Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 10-07-2024 à 15:31
Support : Plateforme :
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

Within the framework of the Execution of the 2024 investment budget of the South West Regional Assembly, the President of the South West Regional Executive Council hereby launches an OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER file; FOR THE EXTENSION OF BETENGUE BALUE RURAL ELECTRIFICATION BY SOLAR, DIKOME BALUE

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The works subject of this tender comprises of;

  • Preliminary Works;

Construction of LV line 4x24/50mm2 +N+EP;

  • Supply and Installation of 500w autonomous projectors
  • Sundry expenses
3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

The estimated cost of the works following prior studies stands at ten million (10 000 000) fcfa detailed as follows;

4.Participation et origine New(Additif)

Participation is opened to all duly registered Cameroonian enterprises with the necessary technicat and financial capacities that are not under suspension by the authority in charge of public contracts

5.Financement New(Additif)

Works which form the subject of this invitation to tender shall be financed by the 2024 [nvestment Budget of the South West Regional Assembly through Budget Head (Imputation) N°. 220150 for each lot

6.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

The tender file can be consulted during working hours at the Cabinet of the President of Regional Executive Council, 1st Floor of Regional Assembly Building - Tel: 233 32 61 86 as soon as this notice is published.

7.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The tender file may be acquired from the Cabinet of the President Tel: 233 32 61 86 as soon as this notice is published and upon presentation of a non-refundable treasury receipt (payable at the Regional Assembly Treasury] bearing the amount of FCFA 10 000 (ten Thousand francs CFA). Such a receipt shah identify the concerned bidder

8.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Bach bid drafted in English or French in seven (07) copies comprising one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, should reach the Cabinet of the President of Regional Executive Council, lst Floor of the Regional Assembly Building not lacer than:260/07/2024 at 10.00 a.m., local time in three (03) distinct envelopes which shah be labelled as follows:

-        Envelope A: Administrative Documents (Spiral bound with ail pages numbered); - Envelope B: Technical Offer

-        Envelope C: Financial Offer

These three (03) envelopes will be put in a fourth one which shah be sealed and labelled imperatively as follows:

9.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The maximum execution timeframe provided by the Project Owner for the execution of the works forming the subject of this invitation to tender is 03 (three) months from the date of notification of service order te start work

10.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond of two hundred thousand (200 000) fcfa Issued by a financial institution approved by the Ministry in charge of finance and whose list is found in Document No. 11 of the Tender File. The bid bond whose amount is given below shall remain valid for 30 (Thirty) days beyond the date of validity of bids.

Bid bonds for unsuccessful bidders shall be withdrawn not lacer Chan fifteen (15) days alter the award of the contract and that of the successful bidder shall be retained until the required performance guarantee for good execution is provided

11.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

Bach bid drafted in English or French in seven (07) copies comprising one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, should reach the Cabinet of the President of Regional Executive Council, lst Floor of the Regional Assembly Building not lacer than:260/07/2024 at 10.00 a.m., local time in three (03) distinct envelopes which shah be labelled as follows:

-        Envelope A: Administrative Documents (Spiral bound with ail pages numbered); - Envelope B: Technical Offer

-        Envelope C: Financial Offer

These three (03) envelopes will be put in a fourth one which shah be sealed and labelled imperatively as follows:

12.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

The bids shah be opened in a single phase. The administrative, technical and financial bids shah be opened on 26/07/2024 at 11.00 a.m., local time by the South West Regional Assembly Internai Tender's Board in the Conference Hall, in the presence of the bidders or duly authorized representatives having full knowledge of the file (power of attorney).

13.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

Eliminatory Criteria They are especially:

¨      Absence of bid bond,

¨      False declaration or forged document,

¨      A technical score of less than 70%,

¨      Enterprise with abandoned project

¨     Absence of quantified unit price.


Essential Criteria (Main qualification)

The criteria (assessed in a binary format) relating to the qualification of bidders shah indicatively be on the following:

  • Presentation of the bid;
  • Experience of the enterprise (enterprise's references in electrification works);
  • Key personnel/staff to be mobilised;
  • Methodological note/organisation of the work site;
  • Equipment put at de disposai of the project;
  • Financial capacity of 5 million
  • Company turnover of 10 000 000fcfa per lot
  • Execution deadline (Max 3 months)
14.Attribution New(Additif)

The jobbing order shall be awarded to the bidder whose bid is in conformity with the dispositions of the tender file and on the basis of the lowest bid and technically qualified, in accordance with Article 99(a) of the Public Contracts Code. That is, it shall be awarded te the bidder with a satisfactory technical score and the lowest financial offer.

15.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Bidders will remain committed to their bids for 90 days from the deadline set for the submission of bids.

16.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours from the Cabinet of the President of the South West Regional Executive Council.

Tel: 233 32 61 86

BUEA Le 03-07-2024