As part of the implementation of Funds of the Municipality’s 2025, the Mayor of the Commune, Contracting Authority, is launching a National Open Call for Tenders for the construction works of the Gazawa Municipal Hostel, in the Commune of Gazawa.
- Série 100 Site installation ;
- Série 200 Earthworks ;
- Série 300 sanitation and drainage
The estimated cost of the operation is Ten million (10 000,000) CFA francs.
Not Applicable
Participation in this call for tenders is open on equal terms to all Small and Medium Enterprises under Cameroonian law.
The works covered by this call for tenders are financed by the own funds municipality for the 2025 financial year on the budget allocation lines: N'’
The file can be consulted on working days and hours at the General Secretariat of the Municipality of GAZAWA as soon as this Notice is published.
The file can be obtained from the General Secretariat of the Commune of GAZAWA as soon as this notice is published on presentation of a receipt for paiment of a non-refundable sum of 18,000 (Eighteen thousand) CFA francs, payable to the Municipal Revenue Office of GAZAWA.
Each offer written in French or English in seven (07) copies including one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, must be submitted to the General Secretariat of the Municipality of GAZAWA, no later than 06/02/2025 at 10 Hours and must be marked,
"To be opened only during the counting session"
The maximum period provided by the Project Owner for the completion of the works, subject of this call for tenders is three (03) months.
Bach tenderer must enclose with his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first class bank or any other structure approved by the Ministry of Finance and listed in Exhibit 12 of the DAO in the amount of 200,000 (Two Hundred Thousand) CFA francs, valid for thirty (SO) days beyond the original date of validity of the tenders.
Under penalty of rejection, the required documents from the administrative file must be produced in originals or in copies certified 48 true by the issuing service or an administrative authority (Prefect, Sub-prefect, etc.), in accordance with the stipulations of the Special Rules for the Appeal
of Offers.
They must date from less than three (OS) months preceding the original date of submission of terl8,ers or 'have been established after the date of signature of the Notice of Call for Tenders.
Any' incomplete bid in accordance with the requirements of the Call for Tenders Dossier will be declared inadmissible, in particular the absence of the bid bond issued by a first-class bank or insurance company approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance
The opening of the folds will be done in one time. the opening of administrative documents, technical and financial offers will take place on 06/02/2025 at 11 hours by the Internal Tenders Commission of the Municipality of GAZAWA.
Only bidders may attend this opening session or be represented by a duly mandated person of their choice.
1. Elimination criteria
The eliminatory criteria will mainly concern:
1. Absence of the bid bond;
2. False declaration or falsified document;
8. The absence of a quantified unit price in the "Financial Offer";
4. The technical score less than 70% of yes;
5. Company with work in progress or abandoned in the Commune.
Under penalty of rejection, the bid bond and the bidder's bank domiciliation certificate must imperatively be produced in originals, the other documents in originals or in certified copies.
These administrative justifications must date from less than three (03) months and comply with the models.
2. Essential criteria
The criteria relating to the qualification of candidates will relate, for information only, to:
A table containing the results of the work over two years greater than or equal to the estimated amount per year of the contract yes/no
The references of the company in similar achievements yes/no
The experience of the technical supervision staff on the construction site Construction personnel yes/no
Essential equipment (dump truck, small site tools and liaison vehicle: yes/no
The technical proposal: (Site installation, site organization chart; Team organization, Environmental measures yes/no
A sworn statement from the tenderer, signed and dated certifying the site visit yes/no
Only bidders who have obtained a score of at least 70% yes to the technical evaluation will be admitted to the financial offer
The Contracting Authority will award the Contract to the Tenderer whose tender has been recognized as essentially compliant with the Tender Documents and who has the technical and financial capacities required perform the Contract satisfactorily and whose tender was evaluated as the lowest price, including any discounts offered.
Tenderers remain committed to their offer for 90 days from the deadline set for the submission of tenders
Additional information can be obtained on working days and hours at the Procurement Service of the Municipality of GAZA\VA, as soon as this notice is published.
"For any attempt at corruption or acts of bad practice, please call the MINMAP anti corruption unit or send an SMS to the following numbers, 678 20 57 25 / 699 87 07 48".