As part ofihe implemenlation ofihe Investment Project, tlie Mayor of the Municipality
of Mokolo (Project Owner) is launching on behalf of the Municipality of Mokolo, an Open
National Cal! for Tendcrs for the construction of tcn (10) boreholcs cquipped withsolar encrgy
pumps in the localilies of Ldalang; Mandaya; Tangan; KSA; Zimangayak; Mandaka; Mbikcm;
Mofou-Sud; Chuvuk; Ziver-Plaine in tlie Municipality orMokolo, Mayo Tsanaga Department,
Far North Région
Réf. |
Project Designation |
Locations |
Lot N°1 |
Construction of four (04) boreholes equipped with solar-powered pumps |
Lot N°2 |
Construction of three (03) boreholes equipped with solar-powered pumps |
Lot N°3 |
Construction of three (03) boreholes equipped with solar-powered pumps |
NB: A tenderer may not be awarded more than one lot
NB: A tenderer may not be awarded more than one lot
Participation in this Call for Tenders is open on equal terms to companies or groups of companies under Cameroonian law, with proven experience in the field of drilling, and being part of the companies approved by MINEE, or being part of those categorized by MINMAP, or having carried out identical work financed by FEICOM at most in the last 12 months.
By this Notice of Invitation to Tender, companies or their consortium are invited to provide in their tenders, the authentic information that will make it possible to retain those who can perform the services after a thorough and objective evaluation of their file.
As soon as this notice is published, the Tender Documents can be consulted during working hours at the Mokolo City Hall.
The Tender Documents may be obtained from the Mokolo City Hall, upon publication of this notice, upon presentation of a receipt for payment of a non-refundable sum in the amount of Two hundred thousand (200,000) CFA francs to the Mokolo Municipal Revenue for the purchase of the tender documents.
Each tender, written in French or English, in seven (07) copies, including one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, in accordance with the requirements of the Tender Documents, must be submitted against receipt in a sealed envelope, to the Mokolo Town Hall, on 20/12/2024 at 1 p.m., local time and must bear the mention:
NO 015/AONO/C/MOKOLO/CIPM/2024 OF 21/11/2024
The maximum execution period provided by the Project Owner for the completion of the said works is three (03) calendar months per lot. This period includes rainy periods, all bad weather and various conditions and runs from the date of notification of the Service Order to start the work, the date of signature of your contract.
Each bidder must attach to its administrative documents a bid bond (in accordance with the model attached in the annex) issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of finance and listed in exhibit 12 of the tender, valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original date of validity of the tenders and in the amount of One million six hundred thousand (1,600,000) CFA francs for lot 1 and One million two hundred thousand (1,200,000) CFA francs for lot 02 and lot 03. The provisional bond will be automatically released no later than 30 days after the expiry of the validity of the bids for unsuccessful bidders. In the event that the tenderer is awarded the contract, the provisional guarantee will be released after the final guarantee has been lodged
Under penalty of rejection of the tender, the other required administrative documents (valid) must be produced in originals and certified copies by the issuing service or an administrative authority, dated less than three (03) months and valid on the day of the opening of the tenders, in accordance with the stipulations of the Special Regulations of the Call for Tenders.
They must be valid in accordance with the regulations in force
The opening of the bids will be done in one (01) time, on 20/12/2024 at 2 p.m. sharp in the deliberation room of the Municipality of Mokolo, in the presence of the bidders.
Only tenderers may attend this opening session or be represented by a single person (even in the case of a consortium) of their choice who has a perfect knowledge of the file. However, an additional person acting as interpreter is accepted, if necessary.
1. Evaluation of tenders
The evaluation of the bids will be done in three (03) stages:
• 1st step: Verification of the compliance of each bidder's administrative file.
• 2nd stage: Technical evaluation of administratively compliant tenders.
• 3rd step: Verification of the financial offers of companies whose offers have been recognized as technically qualified and administratively compliant.
The criteria for evaluating the bids are as follows:
13.1- Elimination criteria
13.1.1: Administrative Documentation
(a) Absence of the bid bond
(b) Incomplete file, to be completed within 48 hours of the opening of the bids;
c) Falsified or non-authentic document.
13.1.2: Technical offer
a) Incomplete file or non-compliant documents;
b) False declaration, falsified or scanned documents;
c) Have not been able to prove that they have carried out in the last three years, as a main contractor, in the field indicated;
d) Non-existence in the technical offer of the "organization, methodology and planning" section;
e) Failure to satisfy, at least, ten (10) essential criteria out of twenty-seven (27).
f) Not have abandoned a site in the last three years.
a) Incomplete financial offer;
b) Non-compliant parts;
c) Omission in the financial offer of a quantified unit price;
(d) Absence of a sub-detail of prices.
13.2: Essential Criteria
The evaluation of technical bids will be made on the basis of the 30 essential criteria according to the following rating:
a) General presentation on 3 criteria;
b) General experience of the Company on 1 criterion;
c) Experience in similar work on 5 criteria;
d) The company's management staff on 4 criteria;
e) Logistical means based on 3 criteria;
f) The site equipment to be mobilized on 5 criteria;
g) Safety equipment based on 4 criteria;
h) The implementation methodology based on 2 criteria;
i) Organization and progress of the Project based on 1 criterion;
j) References and pre-financing capacity of the company on 2 criteria.
The Mayor of the Municipality of Mokolo, the Project Owner, will award the contract to the bidder whose bid, technically qualified, will have been evaluated the lowest bidder after checking its prices and deemed substantially in accordance with the Tender Documents. No company may be awarded more than one lot.
Bidders remain bound by their bids for a period of ninety (90) days, starting from the deadline set for the submission of bids.
Additional technical information can be obtained every day, during working hours, from the Mokolo City Council.