The Mayor of KONYE Council hereby launches an open national invitation to tender (Through emergency procedure) for the SUPERVISION AND CONTROL OF CONSTRUCTION WORKS OF THE KONYE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MEME DIVISION, SOUTH WEST REGION.
The services provided include:
Mission 1 - EXE: Examination of conformity with the project and approval of the execution studies carried out
by the company
Mission 2 - DET-OPC : Management of the execution of works contracts, scheduling and coordination of worksites
Mission 3 - AOR: Assistance during the Acceptance Operations.
The estimated cost after preliminary studies is CFA Francs twenty-three million one hundred and sixty-seven thousand fine hundred and thirty-seven (23,167,937) including taxes.
Single lot.
Participation in this invitation to tender is open to duly legalized Cameroonian enterprises that fulfil the requirements of the invitation to tender.
The services subject of this invitation to tender shah' be funded by FEICOM Budget, 2024 financial year.
The hard copy of the file may be consulted free of charge at the services of the Project Owner during working hours at the KONYE Town Hall, Service of contract award upon publication of this notice.
The tender file may be cibtained from the KONYE Town Hall, Service of Contract award as soon as this notice is published against of the payment of a non-refundable sum of fifty thousand (50,000) CFA francs, payable at the KONYE Municipal Treasury.
Each bid, drafted in English or French in seven (7) copies (including the original and six (6) copies) and a "witness" financial offer marked as such, should reach the KONYE Town Hall, Service of contract award not later than 29108/2024 at 10 a.m. o'clock and must be marked as follows:
"To be opened only during the bid•opening session"
The maximum duration of execution provided by the Project Owner for the execution of the service forming the
subject of this invitation to tender is ten (10) months including one (01) month for production of the final report.
This execution duration shah' start from the date of notification of the administrative order to commence services.
Each bidder shah' include in his administrative documents, a hand-endorsed bid bond issued by a first-rate banking institution authorised to issue bonds for public contracts, approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance and whose list is found in document 13 of the Tender File, of an amount of four hundred and sixty-three thousand three hundred and fifty-nine (463,359) CFA francs and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the date of validity of bids.
The bid bond provide in accordance with the Circular Letter No. 000019/LC1MINMAP of 5th of June 2024 relating to the modalities of constitution, deposit, conservation, restitution and withdrawal of bond on public contracts.
The absence of the bid bond issued by a first-rate bank or financial body of first category authorised by the Minister in charge of Finance to issue bonds for public contracts shall lead to the immediate rejection of the offer. A bid bond submitted but that does not have any relation with the consultation concemed shall be considered as absent. The bid bond presented by a tenderer at the bid opening session shall not be accepted.
Administrative documents and technical and financial bids must be submitted in different and separate sealed envelopes.
The following shall be inadmissible by the Project Owner:
Bids revealing the identity of the bidder;
Bids received after the date and time for submission;
Bids with indication on the identity of the invitation to tender;
Bids non-compliant with the bidding method.
Failure to produce the number of copies specified in the Special Regulations or offer only in copies
Any incomplete offer in accordance with the requirements of the tender documents shall be declared inadmissible. In particular, the absence of a laid bond issued by a first-rate body or financial institution approved by the Minister in charge of finance to issue bonds in the field of Public Contracts or failure to comply with the model documents in the tender documents shall result in the outright rejection of the tender without any appeal. A bid bond produced but having no connection with the consultation concerned is considered to be absent. A bid bond submitted by a tenderer during the tender opening session is inadmissible.
In the case of a resthcted invitation to tender (opening in 2 phases): it should be noted that, in addition to the number of copies of the financial bid required, the tenderer shall submit one copy of this financial bid in a sealed envelope to serve as a sample offer, marked as such and intended for the body responsible for regulating public contracts (ARMP) for safekeeping. Failure to submit this sample bid will result in the inadmissibikity of the bid of the candidate concemed, as soon as the bids are opened by the Tenders Board.
The bids shall be opened in two (02) phases.
The opening of the administrative documents and technical offers shall take place on 03/09/2024 at 11 a.m. o'clock
by the KONYE Council Tenders Board in the conference hall of the KONYE Town hall located at KONYE.
Only the financial offers of the tenderers that obtained a qualificative technical score of 75 percent shall be opened by the same Tenders Board and in the same room on a date to be announced later after the publication of the technical evaluation resuits.
Only bidders may attend this opening session or be represented by a single duly authorised person of their choice, even in the case of a group of enterprises.
Under pain of rejection, the documents required in the administrative file must be produced in originals or in copies certified as true by the issuing department or the competent administrative authority, in accordance with the stipulations of the Special Regulations. They must be less than three (03) months old from the original date of submission of tenders or have been drawn up after the date of signature of the tender notice. In the event of the absence or non-conformity of any document in the administrative file at the bids opening session after a period of 48 hours granted by the Board, the bid shall be rejected.
i. Eliminatory criteria
The eliminatory criteria are the following:
Absence of the bid bond at the opening of bids
Failure to produce, beyond 48 hours after the opening of bids, a document in the administrative file deemed
to be non-compliant or missing (except the bid bond);
False declarations, fraudulent schemes or forged documents;
Technical score less than 75 out of 100 marks (referring to the qualification threshold of technical bids)
Absence of a sworn statement that it has not abandoned any contracts in the last three years;
Failure to comply with the bids file format;
Absence of categorisation certificate, where applicable;
Absence of a quantified unit price in the Financial offer;
Absence of an element of the financial offer (submission, Bill of quantities and cosi estimate, Schedule of
Unit Prices, Sub-detail of Unit Price);
Absence of the Head of Mission or the Environmentalist as technical staff;
Absence of the lntegrity charter dated and signed;
Absence of the Commitment statement to comply with social and environmental clauses duly filled and signed
ii. Essential criteria
Technical score (St):
Presentation of the bid
Technical proposai (methodology and planning of execution)
Personnel (qualification and experience)
Any government worker listel among the staff of a bidder and who has not presented all the documents likely to justify his release from the Administration, shall be considered invalid.
The contract will be awarded to the bidder whose bid is evaluated as the best bid, i.e. the bid with the highest overall score.
The overall score will be weighted as follows: Sg = 0.70 x St + 0.30 x Sf Where:
- Sg: overall score; St: technical score; Sf: financial score
- The financial evaluation will be carried out as follows: Sf = (100 x Fm) / Fi
o 5f is the score of the bid in question;
Fm is the amount of the lowest bidder among the qualified bidders at the end of the technical evaluation
Bidders shail remain bound by their tender for ninety (90) days from the initial deadiine for submission of tenders
Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours from the KONYE Council, Service of contract award, Phone No. 675138669 1678771726, Email: konyecouncil@gmailcom.