Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 07-07-2020 à 12:19
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ADDITIONAL CLAUSES ON TENDER NOTICESFONFUKA COUNCIL INTERNAL TENDERS BOARD (FCITB)OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER(BY THE EMERGENCY PROCEDURE)N° 000003/ONIT/FC/FCJTB/PIB/2020 OF 27 MAI 2020 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BLOCK OF TWO (02) CLASSROOMS INSOME NURSERY AND primaryschoolsin the fonfuka municipality - Lot 1: G.S Konene - Construction of a block of 2 Classrooms- Lot 2: G.N.S Kimbi - Construction of a block of 2 Classrooms- Lot 3: G.NS Buabua - Construction of a block of 2 Classrooms-Lot 4: G.S Mulung - Construction of a block of 2 Classrooms
Source de financement
1 Remises des offres
Au lieu de ...

Each bid drafted in English or French in Seven(7)copies including the original and Six(6) copies marked as such, should each the FONFUKA COUNCIL INTERNAL TENDERS BOARD Secretariat not later than 03/07/2020 at 11:00 a.m.

Lire plutot

09/07/2020 at 11:00 a.m.

2 Ouverture des Plis
Au lieu de ...

The bids shall be opened in a Single phase.
The opening of administrative documents, technical and financial bids  technical and financial if the opening is single-phased, technical only if the opening is double-phased) on  03/07/2020 at 12 00 Noon local time by the FONFUKA COUNCIL INTERNAL
TBNDERS BOARD situatcd al llic Fonfuka Conncil Chambers
NB: Only biddsrs may attend or be represented by a duly mandated person.
(The start of the hid-opening session must not be later than one hour after the time for the submission of the bids as specified in the Tender File)

Lire plutot

09/07/2020 at 12:00 a.m.

FONFUKA Le 30-06-2020
CHIA Philip