1 | Remises des offres |
Au lieu de ... Each bid drafted in English or French in Seven (7) copies including the original and Six (6) copies marked as such, should reach the FONFUKA COUNCIL INTERNAL TENDERS BOARD Secretariat not later than 24/06/2020 at 11:00 a.m, and should carry the inscription: Envelop A: Administrative Documents; - Envelop B: Technical Offer; - Envelop C: Financial Offer. These three ( 03) envelopes containing the bids will be put in a fourth one(Kaki colour) which shall be sealed and labelled imperatively as follows: OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER (BY THE EMERGENCY PROCEDURE) N° 005/ONIT/FC/FCITB/2020 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF THE MARKETSHEDS, MARKET MASTER'S OFFICE AND WC TOILETS IN THE FONFUKA MAIN MARKET NB: The fourth envelop shall not bear any identification mark of the bidder or any compromising sign/indication of the enterprise. The fourth envelop should be a plane type and carrying not rade mark
Lire plutot Each offer drafted in English or French in 07 (seven) copies including 01(one)original and 06 (six) copies marked as such, should reach the FONFUKA COUNCIL, Contract Award Service not later than 03/07/2020 at 10:00 noon local time and should carry the inscription: |
2 | Ouverture des Plis |
Au lieu de ... The bids shall be opened ina Single phase. The opening of administrative documents, technical and financial bids (technical and financial if the opening is single-phased, technical only if the opening is double-phased) on 24/06/2020 at 12:00 Noon local time by the FONFUKA COUNCIL INTERNAL TENDERS BOARD situated at the Fonfuka Council Chambers. NB: Only bidders may attend or be represented by a duly mandated person. (The start of the bid-opening session must not be later than one hour after the time limit for the submission of bids as specified in the Tender File) |
Lire plutot The bids shall be opened in a single phase.The opening of the administrative documents, the Technicaland Financial offers will take place on the 03/07/2020 at 11: 00AM local time, in the conférence hall of the FONFUKA Council, by its compétent Members. Only bidders may attend or be represented by duly mandated persons of their choice and having a good Knowledge of their files. |
3 | Critères d'évaluation | ||||||||||||||
Au lieu de ... There are two types of evaluation criteria: eliminatory and essential criteria. i-Eliminatory criteria -Absence of bid bond or falsified bid bond - False declaration or forged documents -Non-compliance with major technical specifications (to be listed) - Non-respect of more than two essential criteria -Absence of quantified unit price Non-compliance with the model bid. - Absence of attestation of site visit signed by the Contractor or Representative -Absence of the attestation of non-exclusion from public contracts - Non-production requirements in valid certified copies, - Antecedent of bad execution of similar work or on-going legal suit with Government - Non-compliance with the models of the Tender Files NB: Only financial offers of bidders whose technical offers has scored 70% (points) and/or above shall he forwarded to the subcommittee of evaluation of bids ii.Essential criteria Indicatively, the criteria related to the qualification of candidates will be on:
NB: The non-compliance with any two (02) criteria out of the Seven (07) above shall cause the elimination the bid. |
Lire plutot The bids shall be evaluated according to the main critcria as follows: NB All other provisions remain unchanged |