The Garoua City Mayor is launching an Open National Invitation to Tender for the supply of lighting equipment for the 2024, festive season in the city of Garoua.
Services to be carried out include: the supply and installation of new lighting equipment; connecting the installations to the ENEO network and switching on the equipment; maintaining the illuminations in good working order at all sites for a period of forty-five (45) days from the date of commissioning.
The estimated cost of the work, following preliminary studies, is eighteen million (18,000,000) CFA francs, inclusive of all taxes.
The work in a single lot is scheduled on the following sites and crossroads:
o Boulevard lamido Hayatou, its ramps and islands including baits
+ Carrefour PTT and CUG (included);
o Carrefour 8 roundabout
o Carrefour Total Bonjour;
o Yelwa roundabout
o Place du Cinquantenaire de l’indépendance
o Fifïieth anniversary youth square;
o Garden Square year 2000
o Square paul biya
o Wooded Parks
o Mandela Square
Participation in this invitation to tender is open to companies under Cameroonian law with proven experience in this type of service.
The work covered by this Invitation to tender is fînanced by the Yaoundé City Council budget, 2024
Financial Year, Budget Head 610 106.
The physical file can be consulted during working hours at the Secretariat of the Mayor of the City ofGaroua, Ist floor of the main building of the Garoua City Hall and the electronic version on the COLEPS platform at the following addresses: or, as this notice is published in the Public Contracts Gazette, in the daily newspaper Cameroon Tribune or on COLEPS
The file can be obtained during working hours at the Secretariat of the Mayor of the City of Garoua, 1st floor of the main building of the Garoua City Hall, upon publication of this notice, against payment of a non-refundable sum of thirty thousand (30,000) CFA francs, payable to the Municipal Revenue of the Urban Community of Garoua
Each offer, drafted in English or in French and in seven (07) copies including one (0 I) original
and six (06) copies, marked as such, must reach the Secretariat of the Mayor of the City of Garoua,
1st floor of the main building of the Garoua City Hall, no later than 14th October 2024 at 1 p.m.
and must bear the mention:
"To be opened only at the opening session”.
The maximum execution period stipulated by the Contracting Authority for the services is two (02) months, starting from the notification of the service order to start the services.
Each tenderer must attach to his administrative documents, a bid bond established by a financial institution approved by the Minister of Finance and listed in Exhibit 12 of the Tender Files, in the amount of Three hundred and sixty thousand (360,000) francs, valid for thirty (30) days beyond the date of validity of the bids.
The documents in the administrative file required must be produced in originals or in copies certified as true by the issuing department or a competent administrative authority, in accordance with the stipulations of the Special Rules of the Invitation to Tender. They must be valid or dated within three (3) months or have been drawn up after the date of signature of the Invitation to tender. Any incomplete bid in accordance with the requirements of the Tender file will be declared inadmissible. In particular, the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-class bank or a financial institution approved by the Ministry of Finance or failure to comply with the model documents in the bidding documents will result in the outright rejection of the bid without any appeal.
The opening of the bids will take place at one time on 14th October 2024 at 2 p.m. by the Internal Procurement Commission of the Urban Community of Garoua, in the annex building of the city hall housing the CII?M. Only bidders may attend this opening session or be represented by a duly mandated person of their choice.
15.3. Eliminatory Criteria
The eliminatory criteria stand as follows:
a. absence or non-conformity de of the bid bond at the opening of tenders;
b. the absence or non-conformity of an administrative document other than the tender deposit 48 hours
after the opening of tenders;
c. False déclarations or falsified documents ;
d. absence of the manufacturer’s colour brochures and technical data sheets detailing the technical
characteristics of the equipment offered;
e. the absence of references for a contract for illumination work only on urban roads and/or public
lighting, worth 10,000,000 CFA francs (including tax) over the last five years (2019, 2020, 2021,
2022, 2023);
f. More than one essential criterion not met.
15.4. Essential criteria
The essential criteria relating to the qualification of candidates will relate to :
Compliance with 80% of the technical specifications of the proposed equipment;
the quality of the methodological note (descriptive note and visit report, conformity of the methods
proposed by the bidder, rational scheduling of tasks, planning and deadline);
Key management personnel ;
The Materials ressources ;
Acceptance of the contract conditions.
The contract will be awarded to the tenderer submitting the lowest evaluated tender and judged to be in substantial conformity with the provisions of the invitation to tender.
Bidders remain committed to their bid for ninety (90) days from the deadline for submission of bids.
Additional information can be obtained during working hours at obtained during working hours at the secretariat of the Mayor of the City of Garoua, Ist floor of the main building of the Garoua City Hall or online on the COLEPS platform at the following addresses: http and https://www.publiccontract
N.B.: For any attempt of corruption or malpractice, please call CONAC at 1517.