MINDFUL of the Conslitution;
MINDFUL of Law N°.2007/006 of 26/12/2007, relating to the Fiscal Regime of the State;
MINDFUL of Law N ° 018/022 of II/) 2/2018, relating to the Financial Regime ofthe Republic of Cameroon for the 2019 financial year;
MINDFUL of Decree N°.2008/376 of12/11/2008, relating to the Administrative Organisation of the Republic of Cameroon;
MINDFUL of Decree N°.2008/377 of 12/11/2008, defining the powers and Duties of Heads of Administrative Units and bearing on the Organisation and Functioning of their services;
MINDFUL of Decree N°.2011/408 of 09 December 2011 on the organization ofthe Government;
MINDFUL of Decree N°.2011/410 of 09 December 2011 on the formation of the Government;
MINDFUL of Decree N°.2012/075 of 08 March 2012 organizing the Ministry of Public Contracts;
MINDFUL of Decree N°.2012/076 of08 March 2012 modifying and completing certain dispositions of Decree N.2001/048 of 23 February 2001 on the creation, organization and the functioning of the Public Contracts Regulatory Agency (ARMP);
MINDFUL of Decree N°.2017/343 of 03/07/2017, appointing Mr. EMVOUTOU BITA BENOIT WILLIAM, Senior Divisional Officer, Prefect for Ngoketunjia Division;
MINDFUL of Decree N°.2018/366 of20 June 2018 on the Public Contracts Code;
MINDFUL of Circular N° 004/CAB/PM of 30 December 2005 in relation to the application of the Public Contracts Code;
MINDFUL of Circular N° 001/CAB/PR of 19 June 2012 in relation to the award and Control of Public Contracts;
MINDFUL of Circular N°.001/C/MINFI of 28th December 2018 on the instructions relating to the execution ofthe Finance Laws, the Monitoring and Control of the Execution of the Budget of the State, Administrative and Public Establishments, Regional and Local Authorities for the 2019 Financial Year;
MINDFUL of Authorisation N°.51324516352254, from the Ministry of MINEE related to the Rural Electrification of NJiengwat Quarter in Bamali village in Ngoketunjia Division;
CONSIDERING the Award Proposal N°.05/AP/MINMAP/DDMINMAP/NGOKDTB/2019 of 10th April 2019 from the Divisional Tenders Board on the evaluation of the bids;
Article 1:That the Contractforthe Rural Electrtfication of Njiengwat Quarter in Bamalt village has been awarded as follows:
S/N |
Enterprise |
Amount all Tax Inclusive |
Observation |
Rank |
01 |
26.009.236 FCFA |
90 DAYS |
Successful |
1st |
Artie e 2: That the Financing o The Project is MINEE Punctual Creditof 2019 financial year and the Divisional Delegate of MINEE is the Project Owner;
Article 3: That the Delegated Contracting Authority isthe Senior Divisional Officer of Ngoketunjia Division;
Article 4: That this Decision shall be registered, published and Communicated wherever neccessary