In a bid to secure its administrative quarters in Yaoundé, Douala and the former residence of the Director General in Yaoundé, the Director General of the Cameroon Real Estate Corporation (SIC) needs the services of a specialized or specialized security companies based in Cameroon.
Services to be executed under this Consultation Notice concern the securing of the administrative buildings of the Cameroon Real Estate Corporation in Yaoundé and Douala and the former residence of the Director General. They are subdivided as follows:
It should be noted that one bidder can be awarded both lots.
Participation to this Consultation notice concerns only Cameroonian security companies with proven expertise in the domain of security.
Services under this Consultation Notice shall be entirely financed by the Cameroon Real Estate Corporation’s Budget for the 2017 fiscal year, account N° 632431. The estimated cost stands at fifty millions (50 000 000), subdivided as follows:
The tender file can be consulted during working hours at the Contracts Unit of the Cameroon Real Estate Corporation's Headquarters at Hippodrome neighborhood opposite T. BELLA Building in Yaoundé, P.O BOX 387, Tel.: 222 23 01 59 /Fax: 222 22 51 19 upon publication of this notice.
The tender file can be obtained during working hours at the contracts Unit of the Cameroon Real Estate Corporation, Tel.: 222 23 01 59 /Fax: 222 22 51 19 upon presentation of a receipt attesting of the payment of a non-refundable sum of fifty (50 000) F CFA into the CAS ARMP special account opened in all BICEC Branches.
The tender, administrative file, the descriptive and quantitative schedule of services, drafted in French or in English in six (6) copies including one (1) original and five (5) copies should be submitted in sealed and stamped envelopes at the Contracts Unit of the Cameroon Real Estate Corporation, no later than the 28 DEC 2016 at 1 o'clock pm, local time, phone: 222 23 01 59 /Fax: 222 22 51 19 and shall carry the following inscription:
Execution ofservices under this consultation will take place at the Head Office of the Cameroon Real Estate Corporation in Yaoundé, the former duty residence of the Director General, its administrative building in Douala, Bonapriso and branches in Bonamoussadi, Maképé, Kotto, Palmiers, Edéa and Buea (SIC) within a (12) months deadline from the date of notification order.
Each bidder shall include in his quantitative and descriptive schedule, administrative documents listed in the consultation notice.
Under penalty of rejection, administrative documents must imperatively be presented in their originals or in their true certified copies signed by the competent authority within three months.
Any bid which is not in conformity to the prescriptions of this Consultation notice shall be declared inadmissible.
Bids must be calculated with and without the value added tax (VAT), accompanied by the signed submission design.
The opening of bids shall take place in the Conference hall of the Cameroon Real Estate Corporation (SIC) on the 28 DEC 2016 as from 2 o'clock pm local time, by the Internal Tenders Board.
Only bidders or their duly authorized representatives with a perfect knowledge of the file may take part in the bids opening session.
Bids will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
a) Eliminatory criteria
The eliminatory criteria set the minimum requirements for admission to evaluation following the essential criteria. Failure to comply with these criteria shall result in the rejection of the bid. They include:
b) Essential criteria
This evaluation will be done on 10 points based on the criteria below:
The Internal Tender’s Board will propose the award of the contract to the service provider whose bid is in conformity to the dispositions of this consultation notice, and who is the lowest bidder. It should be noted that one bidder can be awarded both lots.
Bidders shall be bound by their bids for a period of forty (40) days, taking effect from the bids opening session.
Further information may be obtained during working hours at the Contracts Unit of the Cameroon Real Estate Corporation, Phone :( 237) 222 23 01 59; Fax: 222 22 51 19.