Le Directeur Général de la SOPECAM communique :
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Chaque offre rédigée en français ou en anglais en sept (07) exemplaires dont un (1) original et six (06) copies marqués comme tels, devra parvenir au bureau des Marchés de la SOPECAM (Service des Affaires Générales) Tél (237) 222-30.41.47 ; (237) 222-30.31.09 ; Fax (237) 222-30.43.62), au plus tard le 22 Mars 2018 à 15 heures. |
Chaque offre rédigée en français ou en anglais en sept (07) exemplaires dont un (1) original et six (06) copies marqués comme tels, devra parvenir au bureau des Marchés de la SOPECAM (Service des Marchés) Tél (237) 222-30.41.47 ; (237) 222-30.31.09 ; Fax (237) 222-30.43.62), au plus tard le 23 Avril 2018 à 15 heures. |
L’ouverture des plis se fera en un temps. L’ouverture des enveloppes A (pièces Administratives), B (offres techniques) et C (offres financières) aura lieu le 22 Mars 2018 à 16 heures, heure locale, par la Commission Interne de Passation des Marchés au siège de la SOPECAM. |
L’ouverture des plis se fera en un temps. L’ouverture des enveloppes A (pièces Administratives), B (offres techniques) et C (offres financières) aura lieu le 23 Avril 2018 à 16 heures, heure locale, par la Commission Interne de Passation des Marchés au siège de la SOPECAM. |
All tenders, in French or English in seven (07) copies, one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such and in accordance with the requirements of the tender file must be returned to the Markets Service of the Cameroon News and Publishing Corporation in Yaounde, Cameroon, located at the OAU Boulevard, PO Box 1218 Yaoundé not later than 22nd March 2018 at 3 PM. |
All tenders, in French or English in seven (07) copies, one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such and in accordance with the requirements of the tender file must be returned to the Markets Service of the Cameroon News and Publishing Corporation in Yaounde, Cameroon, located at the OAU Boulevard, PO Box 1218 Yaoundé not later than 23rd April 2018 at 3 PM. |
The bid opening will be done in a one time. The opening of administrative documents, technical and financial tenders will be held in the meeting room at SOPECAM, on 22nd March 2018 from 4 PM local time by the Internal Procurement Committee. Tenderers may attend the opening session or be represented by a person of their choice duly authorized and having perfect knowledge of the tender. |
The bid opening will be done in a one time. The opening of administrative documents, technical and financial tenders will be held in the meeting room at SOPECAM, on 23rd April 2018 from 4 PM local time by the Internal Procurement Committee. Tenderers may attend the opening session or be represented by a person of their choice duly authorized and having perfect knowledge of the tender. |
Le reste sans changement.