularized within 48 hours; i_ m ~- -~-· j :;:··.
• Production of offers in insufficient numbers (less th~07 c~)i/ .!.//,{·.
• absence of a bid bond or presence of a bid bond1~J>f ~E~l~~"'~SURANCE S.A.
(which is disqualified from issuing bonds for pro~inan¢C(~YEICOM)at the bid
• Failure of presenting the copy of the DAO purchase receipt at the submitting bids;
• False declaration; falsified (fake document and certified the same document more than two times)
or scanned documents;
• Omission of a quantified price from the quantitative and estimated retail framework in the financial
• Technical score less than 80% (28 out of 35 criteria);
• Be on the list of companies suspended by MINMAP (ART 92 OF THE CMP);
• Having been terminated for default during the execution of a project financed by FEICOM (see
Exhibit 13);
• Absence of the DAO original purchase receipt;
• Financial capacity less than 100 million FCFA.
b. Essential criteria
The criteria relating to the qualification of the candidates will relate, as an indication, to
- The references of the company in similar works;
- The execution time proposed by the bidder;
- Qualification and experience of staff;
The Mayor of BANGANGTE Council will award the contract to the bidder who fulfils the conditions set out in points 34.1 and 34.2 of the supplementary regulations of the tender.
Bidders stay engaged by their offer for ninety (90) days from the date of deadline for the submission of the offers.
For any denunciation of practices, facts or acts of corruption or bad practices, please :call CQNAC on ·. number 1517,