Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 05-04-2017 à 16:09
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INVITATION FOR THE MANIFESTATION OF INTEREST N°_001/IMI/NCSAPD/HO/DAF/SDF/SC/2017 FOR THE ELABORATION OF THE CARTOGRAPHY OF VOLUNTEERS OF THE NATIONAL CIVIC SERVICE AGENCY FOR PARTICIPATION IN DEVELOPPEMENT (NCSAPD) As part of the PPA registered in the Action Plan of NCSAPD on the year 2017, the General Manager launches an invitation for the manifestation of interest for the elaboration of the cartography of volunteers of the NCSAPD from 2012 to 2016.
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

The present tender has as subject the prequalification of consulting firms as regards the participation in the national restricted invitation to tender relating to elaboration of the cartography of volunteers of the NCSAPD from 2012 to 2016.

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

Works to be executed under this present invitation for the manifestation of interest are to be on the elaboration of the cartography of volunteers of the NCSAPD since 2012 to 2016.

3.Remises des offres New(Additif)

The tender file packed in one volume and enclosed in an envelope, shall be deposited latest the 17 AVRIL 2017 at 12 :00 noon, local time, at Service of Courier of NCSAPD and must bear the following mention :



To be opened only during the bid opening session»

 NB : Any tender file containing false declarations shall purely and simply rejected.

4.Composition du dossier New(Additif)

The candidates of this Invitation of Manifestation of Interest shall provide the following documents presented in one offer.

 IV.1. First part (administratives documents)

The first part will content administratives documents, submitted in originals or in certified true copies, dated less than three (03) months old and valuable for 2017 year, such as :

-copy of the legal act of an established expert office;

-a motivation letter duly signed by the candidate;

-identification of registration card duly signed by the authority in charge;

-an attestation on non debtness;

-certificate of imposition;

-an attestation of non redevance;

-an attestation of CNPS;

-an attestation of bank account issued by a bank affiliated to MINFI.

It is advised that the absence or no validity of one of the forward documents shall result in pure and simple rejection of the offer.

 IV-2 Second part (technical documents)

IV-2-1 Composition of technical offer

The technical offer shall content :

IV-2.1.1 : The list of the personnel comprises :

-       The curriculum vitae of each person, dated and signed ;

-       Certified copy of diploma the most elevated of each person;

-       The definition of tasks proposed for every person ;

The list of experts consulted necessary for the realisation of the offer must be divers disciplines compressing:

-the head of the project (statistician advanced level +5 years);

-a technical team comprise of:

*head of the team, an expert in matters of cartography of at least 5 years and also having experience with the similar offer

*a sociologist of at least 5 years of experience in social studies

*two(02) collectors.

 IV 2 -1- 2 : The organigram of personnels

This one could be presented on the form of a draw commented by a brief note.


IV - 2-1- 3 : The references concerning the similar contracts

The candidate shall present the references by specifying the list of his experties, of his experience for the contracts planned in this present invitation.

To be validated, every reference of the same nature and importance must be justified by the following elements:

-       the copy of the contract ;

-       the name of contracting authority ;

-       the site of the execution project ;

-       the certificate of the good execution of the works or the procès-verbal issued by the project.

 IV - 2-1- 4 : the equipment

The candidate shall give his list of equipment means such as :

-       the list of informatical equipment and for office;

-       the list of logistical means (vehicules, fax, phone) ;

-       any other necessary equipment for the realisation of the works studies.

 NB : the localisation of the involved material must be precised by knowing that verifications will be done by the contracting authority in need of case.

IV–  2- 1- 5 : the autorisation of verification of declarations 

This autorisation signed by the candidate shall permit to NCASPD to proceed to any necessary verification, for insurance of the announced material forwarded in the bid and the exactitude of informations relating to presented references to the contracting authorities.

The technical bid shall be evaluated for every engaged study by the following criterias: 

♦ Qualification and experience of the staff……….…………………………40 points ;

♦ Comprehension of the mission ……………………………………………15 points ;

♦ References of  the Consulting Firm……………………………………….20 points ;

♦ Material means… ………………………………………………………..…..20 points;

♦ Presentation of the offer…………….……………………………………….05 points ;

Total …………………………………………………………………………100 points.

At the end of evaluation, only the candidates who have a technical score at least or equal 70 points on 100, shall participate to the national restricted invitation to tender.

5.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

The criteria for prequalification of candidates are as follows :

  1. To be an expert administrative office based in Cameroon ;
  2. To justify administrative capacities, technical and financial ressources mostly as :

-present an administrative file in conformity with the specifications of IV.1 follows;

-present proof of experience in relation to the present offer;

-possesses material and personnels compatible to the offer

6.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

For any complementary information, call the Contracts Service of NCSAPD, phone : 699 97 33 71 / 675 21 38 38.

YAOUNDE Le 21-03-2017