Within the framework of the exécution of the 2025 Public Investment Budget, the Mayor of FONGO TONGO Council hereby launches for the account of FONGO TONGO Council an Open National Invitation to tender, for the FOR THE ACHEVEMENT DES TRAVAUX DE L'ESPACE VERT A L'HOTEL DE VILLE DE LA COMMUNE DE FONGO-TONGO, DANS L'ARRONDISSEMENT DE FONGO TONGO, DEPARTEMENT DE LA MENOUA. in FONGO TONGO Council.
Theworks subjects of this contract include:
• Earth works;
• Foundation works;
• Elévation works;
• Plastering works;
• Roofing works,
• Tiled (For memory) ;
• Plumby (For memory)
• Carpentry works;
• Panting works.
Participation in this invitation to tender is open to Cameroonian-based enterprises with experlence in the construction domain.
Works which form the subject of this invitation to tender shall be financed by the public investment budget of the 2025 financial year
The Tender file may be consulted during working hours at the Secretary Office of the Mayor of FONGO TONGO Council, as from the publication of this tender
The Tender file may be obtained from Secretary Office of the Mayor of FONGO
TONGO after publication of this tender up on présentation of a receipt showing payment in to the public treasury "Recette Municipale de FONGO TONGO" Cfa nonrefundable sum of FCFA 50 000 (fifty thousand)
Each bid written in English or French in five (07) copies, including one (01) original and six (06) photocopies label led as such, should be submitted to the Secretary Office of the Mayor of Fongo Tongo Council, latest 12/01/2025 at 09 am local time. It should be label led as follows:
« Open National Invitation to tender
N° 05/AONO/C.F.T/SG/CIPM/2025 DU 16/01/2025
The maximum exécution deadline provided for by the Project Owner for the exécution of the works subject of this tender shall be three (03) months per lot
Each bidder shall include in his/her administrative file, a provisional guarantee issued by a well-established bank, approved by the Ministry in charge of finance and whose listfeatures in Document 12 of the Tender File with a validity period of 30 (thirty) day beyond the original date of validity of bids to the tune of amount in following table per lot.
Any other required administrative documents must the produced as original documents or photocopies certified as authentic by the issuing authority within the last threemonths or in course of validity, according to the listing provided for in the special regulations of the tender, otherwise they shall not be accepted.
Any bid not in compliance with the spécifications of this tender notice and the file shall be rejected. Notably, the absence of the of the provisional guarantee issued by a well-established bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance or its non compliance with the model documents of the tender file shall lead to outright rejection of the bid.
Under pain of rejection, the administrative documents required, must be produced
in original or true copies certifîed by the issuing service or an
administrative authority (Senior Divisional Officer, Divisional Officer.. .) in accordance with the Special Conditions of the invitation to tender.
They must not be older than thrce(3)months preceding the original date of submission of bids or must not have been established after the signing of the tender notice.
Any incomplète offer in accordance with the prescriptions of this not ice and tenderfiles haîI be declared inadmissible. EspeciaUy the absence of a bidbond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance.
The tenderers remain held by their offer during ninety (90) days from deadline fixed for
the discount of the offers.
Bids shall be opened in one phase. The administrative, technical and financial bids shall be opened on.12/02/2025.at.10 AM. noon local time by the Upper Plateaux Tender's Board in the presence of the bidders or their duly authorized représentatives having full knowledge of the file.
The aim of these criteria is to identify and reject incomplete ofîers or offers not in conformity with he essential conditions laid down in the tenderfile relating
especially to admissibility of administrative documents, the conformity of the technical offer to the Terms of reference of the tender file and the qualification of candidates.
NB: One candidate can't gâte more than one lot
1. Eliminatory criteria
• Administrative file(noncompliance of administrative file) ;
• Incomplète financial file;
• False statement or scanned document or falsified documents
• Bidder who obtained less than 70% of "yes" to ail technical qualifying criteria;
• Omission of quantified price of coast estimate;
• Absence of the security guarantee to tender;
• Non disponibilité de la pondeuse à brique.
2. Essential criteria
The évaluation of technical bids will be made following the binary (Yes/no) System based on the essential qualification criteria below:
> Turnover;
> Access to a crédit line or other financial resources;
> Référencés of the company;
> Construction equipment to be mobilised;
> Senior staff of the company;
> Technical proposai;
Présentation of the bid;
> Equipment.
Only bidders having obtained at least 70% of yes shall be admitted to the
financial analysis
The contracting authority shall award the contract to the lowest bidder in compliance with the tender file.
Bidders will remain committed to their offers for ninety (90) days from the deadline for submission of tenders
The additional information may be obtained Mayor of FONGO TONGO Council