Within the framework of the FEICOM Investment Budget 2024, the City Mayor to the Kumba City Council South West Region, Contracting Authority, hereby launches an Open National Invitation to Tender , FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SOME EARTH ROADS (STREETS) IN THE KUMBA CITY COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY, MEME DIVISION, SOUTH WEST REGION; as follows:
T |
Stretch |
Length (KM) |
Amount taxes |
T1 |
Ti: SDO Office to SDO residence |
1 |
T2 |
Banquet Hall to Express Union |
1.5 |
T3 |
Catholic Church junction to PHS Mbonge road |
1 |
T4 |
Pulletin Junction to Bouma |
1.8 |
T5 |
Mambanda Junction to Control Post |
1.5 |
T6 |
Daniel street — Bakundu street to SONAC Junction |
0.7 |
200 000 000 |
The works comprise the following: Site installation;
Mobilization of equipment;
- Grading and compacting of road;
Cleaning of box culvert;
Filling and compacting;
Base course in good laterite;
Construction of reinforced concrete gutters 50 x 60cm, 60 x 60cm
- Concrete slabs other
T |
Stretch |
Length (KM) |
Amount taxes |
T1 |
Ti: SDO Office to SDO residence |
1 |
T2 |
Banquet Hall to Express Union |
1.5 |
T3 |
Catholic Church junction to PHS Mbonge road |
1 |
T4 |
Pulletin Junction to Bouma |
1.8 |
T5 |
Mambanda Junction to Control Post |
1.5 |
T6 |
Daniel street — Bakundu street to SONAC Junction |
0.7 |
200 000 000 |
Note The project is a single lot
The tender is open for any interested enterprises that fulfil the requirements of this invitation to tender.
Works of this invitation to tender shall be financed by FEICOM Investment Budget of the 2024 financial year.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information during working hours as from the date of publishing of this tender notice, at the Secretariat of the City Mayor to the Kumba City Council Tel: 23335 42 15
The complete tender file may be obtained from the Secretariat of the City Mayor to the Kumba City Council upon presentation of a Municipal treasury receipt attesting to the payment of a nonrefundable sum of : One hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) FCFA
Each bid drafted in English or French in seven (07) copies including one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, shouJd reach the Secretariat of the City Mayor to the Kumba City Council, against a receipt not later than 18/10 /2024 at 10,00 am , local time in three (03) distinct envelops which shall be labelled as follows:
Envelop A: administrative documents; Envelop B: technical offer; Envelop C: financial offer. These three (03) envelops will be put in a fourth one which shall be labelled imperatively as follows:
N°: 5/ONIT/KCC/MEME/KCCITB/2024 OF 25/09/2024
"To be opened only during the bid opening session".
The maximum period provided for the execution of the works by the Authorising Officer is fixed at: three (03) months.
Each bidder must include in his/her administrative documents a bid bond issued by a first rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of finance and recognized by COBAC (Commission Bancaire pour l'Afrique Centrale) featuring on the list in Document 12 of the tender file of an amount of: Four million (4 000 000) FCFA with a validity period of ninety (90) days from the date the bids are opened.
Under penalty of rejection, the required administrative documents must be imperatively produced as original documents or photocopies certified as authentic by the issuing authority, in accordance with the Special Regulations of the Invitation to Tender, within the fast three months, otherwise they shall not be accepted.
Any bid not in compliance with the specifications of this tender notice and file shall be declared inadmissible. Notably, the absence of the bid bond issued by a first rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of finance or its non-compliance with the model documents of the tender file shall lead to outright rejection of the bid without any possibility of appeal.
The bids shall be opened in a single (01) phase on the 18/10/2024 at 11.00 am local time by the Tender Board of the Contracting Authority in the Kumba City Council Conference Hall, in the
Any bid not meeting with the requirements of the Tender File will be declared inadmissible. The eliminatory criteria are identified as follows:
· Forged documents in the Tender Files;
v History of bad execution of similar work or on-going legal suit with Government;
v Lack of bid bond or false bid bond; .• Absence of a unit price
·3 Incomplete financial file
· Absence or nonconformity of an clement in the administrative file aller 48 hours
· Non respect of 70% out of 100% of the essential criteria
The criteria relating to the qualification of candidates could indicatively be the following:
- Methodological approach and relevance of proposed solutions; |
Yes / No |
- References of the bidder (experience of at least thrce (03) years in similar works), attach proof |
Yes / No |
- Availability of the essential equipment: Grader, Compactor, Pick up, Water tanker, Front end loader . |
Yes / No |
- Experience of key supervisory staff (at least a higher Civil Engineering Technician with ten (10) years of experience or Civil Engineer with five (05) years of experience). |
Yes / No |
- Financial capacity of 150,000,000 FCFA all taxes inclusive |
Yes / No |
- Deadline of execution less than or equal to that in the tender file. |
Yes / No |
The non-respect of two (02) criteria out of seven (06) shall cause the élimination of the bid.
The contract shall be awarded to the bidder with the lowest realistic financial offer having the technical and administrative files which arc in conformity with the tender document/file.
Bidders shall be bound by their bids for a period of ninety (90) days with effect from the date or opening of bids.
Further complementary information may be obtained during working hours from the Secretariat of the contract unit of Kumba City Council Tel: 233 35 42 15 or at the Office of the Director of Technical Service, Kumba City Council.