As part of the implementation of the Public Investment Budget of the Republic of
Cameroon Year 2025, the Mayor of the municipality, Contracting Authority, launches a
Notice Open National Invitation to tender, under urgent procedure, on behalf of DARGALA
Council, Contracting Authority, an Open National Invitation to Tender for work to
rehabilitation works of the electrical network with concrete support on the DARGALA- GAI
GAI axe, in the Diamaré Division, Far North Region.
The works, subject of this Invitation to Tender, include the following operations, the list of
which is not exhaustive
Design and pigged 0.10Kml
Derivation and row construction MT Triphase ligne of 0.1 Km in Almélec cable IX34, 4mm2,
to metallic support.
Delivery and posture 03 arrester 36KV
Delivery and posture (01) transformation appointment MT /BT H61 100KVA 30KV.
Construction grid BT lenght of 0.36K ml in Torsade cable 4’*70mm2
the amount of Thirty million (30 000 000) francs CFA TTC.
The Participation to the present tender ofcalls is open to companies with
Cameroonian law, having proven experience in the field of electrification and justifying the
technical and financial capacities required for carrying out the work that is the subject of this
notice of Tender calls .
With this tender notice, interested companies are invited to provide in their offers, the
authentic information that will allow to retain those that can perform the benefîts after a
thorough and objective evaluation of his file.
The works which form the subject of this invitation to tender are financed by the
National Investment Budget of the MINDDEVEL for the 2025
The hard copy of the file may be consulted free of charge during working hours in the
services of the PO/DPO at at the SIGAMP of the Dargala Council, telephone number 696
90 24 44, Po. Box: 575 Dargala, E-Mail: as soon as this
notice is published.
A complete set of bidding documents must be purchased at the SIGAMP of the
Dargala Council, telephone number 696 90 24 44, Po. Box: 575 Dargala, E-Mail :, by interested bidders as soon as this notice is published
upon presentation of a receipt ofpayment of a non- refundable fee of 50 000 (fifty
thousand) francs CFA at the Dargala Treasury.
It is equally possible to obtain the electronic version of the Tender File by
downloading it free of charge through the addresses indicated above. However,
online submission is subject to the payment of Tender File purchase fees
Seven (07) copies of sealed complete bids (one certifîed copy of originals and six
photocopies) drafted either in English or French must be submitted at the Launching
Contracts Support Unit of the Divisional Delegation of the Ministry of Public Contracts of
Diamaré in Maroua latest 02 pm loca time, ,on 21 FÉV 2025 with the reference :
The maximum time frame provided for by the Project Owner or Delegated Project
Owner for the execution of works subject of this invitation to tender is 4 calendar months.
This time frame shall run from the date of notification of the administrative order to
commence the services.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a hand-endorsed bid
bond, issued by a financial body or institution approved by the Minister in charge of
finance to issue bonds for public contracts and whose list appears in document 14 of the
Tender File (TF), of an amount of 600 000 and valid up to thirty (30) days beyond the
initial date limit of the validity of bids. ’The absence of the bid bond issued by a first-rate
bank or financial body of first category authorized by the Minister in charge of Finance to
issue bonds for public contracts shall lead to the immediate rejection of the offer. A bid
bond submitted but that does not have any relation with the consultation concerned shall
be considered as absent. The bid bond presented by a tenderer at the bid opening session
shall not be accepted.
The administrative documents, the technical offer and the financial offer must be placed
in separate envelopes and submitted in a sealed envelope.
The Project Owner shall not accept:
' Bids bearing information on the identity of the tenderers;
' Bids submitted after the closing date and time for submission ofbids;
• Envelopes without indication on the identity of the Invitation to Tender;
' Bids non-compliant with the bidding mode;
' Failure to comply with the number of copies specifîed in the RPAO or offer in copies only;
Any incomplete offer in accordance with the prescriptions of the Tender File shall
be declared inadmissible. Especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a financial body
or institution approved by the Minister in charge of Finance to issue bonds for public
contracts or the failure to comply with the model documents of the Tender File shall lead
automatically to the rejection of the bid without any other procedure. A bid bond
submitted but not relating to consultation concerned shall be considered as absent. A bid
bond presented by a bidder during the bid opening session shall not be accepted.
The opening of bids will be in one phase in the presence ofbidders or their duly mandated representative who choose to attend on 21/02/2025 at 03 pm local time at the conference hall of the Dargala council.
The eliminatory criteria set the minimum conditions to be fulfîlled in order to be
admitted to evaluation following the essential criteria. They should not be the subject of
notation. The failure to comply with these criteria shall lead to the rejection of the bidder’s
The eliminatory criteria include:
• Absence of bid bond at the opening ofbids;
Failure to submit, beyond the 48(forty-eight) hours deadline after the opening of
bids, a document of the administrative file deemed non-compliant or absent (except
the bid bond);
False declarations, fraudulent schemes or forged documents;
Failure to comply with X essential criteria (X referring to the qualification
threshold oftechnical bids)
Absence of the sworn statement for not having abandoned contracts during the last three years;
Failure to comply with bids file format;
Absence of a quantified unit price in the financial offer;
Absence of prospectus accompanied by manufacture’s technical sheet produced (where applicable)
Absence of approval or authorisation ofmanufacturer, if applicable;
Absence of own or hired minimum equipment (to be specified by the Project Owner);
Absence of grading(categorisation) certificate if applicable;
Absence of an element in the financial offer (submission, BPU, DQE);
Absence ofintegrity charter dated and signed
Absence of the dated and signed commitment statement to comply with
environmental and social clauses.
NB: Depending on the specificity of the service, other relevant criteria may be added when drafting the Tender File.
15.2 Essential criteria
Essential criteria are the fundarnental or key ones that will help to measure the
financial and the technical capacity of candidates to execute the services subject of the
tender. They should be determined depending on the nature and the content of the services
to be executed.
It is necessary to clearly specify the modalities for validating a criterion from the number
of sub-criteria to be respected
The essential criteria for the qualification ofbidders shall focus especially on:
+ Presentation of bid;
+ Bidder’s references;
+ After-sales service(availability of spare parts,
personnel) if applicable;
+ Financial capacity; (Access to a line of credit or other financial resources, turnover,
attestation of financial solvency);
repalr workshop, technical
+ Personnel qualification and experience; • Logistic means, • Methodology.
NB: [Indicate the main qualification criteria which show that the bidder has the
required technical capacities and resources to successfülly execute the contract]. [These
criteria will be detailed in Article 6.1 of the RPAO]
[The notation system of bids by giving points (marks) shall be prohibited to give way to the binary mode (Yes or No)]
The Project Owner or the Delegated Project Owner shall award the contract to the
bidder whose bid meets the required technical and financial qualification criteria and
whose offer was evaluated as the lowest by including as the case may be, the rebates
(in case of allotment, specify the maximum number of lots a candidate may be awarded)
Bidders shall remain committed to their bids for [Indicate the duration between 60
and 90 days] from the initial deadline set for the submission ofbids.
Additional information may be obtained during working hours from of the SIGAMP
of the Dargala Council, telephone number 696 902 444, Po. Box: 575 Dargala, EMail: or online on the COLEPS platforrn via and, or any other electronic
communication means indicated by the Project Owner.